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In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in repairing offshore steel structures by using adhesively joined carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRP). For such procedure, surface preparation plays a vital role to maintain the integrity of the joint and to ensure proper load transfer. The primary surface preparation used by the oil and gas industry is the grit blasting due to its known quality. However, the logistic required is a major drawback limiting the use of adhesively joined repairs. Other surface preparation procedures available are unable to promote proper treatment. In this paper, an alternative surface preparation methodology employing a portable machine that uses rotation and impact to treat the steel surface was evaluated by quasi-static and fatigue tests of CFRP/steel adhesively bonded using the double-lap joints. The joints were prepared using non-corroded and severely corroded steel surfaces treated by grit blasting or rotating impact machine. The corroded plate was used to evaluate the efficiency of the rotating impact machine in removing deeply penetrating oxides. Test results showed that the performance of the machine was comparable to grit blasting even for the severely corroded surface with deep pitting. Corrosion in the metallic substrate impaired the quasi-static and fatigue properties.  相似文献   
Vinyl acetate (VAc) and butyl acrylate (BuA) were copolymerized in heterophase by a semicontinuous process (unseeded) and compared with the seeded semicontinuous microemulsion polymerization of the same monomers. A mixture of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and poly(ethylene oxide) dodecyl ether (Brij‐35®) were used as surfactants. The effects of monomer addition rate (Ra) and surfactants concentrations (4 or 1 wt % with respect to the initial mixture of reaction) on polymer and latex properties were studied. High copolymer content latexes (24–36 wt %) with average particle diameters (Dp) from 38 to 55 nm and relatively narrow particle size distributions, high polymerization rates, weight ratios of polymer to surfactant (P/S) from 13.3 to 32.8 were obtained. The number‐average molecular weights (Mn) were between 96,000 and 188,000 g/mol. Homogeneous copolymer compositions were obtained throughout the reaction for both, seeded and unseeded processes, which is not possible by the usual batch microemulsion process. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 2013  相似文献   
Hydrogel silver nanocomposites have been used in applications with excellent antibacterial performance. Acrylic acid (AA)/itaconic acid (IA) hydrogels silver nanocomposites were prepared and applied as a coating on a textile substrate. Hydrogel matrices were synthesized first by the polymerization of an AA/IA aqueous (80/20 v/v) solution and mixed with 2‐2‐azobis(2‐methylpropionamide) diclorohydrate and N,N′‐methylene bisacrylamide until the hydrogel was formed. Silver nanoparticles were generated throughout the hydrogel networks with an in situ method via the incorporation of the silver ions and subsequent reduction with sodium borohydride. Cotton (C) and cotton/polyester (CP) textile fibers were then coated with these hydrogel silver nanocomposites. The influence of these nanocomposite hydrogels on the properties of the textile fiber were investigated by infrared spectroscopy (attenuated total reflectance), scanning electron microscopy, energy‐dispersive X‐ray spectroscopy, and antibacterial tests against Pseudomona aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. The better conditions, in which no serious aggregation of the silver nanoparticles occurred, were determined. It was proven that the textiles coated with hydrogels containing nanosilver had an excellent antibacterial abilities. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 130: 2713–2721, 2013  相似文献   
This study focuses on the structural and morphological changes promoted by heating of silicon oxycarbide ceramics obtained from hybrid polymeric precursors based on poly(methylsiloxane) and divinylbenzene, with or without nickel acetate, by pyrolysis under Ar at different temperatures. The increase of the temperature from 950 to 1500 °C promoted the densification and crystallization of SiC and graphite nanodomains in the ceramic bulk with or without Ni, as identified by HRTEM. Moreover, the Ni-containing precursor led to the formation of ultra-long amorphous nanowires on the surface and voids in the ceramic body obtained at 1500 °C. These nanowires presented different sizes and morphologies, but similar compositions, basically composed by silicon and oxygen, with the presence of carbon at their external layers. The growth mechanism and the nature of the nanowires are also proposed. The addition of nickel acetate in the polymeric precursor induced the formation of nanowires with different morphologies in the Si–O–C system.  相似文献   
The present work shows that the enzyme mediated ring-opening polymerization of l-lactide at 65 °C can be achieved using supercritical carbon dioxide. It is reported a biphasic media system where the supercritical phase coexists with a liquid organic phase, which is mainly composed of melted monomer, wherein the growing poly-l-lactide chains are soluble. The immobilized lipase B from Candida antartica was used as the biocatalyst. The results indicated that semi-crystalline polymers with a molecular weight (Mw) up to 12,900 g mol−1 can be attained and that the monomer conversion is related to the biocatalyst concentration and its initial water activity (awi). Experiments carried out with denatured enzyme gave no monomer conversion which confirms that the enzymatic mechanism is only involved in our system.  相似文献   
