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This paper presents a performance study for two well known quantized based watermarking schemes Scalar Costa Scheme (SCS), and Trellis Coded Quantization scheme (TCQ) in an independent domain. For our study, the independent domain is obtained by the combination of the cited schemes with Independent Component Analysis (ICA). The Independent Component Analysis is used while inserting and extracting the message. Thus a performance compromise improvement of the original SCS and TCQ schemes in terms of robustness, capacity, and security is shown. Then the obtained schemes performances are compared to the Spread Transform (ST) based scheme well known for its proven good robustness properties. Our results show that, using watermarking with side information in independent domain permits to improve the global SCS and TCQ schemes performances. For example, in the case of SCS, by studying the Bit Error Rate (BER) in function of the watermark to noise ratio (WNR), the robustness has been improved by 20 dB (1 decade) when WNR is equal to 0 dB. Moreover, the capacity study shows for the same WNR=0 dB, the amount of information to be transmitted without error for a given noise level of the proposed SCS combined with ICA scheme (SCS-ICA) is much higher than that of the existing schemes. Finally, the study of the probability density functions (PDF) of the original and marked signals has shown that the Cachin-security level of the TCQ in an independent domain scheme (TCQ-ICA) is the best one compared to the other known schemes.  相似文献   
This paper presents an original method using a ROM memory, of systematically synthesizing on-line and offline self-testing synchronous sequential machines (automata, sequencers,), for the design of compiled ASIC’S. Choices about state transition graph coding and circuit architecture are related to simplicity, compactness, operating rate and especially to testability. The on-line and off-line testing is based on an error detecting code of a recurrent type: in addition to useful data, the ROM memory contains redundant information which is distributed between two consecutive states. This method guarantees both present state coherence and past transition conformity. On-line testing is based in this type of coding, called distributed redundancy coding. Its fault coverage is given for different classes of hardware failures. Off-line testing, which is exhaustive, uses the distributed redundancy coding technique and consists in scanning all the possible graph transitions in memory address order.  相似文献   
This paper addresses the problem of localization in sensor networks where, initially, a certain number of sensors are aware of their positions (either by using GPS or by being hand‐placed) and are referred to as anchors. Our goal is to localize all sensors with high accuracy, while using a limited number of anchors. Sensors can be equipped with different technologies for signal and angle measurements. These measures can be altered by some errors because of the network environment that induces position inaccuracies. In this paper, we propose a family (AT‐Family) of three new distributed localization techniques in wireless sensor networks: free‐measurement (AT‐Free) where sensors have no capability of measure, signal‐measurement (AT‐Dist) where sensors can calculate distances, and angle‐measurement (AT‐Angle) where sensors can calculate angles. These methods determine the position of each sensor while indicating the accuracy of its position. They have two important properties: first, a sensor node can deduce if its estimated position is close to its real position and contribute to the positioning of others nodes; second, a sensor can eliminate wrong information received about its position. This last property allows to manage measure errors that are the main drawback of measure‐based methods such as AT‐Dist and AT‐Angle techniques. By varying the density and the error rate, simulations show that the three proposed techniques achieve good performances in term of high accuracy of localized nodes and less energy consuming while assuming presence of measure errors and considering low number of anchors. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In bilateral telemanipulation algorithms based on enforcing time-domain passivity, internal friction in the devices poses an additional energy drain. This can severely decrease the obtainable transparency of these algorithms when high amounts of friction are present in the slave device. Based on a model of the friction, the dissipated energy can be estimated and reclaimed inside the energy balance of the control algorithm. Extending the energy balance which is monitored, decreases the net passivity of the telemanipulation system enforced by the control algorithm, which usually enforces passivity of just the bilateral controller. Experimental results are provided that demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in increasing the obtainable transparency. As long as the physically dissipated energy is underestimated, the telemanipulation system as a whole will remain passive. Thus the guaranteed stability property of the time-domain passivity algorithm is maintained.  相似文献   
We present several algorithms transforming a Pfaffian form of the following type:
into the normal form given by F. Loray [1]. We are interested only in the cases q=2 and q=3, where the latter represents the generic case of odd q. Here is a convergent series which does not contain a constant term. Our results give a numerical answer to the question on the convergence of normal forms. For q=3, in the nondegenerate case, our numerical analysis of algorithms leads to Gevrey estimates of order 2. Thus, our proposed models are presumably not analytic. Moreover, in the case q=2, our results agree with the results of Martinet and Ramis [2].  相似文献   
