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The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has initiated a program to install air quality network stations throughout the country in order to measure concentration of the ambient air pollutants. The site selection of these stations is an important objective to be accomplished and must be done based on scientific and rational work. To accomplish this objective, a modified version of atmospheric transport and dispersion model, known as air resources laboratories - atmospheric transport and dispersion (ARLATAD) model, is used to evaluate long range transport and diffusion of air pollutants from major pollution causing sources such as refineries, open-air burning of associated gases of oil fields and major industries.Hourly meteorological data for a period of three years (from 1977 to 1979) on wind speed, wind direction, pressure, and temperature from 20 synoptic stations in Saudi Arabia is processed and used as model input. In addition to these, meteorological data from three upper air stations is also processed in order to determine base and top of critical inversion heights.Various pollution causing sources are identified within the study area. Air trajectories are drawn with sources as the origins of the trajectories and the dispersion characteristics is studied with distance and time. Based on long term meteorological records, the adversely affected zones are statistically identified for potential station sites.  相似文献   
The last decade has witnessed an extraordinary shift in housing policy in Canada. Responsibility for social housing has been devoluted from the federal government to theprovincial and territorial governments, who in turn shift administration and manangement to regional and municipal agencies. And while the proportion of needy families is increasing, the deficit-minded Federal government only maintains its financial commitments to existing projects with no new funds presently available. Market solutions are being promoted by both the public and private sectors through a wide range of activities. The result is no single housing policy, but a patchwork of provincial and local initiatives.  相似文献   
High strength concretes, in particular at early ages (more than 40 MPa at 3 days and up to 80 MPa at 7 days), are obtained by replacement of certain granular size ranges of sand or gravel by cement-active artificial aggregates in a given concrete composition elaborated with a local supply of aggregates and cement. The strengthening of the paste-aggregate bond by chemical reactions between the artificial aggregates and the cement also involves an improvement of other concrete performances and not only of mechanical strengths. The cracking ability is decreased, the wear strength is higher, and water permeability is low or even nil for certain compositions. The laboratory results are confirmed by tests on the site and show the possibility of achieving high strength concretes without any particular selection of cement and natural aggregates.  相似文献   
The decomposition of ClO2 and ClO2 by u.v. radiation leads to the production of chlorate, chloride and oxygen as end-products via complex reactions which are initiated by the products generated by the primary reactions of photolysis (Buxton and Subhani, 1972a; Mialocq et al., 1973; Karpel Vel Leitner et al., 1992). As far as the rate of decomposition is concerned, Bowen and Cheung (1932) and Zika et al. (1985) have shown that the quantum yield of photodecomposition of chlorine dioxide (overall reaction) increases when the wavelength decreases [Zika et al. (1985): φ = 0.46 at 366 nm and 1.4 at 296.7 nm]. However, the values of the quantum yield of photodecomposition of ClO2 and ClO2 at 253.7 nm as well as the quantum yields for the primary reactions of photolysis of ClO2 and ClO2 at different wavelengths are not given in the literature.The aim of this work was to study the kinetics of photodecomposition of chlorine dioxide and of chlorite by u.v. irradiation.  相似文献   
K.M. Bajoria  R.S. Talikoti 《Thin》2006,44(3):372-380
This paper describes a new test to determine flexibility of beam-to-column connectors used in conventional pallet racking systems. In this study, two different ways were used to find the flexibility of a connector. The connector developed was tested using the conventional cantilever method [Bajoria, KM. Three dimensional progressive collapse of warehouse racking, PhD Thesis, University of Cambridge, UK 1986], and then also using a newly proposed double cantilever method. To verify the results obtained from both the tests, a full scale frame test was carried out. In the double cantilever test the connector is subjected to three types of forces namely moment, shear and the axial pull by the beams, thereby giving behavior close to practical usage of connectors. Non-linear finite element analysis of both the tests and also of the full scale test were carried out using ANSYS [ANSYS 7.0—User's Manual, ANSYS Inc., 2005] software. The results obtained from the double cantilever test were found to match well with the full scale frame test. The experimental results and the finite element results are compared in this paper.  相似文献   
Z. Wi&#x;ckowski  M. Golubiewski 《Thin》2007,45(10-11):950-954
The problem of buckling of the Euler–Bernoulli and Timoshenko beams is analyzed by the finite element method. Significant improvement in accuracy of the method is obtained by replacing the discontinuous function of the bending moment related to the approximation of the eigenfunction obtained by FEM by a “smoothed” function in the Rayleigh quotient. The smoothed function is obtained by fitting the discontinuous one using the least square technique.  相似文献   
In groundwater treatment for drinking water production, the causes of nitrification problems and the effectiveness of process optimization in rapid sand filters are often not clear. To assess both issues, the performance of a full-scale groundwater filter with nitrification problems and another filter with complete nitrification and pretreatment by subsurface aeration was monitored over nine months. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) targeting the amoA gene of bacteria and archaea and activity measurements of ammonia oxidation were used to regularly evaluate water and filter sand samples. Results demonstrated that subsurface aeration stimulated the growth of ammonia-oxidizing prokaryotes (AOP) in the aquifer. Cell balances, using qPCR counts of AOP for each filter, showed that the inoculated AOP numbers from the aquifer were marginal compared with AOP numbers detected in the filter. Excessive washout of AOP was not observed and did not cause the nitrification problems. Ammonia-oxidizing archaea grew in both filters, but only in low numbers compared to bacteria. The cell-specific nitrification rate in the sand and backwash water samples was high for the subsurface aerated filter, but systematically much lower for the filter with nitrification problems. From this, we conclude that incomplete nitrification was caused by nutrient limitation.  相似文献   
This paper presents the development of a comfort index that measures adaptivity in outdoor spaces. Over a 9-month period 649 people were surveyed in three locations, in temperatures between 10 and 28 °C. An exploratory factor analysis develops a 15-item scale of comfort that includes measures of adaptivity: clothing, exposure time and seating location. The scale is regressed on physical measures: average instantaneous wind speed; maximum wind speed; mean-exposed radiant temperature; mean-shaded radiant temperature and ambient temperature. The results model the relative contributions of the microclimatic factors for the comfort in the outdoor space. Analyses suggest gustiness and wind speed are most important in determining user satisfaction. There is strong support for the theory that people actively adapt to microclimatic conditions.  相似文献   
The limited areal extent of small countries means that reliance has to be placed on mountainous terrain in developing more land needed for continuous growth. These terrains, especially along the Eastern Mediterranean, usually have rugged morphologies which makes their evaluation difficult. The Australian P.U.C.E. system for terrain assessment and classification proved to be an optimal approach for engineering-geology related studies for the above task in the Aley-Chouf area. Basic land properties having an impact on land development are singled out. They constitute mainly the geological formations, relief, drainage, land forms, soils and the vegetation cover. The land divisions used are Province, Pattern and Unit which cover ten rock formations of varying lithologies, water character and stability features. The area is divided into 7 provinces, 26 terrain patterns and 152 units. These land divisions imply finding similar engineering geological problems and applying similar solutions when planning to develop the area, or some other equivalent areas.  相似文献   
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