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This study tested the relationship of anxiety and asthma severity to symptom perception. Eighty-six children diagnosed with mild or moderate asthma had symptom perception and pulmonary function measured throughout methacholine challenge (to induce bronchoconstriction). Higher trait anxiety was associated with heightened symptom perception (controlling for pulmonary function) at baseline. Greater asthma severity was associated with blunted symptom perception (controlling for pulmonary function) at the end of methacholine challenge and with a slower rate of increase in symptom perception across methacholine challenge. These results suggest that anxiety plays a role when children's symptoms are mild, whereas medical variables such as severity play a role in perception of changes in asthma symptomatology as bronchoconstriction worsens. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
The current U.S. Environmental Protection Agency protocol for testing the effectiveness of dispersants, the swirling flask test, has been found to give widely varying results in the hands of different testing laboratories. The sources of the ambiguities in the test were determined by considering several options in a rigorous systematic fashion. Options considered were variability among three operators and the variability and limitations of three analytical instruments in establishing a calibration curve for oil/dispersant mixtures. Other options included flask type, impact of operational variables (rotational speed, mixing time, settling time, and oil:dispersant ratio), development of a revised procedure for dispersant effectiveness, reproducibility and repeatability of the revised procedure, and development of selection criteria for screening of dispersants. A redesign of the test flask, which is characterized by having baffles with a stopcock at the bottom for sample collection, was deemed necessary to accomplish reproducibility within operator and between operators. The results indicated that the baffled flask provided a total coefficient of variation (variations within operator and between operators) less than 11% compared to above 100% in some cases for the swirling flask.  相似文献   
The current U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) protocol for testing the effectiveness of dispersants for use in treating oil spills on the open water, the swirling flask test (SFT), has been found to give widely varying results in the hands of different testing laboratories. Part I addressed the sources of the ambiguities in the EPA SFT and the development of a new test referred to as the baffled flask test (BFT). In this part of the series, further experiments were conducted for estimating the repeatability of three operators in determining the effectiveness of 18 dispersants by both the EPA SFT and the BFT methods. Overall statistical analysis of the results indicated that the coefficient of variation by the BFT was only 7.8% compared to 21.9% for the EPA SFT. The mean percent effectiveness of the EPA SFT was only 19.7% as compared to 64.6% for the BFT. Proposed selection criteria for screening of dispersants for listing on the National Contingency Plan Product Schedule have been developed.  相似文献   
Regression Model for Daily Maximum Stream Temperature   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An empirical model is developed to predict daily maximum stream temperatures for the summer period. The model is created using a stepwise linear regression procedure to select significant predictors. The predictive model includes a prediction confidence interval to quantify the uncertainty. The methodology is applied to the Truckee River in California and Nevada. The stepwise procedure selects daily maximum air temperature and average daily flow as the variables to predict maximum daily stream temperature at Reno, Nev. The model is shown to work in a predictive mode by validation using three years of historical data. Using the uncertainty quantification, the amount of required additional flow to meet a target stream temperature with a desired level of confidence is determined.  相似文献   
Motor abnormalities occur in schizophrenia (SZ) and may arise from striatal dysfunction. This study examined whether the pattern of performance on simple and complex motor abilities in SZ was similar to that of patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). Quantitative tests of speeded movement and motor and cognitive sequencing were used to assess 25 SZ, 16 PD, and 84 normal controls (NCs). Sequencing performance was also examined with motor rigidity taken into account. Compared with the NC group, the SZ and PD groups were impaired on measures of motor rigidity and motor sequencing. With rigidity accounted for, the SZ group was significantly more impaired than the PD group on motor sequencing; cognitive and motor processes contributed to the motor deficit. Cognitive sequencing performance predicted motor sequencing performance in PD but not SZ. Although both SZ and PD resulted in significant motor and cognitive sequencing deficits, the pattern and correlates of these deficits differ, suggesting that the affected neural systems underlying motor deficits in SZ are different from those involved in PD. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
