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In this paper, prediction of axial and hoop residual stresses produced in high strength carbon steel pipe weld was made by employing a sequentially coupled 3-D thermal, metallurgical and mechanical FE model. Solid-state phase transformation during welding was incorporated into the FE model by allowing for volumetric changes and the associated changes in yield stress induced by austenitic and martensitic transformations. In the FE model, temperature-dependent thermo-physical and mechanical properties were considered, and phase transformation plasticity was also taken into account. The results showed the importance of incorporating solid-state phase transformation in the simulation of the pipe welding.  相似文献   
In this paper, a navigation system is developed. The system includes path tracking and obstacle avoidance apparatus for a car-like wheeled robot (CLWR) within an Internet-based smart-space (IBSS) using fuzzy-neural adaptive control (FNAC). Two distributed charge-coupled device (CCD) cameras are installed to capture both the dynamic pose of the CLWR and the obstacle. Based on the control authority of these two CCD cameras, a suitable reference command that contains the desired steering angle and angular velocity for the FNAC built into the client computer is planned. Because of the delay encountered by the transmission through the Internet network (IN) and the wireless local area network (WLAN) and the nonlinear coupling features of the CLWR, a weighted combination of $N$ linear subsystems that are described by a state-space model with average-delay is implemented to approximate the dynamics of an IBSS-CLWR. The proposed FNAC contains a neural network consisting of a radial basis function (RBFNN) to learn the uncertainties due to the fuzzy-model error (e.g., the random time-varying delays and the slippage of the CLWR) and the interactions caused by other subsystems. The stability of the overall system is then investigated by adopting the Lyapunov stability theory. Finally, a sequence of experiments including the control of the off-ground CLWR (i.e., the CLWR does not make contact with the ground) and the navigation of the IBSS-CLWR as compared with the conventional proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control is performed to demonstrate the advantage of the proposed control system.   相似文献   
我试图通过解读修辞学的发展历程,探究符号学发展的必然性,由本不存在修辞,到需要修辞,再到修辞的消亡的逻辑关系,联想到设计符号学的发展历程竟与其如此惊人的相似,由仅追求原始功能,到添加装饰满足非本质的需求,继而又摒弃装饰成分,聚焦其本质所在的现代设计,就像我在文章开头说的乙杂邢薜姆绞奖硐治尴蘧褪敲烙是象征的精髓一样,以最简洁的形式传达了最准确的信息,是设计符号学的核心所在。  相似文献   
Postsynaptic densities (PSDs), isolated from porcine cerebral cortices, are large disk-shaped aggregates consisting of hundreds of different proteins. To study the protein-protein interactions in such complex supramolecules, we developed a procedure to break up the PSD's overall structure, while preserving some interactions between individual proteins. Using the resulting PSD sample and an indirect immunoabsorption procedure, PSD-95 was isolated along with the α- and β-subunits of calcium calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKIIα and CaMKIIβ), α-tubulin, β-tubulin, and Chapsyn110. Similarly, CaMKIIα was isolated along with CaMKIIβ, α-tubulin, β-tubulin, and small amounts of PSD-95. The proteins isolated from PSDs treated with a cleavable bifunctional crosslinking reagent were further subjected to diagonal gel electrophoresis analysis, and the results indicated that CaMKIIα resides next to α-tubulin in the PSD. Overall, the results obtained here suggest that within the PSD, large aggregates of CaMKIIα, CaMKIIβ, α-tubulin, and β-tubulin may occur that indirectly associate with PSD-95 and Chapsyn110. Such a protein organization would allow interactions with F-actin in the cytoplasm and with proteins, such as N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors, which reside on the postsynaptic membrane. Furthermore, it would facilitate binding to proteins such as the various microtubule-associated proteins that reside in the core region of the PSD.  相似文献   
In fracture simulation,how to model the pre-existing cracks and simulate their propagation without remeshing is an important topic.The newly developed triangular element partition method(TEPM)provides an efficient approach to this problem.It firstly meshes the cracked body regardless of the geometry integrity of the interesting object with triangular elements.After the meshing procedure is completed,some elements are intersected by cracks.For the element intersected by a crack,the TEPM takes the element partition technique to incorporate the discontinuity into the numerical model without any interpolation enrichment.By this approach,the TEPM can simulate fracture without mesh modification.In the TEPM,all the cracked elements are treated as the usual partitioned elements in which the crack runs through.The virtual node pairs(the intersection points of crack faces and elements)at the opposite faces of the crack move independently.Their displacements are respectively determined by their neighbor real nodes(nodes formatted in the original mesh scheme)at the same side of the crack.However,among these cracked elements,the element containing a crack tip,referred to as the crack tip element thereafter,behaves differently from those cut through by the crack.Its influence on the singular field at the vicinity of the fracture tip becomes increasingly significant with the element size increasing.In the crack tip element,the virtual node pair at the crack tip move consistently before fracture occurs while the virtual node pair separate and each virtual node moves independently after the fracture propagates.Accordingly,the crack tip element is automatically transformed into the usual partitioned element.In the present paper,the crack tip element is introduced into the TEPM to account for the effect of the crack tip.Validation examples indicate that the present method is almost free from the element size effect.It can reach the same precision as the conventional finite element method under the same meshing scheme.But the TEPM is much more efficient and convenient than the conventional finite element method because the TEPM avoids the troubles that the conventional finite element method suffers,e.g.,the meshing problem of cracked body,modification of mesh scheme,etc.Though the extended finite element method can also avoid these troubles,it introduces extra degrees of freedom due to node interpolation enrichment.Due to the simplicity of the present TEPM,it is believed that its perspective should be highly inspiring.  相似文献   
In this study, a simple method for the fabrication of high aspect ratio silicon nanoporous arrays is developed. A N-type silicon wafer is used as the substrate material. A micro-scale pattern of the desired porous array is transferred to the front surface of the silicon wafer by photolithography after which the wafer is placed in a home-made fixture to efficiently expel the etching generated air and promptly hold the back-side illumination light. A halogen lamp is used as the light source for backside illumination to enhance the electron–hole pair generation. An anodization process is then carried out using a new etchant consisting of hydrofluoric acid and mixed EtOH and EMSO surfactant to effectively polish the pore surfaces and sharpen the tips of the etched pores. A nanochannel array with a nano-tip of 61.4?nm is obtained.  相似文献   
In this paper, a representative unit volume finite element (RUV FE) model was employed to simulate thermoforming process of carbon fabric-polymeric foam sandwich structures. Thermoforming simulations, which capture crimp angles and amplitude changes of carbon fabric with respect to different operational pressure, were conducted with the help of RUV FE model. Micro-deformation of tow structures after thermoforming was rigorously reflected in the second stage FE model to determine the in-plane directional stiffness of skin parts. Tensile tests were carried out to investigate mechanical properties of skin parts in sandwich structures for the potential usage of automotives, electronic housings or the satellite structure design.  相似文献   
目前,我国刑事被害人的权利保护状况已得到了很大的改善,然而,在执法实践中公安司法机关对被害人权利的保护仍存有许多缺陷,包括立案、侦查直至审判、执行等诉讼环节都还有系列需改进之处。针对执法之现状,我们必须采取有效措施去加以完善。  相似文献   
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