Michel Joindot 《电信纪事》1985,40(3-4):209-228
The introduction of the heterodyne reception in radio technique many years ago, allows a better sensitivity of the receiver and then an increase of the range of the transmission system, when compared to the direct detection. The same improvement can be expected for optical systems and this is the reason why this technique is now being investigated in several laboratories and could be applied to transmission over single mode fibres. This paper tries to exhibit the analogies which can exist between the microwaves and optical techniques and are sometimes not very evident because the words are different, although describing identical or at least comparable concepts. Some key functions of a system are compared (amplification mixing, oscillation).  相似文献   
Michel Laurette 《电信纪事》1986,41(1-2):92-102
This paper explains why the new generation of the submarine transmission systems by optical fibres has come into existence, ensuing from the telegraphic cables and coaxial cable systems. The author expounds how the main characteristics of this new system have been selected and describes its different elements such as its optical fibre, repeaters, branching units and the equipment of the terminal stations. The French program of study and development of the system is indicated and some thoughts are given to what the future in this particular field could be.  相似文献   
A dual approach in fracture mechanics based on complementary energy is proposed. The analysis of the dissipation shows that the thermodynamical force associated with the evolution of a crack is an energy release rate, form of which depends on the presence or not of mechanical discontinuities. This energy release rate is given as a integral based on free or complementary energy. The invariance of sintegrals is analysed and the obtained results in elastoplasticity are discussed. The energy release rate is determined in terms of potential energy or complementary energy, first in elasticity and secondly in elastoplasticity. Associated to these definitions, the law of propagation of the crack is chosen as a Griffith law and the propagation is governed by a normality rule. In this framework we formulate the evolution problem concerning crack propagation in an elastoplastic material. Variational formulations are obtained in terms of rate of displacement, of stresses and of crack length.  相似文献   
Three series of fine limestone aggregate, alkali-activated blast furnace slag (AAS) concretes were fabricated and tested; two through activation with waterglass/NaOH solution, of which one included NaCl as a retarding agent, and one activated by Na2CO3. Each of these series was made up of three formulae containing different amounts of Al2O3. The compressive strengths of the series activated by waterglass/NaOH after 28 days were ≈65 ± 5.3 MPa, a 22% increase compared to previously reported formulae containing no additional Al2O3. Increasing the amount of Al2O3 did not further increase strength, however. The Na2CO3-activated formulae had strengths of ≈35 ± 3 MPa after 28 days, representing no increase in strength over formulae not containing Al2O3 previously reported. X-ray diffraction showed the main binding phase to be calcium silicate hydrate (C–S–H) gel, as is commonly found in ordinary Portland cement (OPC). Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy showed little difference from the previously reported results for formulae not containing Al2O3 and strongly resemble the spectra reported elsewhere for C–S–H. Electron microscopy, coupled with energy dispersive spectroscopy, showed the cementing phase to be a single homogenous phase—not a mixed system of geopolymer and C–S–H gel—with a lower volume fraction of unreacted slag than formulae without Al2O3. The reason for the increase in strength of Al2O3-containing formulae is unclear, but is unlikely to be ascribed to the formation of large amounts of ‘geopolymers’ and may be related to a possible increase in reaction temperature of between 2 and 5°C, depending on amount of additive.  相似文献   
Electronic-photonic synergy has become an increasingly clear solution to enhance the bandwidth and improve the energy efficiency of information systems. Monolithic integration of optoelectronic devices is the ideal solution for large-scale electronic-photonic synergy. Due to its pseudo-direct gap behavior in optoelectronic properties and compatibility with Si electronics, epitaxial Ge-on-Si has become an attractive solution for monolithic optoelectronics. In this paper we will review recent progress in Ge-on-Si optoelectronics, including photodetectors, electroabsorption modulators, and lasers. The performance of these devices has been enhanced by band-engineering such as tensile strain and n-type doping, which transforms Ge towards a direct gap material. Selective growth reduces defect density and facilitates monolithic integration at the same time. Ge-on-Si photodetectors have approached or exceeded the performance of their III-V counterparts, with bandwidth-efficiency product > 30 GHz for p-i-n photodiodes and bandwidth-gain product > 340 GHz for avalanche photodiodes. Enhanced Franz-Keldysh effect in tensile-strained Ge offers ultralow energy photonic modulation with < 30 fJ/bit energy consumption and > 100 GHz intrinsic bandwidth. Room temperature optically-pumped lasing as well as electroluminescence has also been achieved from the direct gap transition of band-engineered Ge-on-Si waveguides. These results indicate that band-engineered Ge-on-Si is promising to achieve monolithic active optoelectronic devices on a Si platform.  相似文献   
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