Longitudinal neurobehavioral development was examined in 237 fetuses of low-risk pregnancies from 2 distinct populations-Baltimore, Maryland, and Lima. Peru-at 20. 24. 28. 32, 36. and 38 weeks gestation. Data were based on digitized Doppler-based fetal heart rate (FHR) and fetal movement (FM). In both groups. FHR declined while variability, episodic accelerations, and FM-FHR coupling increased, with discontinuities evident between 28 and 32 weeks gestation. Fetuses in Lima had higher FHR and lower variability, accelerations, and FM-FHR coupling. Declines in trajectories were typically observed 1 month sooner in Lima, which magnified these disparities. Motor activity differences were less consistent. No sex differences in fetal neurobehaviors were detected. It is concluded that population factors can influence the developmental niche of the fetus. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
In this article we demonstrate the use of self-assembled peptide nanotube structures as masking material in a rapid, mild and low cost fabrication of polymerized p-toluenesulfonate doped poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT:TsO) nanowire device. In this new fabrication approach the PEDOT:TsO nanowire avoids all contact with any organic solvents otherwise traditionally used in clean room fabrication. This can be achieved due to the intriguing properties of the self-assembled peptide nanotubes utilized as a dry etching mask for the patterning of the PEDOT:TsO nanowire. The peptide nanotubes, despite remaining stable during the reactive ion etching procedure, can be dissolved rapidly in water afterwards. The fabricated PEDOT:TsO nanowire devices exhibit excellent electrical characteristics. Finally, the potential of PEDOT:TsO nanowires as temperature sensors has been demonstrated and the high resolution of the sensor was illustrated.  相似文献   
After being turned down for a job in academia because she was a woman, the author discusses job discrimination against women in institutions of higher learning, particularly in psychology. The author argues that the price of any system of discrimination impoverishes psychology because it excluded many talented and competent people. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
The Federal Rules of Evidence prohibit disclosure to civil jurors of information that is arguably related to their decision-making (e.g., that either party is insured). The basis for so-called blindfolding is that a jury might be biased by this information to alter its appraisal of the evidence to reach a desired verdict. The purpose of this study was to examine the extent to which mock juries in an automobile negligence case discuss several silent factors during deliberation (viz., insurance carried by the parties, the payment of attorneys' fees, and previous settlements between the plaintiff and other defendants) and the effects of such discussion on their compensatory damage award. We presented summaries of the evidence that varied in the severity of the plaintiff's injuries and the reprehensibility of the defendant's conduct. These variables influenced judgments of liability and damage awards. Analysis of the content of jury deliberations regarding damages showed that, although nearly all juries talked about silent factors, the size of their damage awards was unrelated to the frequency of these discussions and that such discussion accounted for only a very small portion of the variance in awards. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Ein Nachweis für Carbamat-Pesticide mittels Enzym-Inhibition auf imprägnierten Cellulose-Schichten wurde ausgearbeitet. Bei Celluloseschichten, die mit Äthylglykol, Triäthylglykol und,-Ogydipropionitril imprägniert waren, erwies sich die Kombination Schweineleberesterase/Indophenylacetat (als chromogenes Substrat) als besonders empfindlicher Nachweis. Die Nachweisempfindlichkeit wurde in Abhängigkeit von der Art des Enzympräparates, des Substrates, des pH, der Inhibitionszeit und -temperatur, der Schichtdicke und des Impriignierungsmittels untersucht.
Enzymatic detection of carbamate pesticides on impregnated cellulose plates
Summary The detection of carbamate pesticides by an enzyme-inhibition method on impregnated (ethylene glycol, triethylene glycol,,-ogydipropionitrile) cellulose thin layer plates is described. The enzyme-substrate combination: pig liver esterase-indophenylacetate (chromogenic substrate) was the most sensitive. The following parameters concerning the sensitivity of the method were investigated: enzyme source, substrate, pH, inhibition time, inhibition temperature, thickness of the cellulose layer, stationary phase.

Herrn o.Univ.-Prof. Dr. O. Hoffmann-Ostenhof, Vorstand des Instituts für Allgemeine Biochemie, Universität Wien, zum 60. Geburtstag gewidmet.

Wir danken dem Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, der uns die Durchführung dieser Arbeit (Projekt Nr. 2161) ermöglichte.

Ing. B. Rapié dankt der SEA-Stiftung (Scientific Exchange Agreement) für die Gewährung eines Stipendiums.  相似文献   
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