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We have investigated the switching behavior of as-deposited CrO x and post-annealed CrO y films by use of a variety of electrodes (top electrode Ag, Ti; bottom electrode Pt, fluorine tin oxide (FTO)). Resistance switching is highly dependent on electrode material and post-annealing treatment. Among Pt devices, IV hysteresis was observed for the Ag/CrO x /Pt device only; no resistance switching was observed for Ag/CrO y /Pt, Ti/CrO x /Pt, and Ti/CrO y /Pt devices. Among FTO devices, IV hysteresis was observed for the Ag/CrO x /FTO device whereas IV hysteresis with the opposite switching direction was observed for Ag/CrO y /FTO, Ti/CrO x /FTO, and Ti/CrO y /FTO devices. The direction of switching depends not only on electrode material but also on post-annealing treatment, which affects the density of grain boundaries. Thus, the density of grain boundaries determines the type of charge carrier involved in the switching process. For as-deposited CrO x films with a high density of grain boundaries Ag filament paths mediated by electrochemical redox reaction were observed, irrespective of bottom electrode material (Pt or FTO). Post-annealed CrO y films with a low density of grain boundaries suppressed electrochemical redox reaction in the Ag/CrO y /Pt device but promoted short-range movement of O2? ions through the bottom interface, resulting in resistance switching in the Ag/CrO y /FTO device. Electrochemical redox reaction-controlled resistance switching occurred solely in oxides with a high density of grain boundaries or dislocations.  相似文献   
A number of multi-billion dollar businesses (for example Dell, Amazon, Expedia and Google) have been built on top of Web portals that provide customers with a differentiating experience. How do these portals achieve this, and what lessons can BT learn? In this paper we describe technology that supports the development of portals which extend and improve the customer’s experience of interacting with a company by breaking away from the direct manipulation metaphor. We illustrate the approach with a case study and describe the results of the work we have done in terms of the limitations and capabilities of the approach developed.  相似文献   
Zoomable video allows users to selectively zoom and pan into regions of interest within the video for viewing at higher resolutions. Such interaction requires dynamic cropping of RoIs on the source video. We have previously explored two different ways of encoding and transmitting video to support dynamic RoI cropping: (i) Monolithic streaming uses a standard video encoder to encode the video. When an RoI is requested, the bits belonging to the RoI along with other bits required to decode the RoIs (due to encoding dependencies) are transmitted. (ii) Tile streaming divides regions in the standard video into rectangular tiles that are encoded independently. The tiles that intersect with a requested RoI are transmitted. In this paper, we consider how the bandwidth needed to transmit the RoIs can be reduced by carefully encoding the source video for each of the two encoding schemes. The goal is to support bandwidth efficient compressed domain RoI cropping in the context of virtual zoom and pan by tuning encoder parameters. Our key idea is to exploit user access patterns to the RoIs, and encode different regions of the video with different encoding parameters based on the popularity of the region. We show that our encoding method can reduce the expected bandwidth by up to 43% in the test video sequence which we have used.  相似文献   
Functional MRI (fMRI) may be possible without a priori models of the cerebral hemodynamic response. First, such data-driven fMRI requires that all cerebral territories with distinct patterns be identified. Second, a systematic selection method is necessary to prevent the subjective interpretation of the identified territories. This paper addresses the second point by proposing a novel method for the automated interpretation of identified territories in data-driven fMRI. Selection criteria are formulated using: 1) the temporal cross-correlation between each identified territory and the paradigm and 2) the spatial contiguity of the corresponding voxel map. Ten event-design fMRI data sets are analyzed with one prominent algorithm, fuzzy c-means clustering, before applying the selection criteria. For comparison, these data are also analyzed with an established, model-based method: statistical parametric mapping. Both methods produced similar results and identified potential activation in the expected territory of the sensorimotor cortex in all ten data sets. Moreover, the proposed method classified distinct territories in separate clusters. Selected clusters have a mean temporal correlation coefficient of 0.39+/-0.07 (n=19) with a mean 2.7+/-1.4 second response delay. At most, four separate contiguous territories were observed in 87% of these clusters. These results suggest that the proposed method may be effective for exploratory fMRI studies where the hemodynamic response is perturbed during cerebrovascular disease.  相似文献   
Microspectrometers based on the monolithic integration of a microelectromechanical system (MEMS) Fabry–Pérot filter and a Hg x Cd1–x Te-based infrared detector are discussed and measured results presented. The microspectrometers are designed to operate in the 1.5 μm to 2.6 μm wavelength range. Design equations are presented which account for the mechanical and optical characteristics of the device. Measurements indicate linewidths as narrow as 55 nm, switching times of 40 μs, and a tuning range of 380 nm, which is limited by snap-down. Optical characterization of the distributed Bragg mirrors and the Fabry–Pérot filter are presented, and these are shown to be in good agreement with simple first-order analytical models. Bowing of the movable Fabry–Pérot mirror due to stress gradients is identified as the dominant source of linewidth broadening.  相似文献   
Data hiding is designed to solve the problem of secure information exchange through public networks such as Internet. In this paper, we present an improved reversible data hiding scheme that can recover original VQ indices after data extraction. As with Chang et al.’s scheme, our proposed scheme also depends on the locally adaptive coding scheme. However, experimental results confirm that the hiding capacity of our proposed scheme is around 1.36 bpi in most digital images, which is typically higher than that of Chang et al.’s [17]. Moreover, the average compression rate that can be achieved with our proposed scheme is 0.49 bpp, which outperforms both Lin and Chang’s scheme (0.50 bpp), Tsai (0.50 bpp), Chang et al.’s scheme (0.53 bpp), and Yang and Lin’s scheme (0.53 bpp).  相似文献   
A novel photonic technique for microwave frequency measurement utilizing dispersion in a multichannel chirped fiber Bragg grating is presented. The technique is based on the amplitude comparison of power fading functions generated by double sideband modulated optical carriers propagating through a dispersive medium.  相似文献   
In previous works, the authors reported on binary-weighted switching and reconfiguration techniques to design programmable gain amplifiers (PGAs) with a wide decibel (dB)-linear range, a small gain error, a wide 3-dB bandwidth, and high linearity. In this brief, two techniques are analyzed in more detail. Adopting the two techniques, a new low-voltage PGA version is proposed that offers a precise and process/temperature-insensitive gain and achieves a double dB-linear range with a small gain error while maintaining the same chip size, as compared with those of previous designs. Implemented in 0.18-mum CMOS, from the measurements, the proposed PGA shows a dB-linear gain range of 42 dB (-21 to 21 dB) with a gain error of less than plusmn 0.54 dB, a maximum input-referred third-order intercept point (IIP3) of 14 dBm, and a 3-dB bandwidth of 60 MHz at the maximum gain while consuming only 2.1 mA from a 1.5-V supply.  相似文献   
The important requirements for stereo video retargeting are threefold: keeping temporal coherence, preventing depth distortion, and minimizing shape distortions of the retargeted video. To meet these requirements, the left and right video sequences are divided into groups of frames (GoFs), where the GoF is a basic unit for the seam carving and we assign a set of fixed seams for all frames within the GoF. To determine the fixed seams for each GoF, we need to find the GoF boundary in the video first. Then, the representative frame for each GoF is generated by considering the spatial saliency and temporal coherence. Also, the confidence of the stereoscopic correspondence between the left and right frames is considered to prevent depth distortion.  相似文献   
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