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马骏  陈妍曙 《小水电》2011,(3):51-52
以小型水利工程项目划分为对象,从质量监督确认工作角度出发,根据小型水利工程的特点,探讨在现有规程下针对实际不同工程的恰当的项目划分方式,以利参建各方更好地控制工程质量。  相似文献   
在产业技术公共服务平台的影响和带动下,随着其用户规模不断扩大和信息技术的发展,越来越要求平台服务向智能化发展,有必要对其中之一的资源共享智能型系统建设进行探讨。  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Im Zeitalter der Informationsgesellschaft, so wurde postuliert, spielten r?umliche Distanzen keine Rolle mehr und unsere r?umliche Mobilit?t n?hme ab. Die Mobilit?t in den letzten Jahren, speziell die Freizeitmobilit?t, hat hingegen zugenommen. Die Bereitstellung ortsbezogener Dienste – ,,Location-based Services“ – unterstützt und f?rdert dieses Verhalten.  相似文献   
This paper studies fitted value iteration for continuous state numerical dynamic programming using nonexpansive function approximators. A number of approximation schemes are discussed. The main contribution is to provide error bounds for approximate optimal policies generated by the value iteration algorithm.   相似文献   
For direct imprinting of metals, hard materials such as diamond and SiC have been used to construct mold inserts in preference to Si, despite the ease in fabricating Si-based micro-/nano- scale structures. In this communication, we demonstrate that micron scale Al structures can be replicated with good fidelity at room temperature by compression molding with Si inserts without incurring insert damage. We further report on results of a finite element analysis of the mechanics of the molding process. The finite element results provide some understanding of the observed lack of damage to the Si inserts.  相似文献   
Image preview is a convenient way to browse large or multiple images on small displays. However, current signal-level image resampling algorithms may remove many features of interest in the preview image. In this paper, we propose perceptual image preview which retains more perceptual features such that users can inspect features of interest by viewing the preview image only and without zooming in. This technology has two components, structure enhancement and perceptual feature visualization. Structure enhancement enhances the image structure while suppressing subtle details using a gradient modulation method, thus making the succedent perceptual features more apparent. For perceptual feature visualization, features of interest detected in the picture is visualized on the structure enhanced preview image. We demonstrate with two examples of most commonly used image quality features, image blur and noise. The effectiveness of the proposed method is validated by experimental results.  相似文献   
About 20 years ago, Markus and Robey noted that most research on IT impacts had been guided by deterministic perspectives and had neglected to use an emergent perspective, which could account for contradictory findings. They further observed that most research in this area had been carried out using variance theories at the expense of process theories. Finally, they suggested that more emphasis on multilevel theory building would likely improve empirical reliability. In this paper, we reiterate the observations and suggestions made by Markus and Robey on the causal structure of IT impact theories and carry out an analysis of empirical research published in four major IS journals, Management Information Systems Quarterly (MISQ), Information Systems Research (ISR), the European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS), and Information and Organization (I&O), to assess compliance with those recommendations. Our final sample consisted of 161 theory-driven articles, accounting for approximately 21% of all the empirical articles published in these journals. Our results first reveal that 91% of the studies in MISQ, ISR, and EJIS focused on deterministic theories, while 63% of those in I&O adopted an emergent perspective. Furthermore, 91% of the articles in MISQ, ISR, and EJIS adopted a variance model; this compares with 71% from I&O that applied a process model. Lastly, mixed levels of analysis were found in 14% of all the surveyed articles. Implications of these findings for future research are discussed.  相似文献   
This paper reports on recent results in a series of the work of the authors on the stability and nonlinear control for general dynamical systems described by retarded functional differential and difference equations. Both internal and external stability properties are studied. The corresponding Lyapunov and Razuminkhin characterizations for input-to-state and input-to-output stabilities are proposed. Necessary and sufficient Lyapunov-like conditions are derived for robust nonlinear stabilization. In particular, an explicit controller design procedure is developed for a new class of nonlinear time-delay systems. Lastly, sufficient assumptions, including a small-gain condition, are presented for guaranteeing the input-to-output stability of coupled systems comprised of retarded functional differential and difference equations.  相似文献   
High fidelity repeater false-target badly affects a radar system’s detecting, tracking, and data processing. It is an available approach of confronting false-target for radar that discriminates firstly and then eliminates. Whereas for the technique progress about the repeater false-target jam, it is more and more difficult to discriminate this jam in the time-domain, frequency-domain, or space-domain. The technique using polarization information to discriminate the target and false-target is discussed in th...  相似文献   
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