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Microcavity arrays represent millions of different reaction compartments to screen, for example, molecular interactions, exogenous factors for cells or enzymatic activity. A novel method is presented to selectively synthesize different compounds in arrays of microcavities with up to 1 000 000 cavities per cm2. In this approach, polymer microparticles with embedded pre‐activated monomers are selectively transferred into microcavities with laser radiation. After particle patterning, heating of the particle matrix simultaneously leads to diffusion and coupling of the monomers inside each microcavity separately. This method exhibits flexibility, not only in the choice of compounds, but also in the choice of particle matrix material, which determines the chemical reaction environment. The laser‐assisted selective functionalization of microcavities can be easily combined with the intensively growing number of laser applications for patterning of molecules and cells, which is useful for the development of novel biological assays.  相似文献   
The classical Coulomb potential and force can be calculated efficiently using fast multi-pole methods. Effective quantum potentials, however, describe the physics of electron transport in semiconductors more precisely. Such an effective quantum potential was derived previously for the interaction of an electron with a barrier for use in particle-based Monte Carlo semiconductor device simulators. The method is based on a perturbation theory around thermodynamic equilibrium and leads to an effective potential scheme in which the size of the electron depends upon its energy and which is parameter-free. Here we extend the method to electron-electron interactions and show how the effective quantum potential can be evaluated efficiently in the context of many-body problems. Finally several examples illustrate how the momentum of the electrons changes the classical potential.  相似文献   
Solid-state phase transformations and grain growth of an intermetallic γ-TiAl alloy were investigated in-situ using high-temperature laser scanning confocal microscopy (HTLSCM). During isothermal annealing in the single β-phase region, significant grain coarsening was observed. On cooling beneath the β-transus temperature with different rates, a CCT diagram was evaluated for the initiation of β to α phase transformation and changes in the morphology were observed.  相似文献   
The enantioselective synthesis of an analogue of scyphostatin, a potent inhibitor of the neutral sphingomyelinase, is described. The synthesis starts with cyclohexanone and a protected D-serine derivative. The key step is an asymmetric hydroxylation to access a hydroxycyclohexanone, which is transformed into a substituted hydroxycyclohexenone. This is converted into the scyphostatin analogue 14, a chemically and metabolically stabilised compound lacking the epoxy function of the natural congener and carrying a palmitic acid group instead of the native trienoyl residue. An evaluation of the biological activity of 14 revealed neutral sphingomyelinase inhibition in several in vivo test systems (monocytes, macrophages, hepatocytes) monitoring antiapoptotic effects and the inversion of phorbolester-induced translocation of green fluorescent protein labelled kinase (protein kinase C-alpha).  相似文献   
γ-Alumina extrudates for chemical-looping combustion in fluidized bed reactors were shaped by varying acetic acid concentrations between 0.07 and 3.76 M. Influence of pseudo-boehmite peptization on structural properties, microstructure, chemical phases and attrition resistance was determined. With addition of acetic acid, the d90 of boehmite agglomerates after 1 h kneading decreased from 134 to 40 μm at pH 4. Due to this, the extrusion diameter was reduced from 1500 to 200 μm, as well as median pore radii (from 30.1 to 5.3 nm). Porosity was about 70%. Addition of more than 1.87 M acid lead to a slight increase in mesopore sizes caused by some pore blocking caused by the formation of aluminium acetate salts. A small micropore surface was determined with t-layer model from Harkins and Jura. Higher attrition resistance was observed for samples peptized with lower acid concentration because of the closer contact between particles after decomposition.  相似文献   
The synthesis of solid solutions of (Ti,W,Cr)B2 from elemental reactants using the field-activated, pressure-assisted synthesis method and employing the SPS apparatus was investigated. The nature of the products depended on temperature; they were nearly pure solid solutions at 1900°C with minor amounts of β-WB. The product density and microhardness depended on the temperature of synthesis for the same value of applied pressure (64 MPa). Samples with the highest density (94%) corresponded to a hardness of 22.7 GPa. When annealed at 1500°C, the solid solutions decomposed, precipitating a (W,Ti,Cr)B2 phase in a spinodal form. In addition, β-WB precipitates in the form of thin (0.4–5.3 nm) layers were observed. They existed in a 60°/120° orientation to the (Ti,W,Cr)B2 matrix, in agreement with previous observations. Highly faceted, small (nanosized) pores associated with the β-WB precipitates were also observed.  相似文献   
Background: We aimed to examine the anti-calcification and anti-inflammatory effects of pioglitazone as a PPAR-gamma agonist on bioprosthetic-valve-bearing aortic grafts in a rat model of diabetes mellitus (DM). Methods: DM was induced in male Wistar rats by high-fat diet with an intraperitoneal streptozotocin (STZ) injection. The experimental group received additional pioglitazone, and controls received normal chow without STZ (n = 20 each group). Cryopreserved aortic donor grafts including the aortic valve were analyzed after 4 weeks and 12 weeks in vivo for analysis of calcific bioprosthetic degeneration. Results: DM led to a significant media proliferation at 4 weeks. The additional administration of pioglitazone significantly increased circulating adiponectin levels and significantly reduced media thickness at 4 and 12 weeks, respectively (p = 0.0002 and p = 0.0107, respectively). Graft media calcification was highly significantly inhibited by pioglitazone after 12 weeks (p = 0.0079). Gene-expression analysis revealed a significant reduction in relevant chondro-osteogenic markers osteopontin and RUNX-2 by pioglitazone at 4 weeks. Conclusions: Under diabetic conditions, pioglitazone leads to elevated circulating levels of adiponectin and to an inhibition of bioprosthetic graft degeneration, including lower expression of chondro-osteogenic genes, decreased media proliferation, and inhibited graft calcification in a small-animal model of DM.  相似文献   
In the era of personalized medicine, insights into the molecular mechanisms that differentially contribute to disease phenotypes, such as asthma phenotypes including obesity-associated asthma, are urgently needed. Peripheral blood was drawn from 10 obese, non-atopic asthmatic adults with a high body mass index (BMI; 36.67 ± 6.90); 10 non-obese, non-atopic asthmatic adults with normal BMI (23.88 ± 2.73); and 10 healthy controls with normal BMI (23.62 ± 3.74). All asthmatic patients were considered to represent a low type-2 asthma phenotype according to selective clinical parameters. RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) was conducted on peripheral blood CD4+ T cells. Thousands of differentially expressed genes were identified in both asthma groups compared with heathy controls. The expression of interferon (IFN)-stimulated genes associated with IFN-related signaling pathways was specifically affected in obese asthmatics, while the gap junction and G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) ligand binding pathways were enriched in both asthma groups. Furthermore, obesity gene markers were also upregulated in CD4+ T cells from obese asthmatics compared with the two other groups. Additionally, the enriched genes of the three abovementioned pathways showed a unique correlation pattern with various laboratory and clinical parameters. The specific activation of IFN-related signaling and viral infection pathways might provide a novel view of the molecular mechanisms associated with the development of the low type-2 obesity-associated asthma phenotype, which is a step ahead in the development of new stratified therapeutic approaches.  相似文献   
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