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The enantioselective hydrogenation of ethyl benzoylformate over (?)-cinchonidine (CD)-modified Pt/Al2O3 catalyst in semi-batch and continuous fixed bed reactors was studied as a function of the modifier concentration and reaction temperature. The kinetic results from the semibatch reactor showed a higher enantioselectivity and lower initial rate as the amount of modifier was increased. The results from the fixed bed reactor demonstrates that continuous enantioselective hydrogenation is possible and that continuous feeding of (?)-CD is needed to maintain a high steady-state enantioselectivity.  相似文献   
Chou  Glen  Ozay  Necmiye  Berenson  Dmitry 《Autonomous Robots》2022,46(1):149-174
Autonomous Robots - We present a method for learning multi-stage tasks from demonstrations by learning the logical structure and atomic propositions of a consistent linear temporal logic (LTL)...  相似文献   
This paper presents the hardware and software control framework for a semi-auton omous wheelchair. The hardware design incorporates modular and reconfigurable sensors and corresponding low-level software architecture. Two control schemes are discussed. Assisted control that augments the user inputs by providing functionalities such as obstacle avoidance and wall following. And, semi-autonomous navigation which takes higher level destination goals and executes a simultaneous localization and mapping algorithm. We also propose an adaptive motion control with a online parameter estimation. The paper presents both experimental and simulation results.  相似文献   
In this article we propose a new method for accurate nonrigid motion analysis when point correspondence data is not available. Nonlinear finite element models are constructed by integrating range data and prior knowledge about an object's properties. The motion sequence is recovered given an initial alignment of the model with the first frame of the sequence. The main idea of the method is to find the forces that are responsible for the motion or shape deformation of the given object. The task is broken into subtasks of finding the forces for each frame. Both absolute values and directions of these forces are taken into consideration and iteratively varied not only for each frame, but also between the frames. Experimental results demonstrate the success of the proposed algorithm. The method is applied to man-made elastic materials and human hand modeling. It allows for recovery of single and multiple forces using restricted (elastic-articulated) and completely unrestricted (elastic) models. Our work demonstrates the possibility of accurate nonrigid motion analysis and force recovery from range image sequences containing nonrigid objects and large motion without interframe point correspondences.  相似文献   
Recently, there has been remarkable growth of interest in the development and applications of time-of-flight (ToF) depth cameras. Despite the permanent improvement of their characteristics, the practical applicability of ToF cameras is still limited by low resolution and quality of depth measurements. This has motivated many researchers to combine ToF cameras with other sensors in order to enhance and upsample depth images. In this paper, we review the approaches that couple ToF depth images with high-resolution optical images. Other classes of upsampling methods are also briefly discussed. Finally, we provide an overview of performance evaluation tests presented in the related studies.  相似文献   
This paper presents our progress toward a user-guided manipulation framework for high degree-of-freedom robots operating in environments with limited communication. The system we propose consists of three components: (1) a user-guided perception interface that assists the user in providing task-level commands to the robot, (2) planning algorithms that autonomously generate robot motion while obeying relevant constraints, and (3) a trajectory execution and monitoring system which detects errors in execution. We report quantitative experiments performed on these three components and qualitative experiments of the entire pipeline with the PR2 robot turning a valve for the DARPA robotics challenge. We also describe how the framework was ported to the Hubo2+ robot with minimal changes which demonstrates its applicability to different types of robots.  相似文献   
The general objective of our work is to create a geometric modeller based on iterative processes. With this objective in mind, we have to provide tools that work with fractal objects in the same manner as with objects of classical topology. In this article we focus on the constructing of an intermediate curve between two other curves defined by different iterative construction processes. A similar problem often arises with subdivision surfaces, when the goal is to connect two surfaces with different subdivision masks. We start by dealing with curves, willing to later generalise our approach to surfaces. We formalise the problem with the Boundary Controlled Iterated Function System model. Then we deduct the conditions that guarantees continuity of the intermediate curve. These conditions determine the structure of subdivision matrices. By studying the eigenvalues of the subdivision operators, we characterise the differential behaviour at the connection points between the curves and the intermediate one. This behaviour depends on the nature of the initial curves and coefficients of the subdivision matrices. We also suggest a method to control the differential behaviour by adding intermediate control points.  相似文献   
An important commitment in the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change is to conduct mitigation analysis and to communicate climate change measures and polices. In major part reducing CO2 as well as the other greenhouse gas emissions in Kazakstan can be a side-product of measures addressed to increasing energy efficiency. Since such measures are very important for the national economy, mitigation strategies in the energy sector of Kazakstan are directly connected with the general national strategy of the energy sector development. This paper outlines the main measures and technologies in energy sector of Kazakstan which can lead to GHG emissions reduction and presents the results of current mitigation assessment.

The mitigation analysis addressed to energy production sector. A baseline and six mitigation scenarios were developed to evaluate the most attractive mitigation options, focusing on specific technologies which have been already included in sustainable energy programs. According to the baseline projection, Kazakstan's CO2 emissions will not exceed their 1990 level until 2005. The potential for CO2 emission reduction is estimated to be about 11% of the baseline emission level by the end of considered period (in 2020). The main mitigation options in the energy production sector in terms of mitigation potential and technical and economical feasibility include rehabilitation of thermal power plants aimed to increasing efficiency, use of nuclear energy, and further expansion in the use of hydro energy based on small hydroelectric power plants.  相似文献   

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