In the Santa Cruz and Chubut provinces, Patagonia, Argentina, kaolin deposits were formed by “in situ” alteration of volcaniclastic rocks, such as the Bajo Grande, Chon Aike or Marifil Formations, or by erosion, transportation, and deposition of residual clays in small basins. This paper describes the genesis; geology; mineralogy; major, minor, and trace element geochemistry; grain size distribution; and specific surface area of natural and washed kaolins in an attempt to understand their behavior in the ceramic process. The sedimentary clays of the Baqueró Fm Lower Member, related to the Bajo Grande basement, are kaolinitic–smectitic, very fine-grained, and with a very high specific surface area. The clays related to the Chon Aike or Marifil Fms are kaolinitic, showing intermediate values of specific surface area and a coarser particle size distribution, associated with quite a fine-grained texture. The Baqueró Fm Upper Member received a considerable pyroclastic supply, fostering the development of a fine-grained clay in which kaolinite (± halloysite) with higher values of kaolinite crystal order prevailed. Primary kaolins – derived from weathering of pyroclastic sequences of Chon Aike and Marifil Fms – are coarse-grained, composed of kaolinite + quartz ± halloysite and exhibit a very low specific surface area. Alteration of mostly crystalline pyroclastics yielded ordered kaolinite and illite (+ halloysite) with a fine particle size distribution and intermediate values of specific surface area. Alteration of mainly vitreous pyroclastics produced halloysite (+ kaolinite) with a fine-grained texture and moderately high values of specific surface area. A supergene origin of primary kaolins is inferred on the basis of palaeoclimatic and geochemical evidence that corroborates stable isotopic data. The mineralogy, grain size, and textural characteristics of clays are controlled by parent rock composition (primary kaolins) or by provenance and proximity to source areas (sedimentary kaolins).  相似文献   
This research investigates various methods able to identify possible mineralogical, physical and chemical influences on the grindability of commercial clinkers with high MgO level. The aim of the study is to evaluate the hardness and elastic modulus of the clinker mineral phases and their fracture strength during the comminution processes, comparing samples from clinkers with low MgO level (0.5%) and clinkers with elevated MgO levels (> 5.0%). The study of the influence of mineralogical, chemical and physical properties was carried out using several analytical techniques, such as: optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction with Rietveld refinement (XRD) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF). These techniques were useful in qualifying the different clinker samples. The drop weight test (DWT) and the Bond ball mill grindability test were performed to characterize the mechanical properties of clinkers. Nanoindentation tests were also carried out. Results from the Bond ball mill grindability test were found to be related to the hardness of the mineral phase and to mineralogical characteristics, such as type and amount of inclusions in silicates, belite and alite crystals shape, or microcracked alites. In contrast, the results obtained by the DWT were associated to the macro characteristics of clinkers, such as porosity, as well as to the hardness and mineralogical characteristics of belite crystals in clusters. Hardness instrumented tests helped to determine the Vickers hardness and elastic modulus from the mineral phases in commercial clinkers and produced different values for the pure phases compared to previous publications.  相似文献   

Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), a characterization technique that generates topographic images of surfaces at very high resolutions, works by recording the surface relief details of the material with a cantilever which moves over the sample, while a piezoelectric sensor monitors changes in height. This technique is useful for identifying phases, particles and precipitates on a nanoscale and is therefore proposed for identifying them in the fusion zone of welded components and for early identification of faults due to cracking. This is a technique that does not require conductive samples, or special metallographic preparation of specimens as is the case with electron microscopy. The material studied is a duplex 2205 stainless steel, welded by means of gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW). The welded material was subjected to stress tests. The test specimens were characterized using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy and nanoindentation tests. The results focus on the identification of the specific magnetic, topographic and hardness characteristics of each of the phases, particles and areas present in the base metal, the fusion zone and the zone deformed by the fracture.  相似文献   
Recovering of forest biomass from Spanish hybrid poplar plantations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Residues recovering from traditional poplar plantations for timber production are a potential relevant biomass source in Spain and other temperate countries. Three different residual biomass harvesting systems have been work-studied in order to characterize the work methods and analyze their productivity and cost. Two were oriented to branches, top and/or energy wood collection, chipping and transport using different work methods, while the other one consisted of after-logging stumps removal and shredding. Different sized and powered chippers worked in the two first cases, besides different farm tractors with trailers for off-road chips transport. Also the trucks and the loading machines were different. In the third site, a backhoe excavator removed the stumps, and a bucket loader collected them to be grinded by a shredding machine. Productivity and cost have been analyzed using IUFRO standards, providing average figures and, when possible, predictive productivity equations. Most capital-intensive equipment option has shown to be most productive, but less investment requiring system is cheaper and may be most interesting for some enterprise and plantation sizes. In addition, logistics of biomass and timber supply has been analyzed, and some indications about equipment sizing, machine annual production and relocation costs related to supply area and average plantation size are provided.  相似文献   
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