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This article argues for a shift in how researchers discuss and examine students' uses and understandings of multiple representations within a calculus context. An extension of Zazkis, Dubinsky, and Dautermann's (1996) visualization/analysis framework to include contextual reasoning is proposed. Several examples that detail transitions between modes of reasoning and how these transitions inform students' reasoning in a calculus context are discussed. These examples are used to provide evidence for the usefulness of the model for unpacking student reasoning.  相似文献   
Homo sapiens are unique in having a life history phase of childhood, which follows infancy, as defined by breastfeeding. This review uses evolutionary life history theory in understanding child growth in a broad evolutionary perspective, using the data and theory of evolutionary predictive adaptive growth-related strategies for transition from infancy to childhood. We have previously shown that a delayed infancy–childhood transition has a lifelong impact on stature. Feeding practices during infancy are fundamental elements of nutrition as they program for future growth and body composition. A relationship between the duration of breastfeeding and the nature of weaning has been suggested as a possible cause for later obesity and growth patterns. This review highlights the role that breast milk feeding and variations in the weaning age have on transition to childhood, growth, and body composition.  相似文献   
Three persistent common problems in satellite ground control software are obsolescence, lack of desired features and flexibilities, and endless software bug fixing. The obsolescence problem occurs when computer and ground equipment hardware become obsolete, usually after only one‐third into the satellite mission lifetime. The software needs to be updated to accommodate changes on the hardware side, requiring significant work of satellite operators to test, verify, and validate these software updates. Trying to help solve these problems, we have proposed an object‐process methodology model and guidelines for developing satellite ground control software. The system makes use of a database‐driven application and concepts of object‐process orientation and modularity. In the new proposed framework, instead of coding each software function separately, the common base functions will be coded, and combining them in various ways will provide the different required functions. The formation and combination of these base functions will be governed by the main code, definitions, and database parameters. These design principles will make sure that the new software framework would provide satellite operators with the flexibility to create new features and enable software developer to find bugs quicker and fix them more effectively. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We argue that learning equilibrium is an appropriate generalization to multi-agent systems of the concept of learning to optimize in single-agent setting. We further define and discuss the concept of weak learning equilibrium.  相似文献   
We propose Monte Carlo simulation of the etching process in two dimensions for the manufacture of microchannels and microcavities on a solid substrate. The method combines the effect of two different regimes based on diffusion-limited disaggregation and reaction-limited erosion, respectively. Besides, the role of the selectivity in site extraction is taken into account to foresee the effects of the temperature of the eroding bath. This technique proves to be a valid alternative to more complex analytical methods to describe surface decay processes in the presence of overhangs. The relevant geometries of the etched surfaces are analyzed, and other statistical properties of the cavities are discussed and compared to the ones predicted by continuum models.  相似文献   
The chemical diffusion coefficient for a p-type oxide either pure or doped with an aliovalent impurity as evaluated from electrical conductivity changes in simulated relaxation experiments is compared with the corresponding theoretical values obtained on the basis of Fick's first law using a convenient model to represent the defect structure of the oxide. It is found that if the relaxation process is purely diffusion controlled, the experimental value of obtained ( ) is in rather good agreement with the theoretical value calculated by considering the diffusion of lattice defects rather than with that obtained by considering the diffusion of the prevailing electronic defects , even when the latter two values differ. This is shown to be the result of relatively small departures from a proportionality (for the pure oxide) or from a linear dependence (for a doped oxide) in the relationship between the deviation from stoichiometry and the concentration of the electron holes in restricted range of oxygen activity as used in relaxation experiments.  相似文献   
Geosynthetic reinforced soil integrated bridge system (GRS-IBS) design guidelines recommend the use of a reinforced soil foundation (RSF) to support the dead loads that are applied by the reinforced soil abutment and bridge superstructure, as well as any live loads that are applied by traffic on the bridge or abutment. The RSF is composed of high-quality granular fill material that is compacted and encapsulated within a geotextile fabric. Current GRS-IBS interim implementation design guidelines recommend the use of design methodologies for bearing capacity that are based around rigid foundation behavior, which yield a trapezoidal applied pressure distribution that is converted to a uniform applied pressure that acts over a reduced footing width for purposes of analysis. Recommended methods for determining the applied pressure distribution beneath the RSF for settlement analyses follow conventional methodologies for assessing the settlement of spread footings, which typically assume uniformly applied pressures beneath the base of the foundation that are distributed to the underlying soil layers in a fashion that can reasonably be modeled with an elastic-theory approach. Field data collected from an instrumented GRS-IBS that was constructed over a fine-grained soil foundation indicates that the RSF actually behaves in a fairly flexible way under load, yielding an applied pressure distribution that is not uniform or trapezoidal, and which is significantly different than what conventional GRS-IBS design methodologies assume. This paper consequently presents an empirical approach to determining the applied pressure distribution beneath the RSF in GRS-IBS construction. This empirical approach is a useful first step for researchers, as it draws important attention to this issue, and provides a framework for collecting meaningful field data on future projects which accurately capture real GRS-IBS foundation behavior.  相似文献   
Conventional design of geosynthetic-reinforced soil structures is divided into two categories, walls and slopes, based on the batter of its facing system. Internal stability, characterized as sufficient reinforcement anchoring and strength, is performed using earth pressure-based design criteria for reinforced walls while reinforced slopes are founded on limit equilibrium (LE) slope stability analyses. LE analyses are also used to assess the global or compound stability of both types of structures, accounting for the geometry of the reinforced, retained and foundation soils. The application of LE-based methods typically results in determination of a slip surface corresponding to the lowest attained Safety Factor (SF), known as the Factor of Safety (Fs); however, it yields little information about reinforcement loading or connection load. In this study, use of the analyzed spatial distribution of SF known as a Safety Map, is modified to attain a prescribed constant Fs at any location in the reinforced soil mass. This modified framework, implemented through an iterative, top-down procedure of LE slope stability analyses originating from the crest of a reinforced structure and exiting at progressively lower elevations on the facing, enables the determination of a Tension Map that illustrates the required distribution of reinforcement tension to attain a prescribed limit state of equilibrium. This tension map is directly constrained by a pullout capacity envelope at both the rear and front of each reinforcement layer, providing a unified, LE-based approach towards assessing an optimal selection of mutually dependent strength and layout of the reinforcement. To illustrate the utility of the Limit State framework, a series of instructive examples are presented. The results demonstrate the effects of facing elements, closely-spaced reinforcements, secondary reinforcement layers, and is compared to conventional design approaches.  相似文献   
To date, all published confirmations of the Pygmalion hypothesis among adults have involved men. The few studies among women have had methodological ambiguities. The authors conducted 2 experiments in the Israel Defense Forces to test the Pygmalion hypothesis among women. In both studies, the leaders were led to believe that the trainees randomly assigned to the Pygmalion condition had higher than usual potential. Experiment 1 tested the Pygmalion hypothesis among female officer cadets led by women. Although the treatment did raise expectations, none of the performance measures and none of the mediators or the moderators evidenced any expectancy effects. Experiment 2 tested the Pygmalion hypothesis among women and men taking the same course in gender-segregated platoons. The Pygmalion hypothesis was confirmed among men led by a man and among women led by a man but not among women led by a woman. The authors concluded that the Pygmalion effect can be produced among women but perhaps not by women. Pygmalion research among women leading men is now needed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
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