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设计一种时分降低滤波器用来进行运载体惯导系统的动态对准和传递对准,假定运载体惯导系统已标定的。在运载体水平直线运动的短时间内,两个二阶滤波以时分工作方式估计平台水平失调角,在消除水平失调角后,运载体在垂直与当地垂线的水平面内机动,此时用一个三阶(或四阶)滤波器来估计方位失调角,另外,在本文中给出该滤波器的数据压缩算法,来提高估计精度。  相似文献   
Recoveryoffineantimonyoxidewithfrothflotationisoneofthemostdifficultproblems.Theoxidemineralisnotonlytobeslimedeasily,butalsotendstoformcolloidinwatersolution,andtoitshydrolysis,onitssurface,thereexistsSbO,inalkalinesolutionandSbO inacidicsolution.UPtonow,traditionalgravityconcentrationmethodhasbeenuniversallyusedtorecoverantimonyoxide.Nowsomeantimonymillsstilluseshakingtabletechnique,buttherecoveryisonlyabout20%.Inflotationsystem,thecolloidofantimonyoxideiseasilyadheredonthesurfaceofsilicif…  相似文献   
A facile approach has been developed to synthesize Fe3O4@PAM (polyacrylamide) nanoparticles (NPs) with carboxyl groups on the surfaces by copolymerization with acrylamide and acrylic acid in Fe3O4 NPs aqueous suspension. Nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) was conjugated to the magnetic NPs via well-known carboniimide chemistry using EDC and NHS. The Ni2+ ions loaded on the surface of NPs provide abundant docking sites for immobilization of His-tagged green fluorescent proteins (His-tagged GFP). The high magnetic property of Fe3O4@PAM@NTA-Ni2+ allows an easy separation of the NPs from solution under an external magnetic field, with high His-tagged protein binding capacity (42 μg protein/mg of NPs). The NPs can be recycled for at least four times without significant loss of binding capacity to proteins. These materials show great potential to separate His-tagged protein with low-cost purification at industrial scale.  相似文献   
不同用量底肥对果蔗产量和品质的影响研究初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验结果表明:300 kg/hm2的底肥对果蔗出苗、株高、茎径、单株重、有效茎、多数商品性状和工艺性状具有正效应,对分蘖、蔗汁抽出率和抗螟性有轻微负效应,故其比不施底肥的增产24.52%,达极显著水平,是本试验中对果蔗效果最佳的底肥用量;600 kg/hm2的底肥对果蔗株高、茎径、单株重、部份商品性状、工艺性状和抗螟性有正效应,对出苗无影响,对分蘖、有效茎、多数商品性状有轻微负效应,故其比对照增产20.87%,达极显著水平,是本试验中对果蔗综合性状效果最好的底肥用量;900 kg/hm2的底肥对果蔗分蘖、株高、茎径、单株重、有效茎、少数商品性状、工艺性状和抗螟性具有正效应,对出苗、多数商品性状有负效应,故其增产显著,是本试验中对果蔗效果较好的底肥用量;1200 kg/hm2的底肥对果蔗分蘖、株高、茎径、单株重、田问锤度有轻微正效应,对其他性状则为负效应,是本试验中效果最差、唯一减产的底肥用量.  相似文献   
通过文献分析,归纳出了当前对汽车工业发展及其产业政策效应的分析与评估方法研究的主要不足,为进一步研究汽车工业产业政策评估方法提供了立论依据.  相似文献   
用Am—Be中子源照射国产SY-2型CR-39与美国CR—39固体径过探测器,在蚀刻时间较短时,测量它们表面径迹密度与蚀刻时间的变化,求得单位质量CR-39中可蚀刻径迹数目,并在蚀刻时间较长时,测量两种CR-39表面径迹密度的饱和值,对两种CR—39探测器进行对比。测量表明,国产SY—2型CR—39与美国CR-39探测快中子的灵敏度在误差范围内符合,它们具有相同的快中子灵敏度。  相似文献   
It is important to investigate impurity scattering phenomena when modeling graphene nanoscale devices, as impurities are invariably present in any realistic system and can significantly influence graphene carrier transport. We present a short review of quantum transport where density functional theory (DFT) is carried out within the nonequilibrium Green’s function formalism (NEGF), focusing on a recent extension of this framework in the form of nonequilibrium vertex correction (NVC) that captures random graphene impurity scattering in a systematic fashion. Our results show that disorder effects significantly alters the electronic and transport properties of graphene devices. We argue that disorder effects should not be ignored if one were to model graphene nanoscale devices in realistic situations, including arriving at fundamental electronic properties such as Ohm’s law.  相似文献   
高浓度超稠油乳化废水预处理工艺与实践   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
超稠油在加工过程中产生大量高浓度乳化废水,常规炼油污水处理场难以处理并导致外排水严重超标.以某稠油加工企业高浓度超稠油乳化废水为研究对象,对其物理化学性质,沉降、破乳、絮凝条件进行了系统研究,并在大量试验的基础上开发出预处理工艺.相应装置建成后运行平稳高效,废水得到高效的处理与污油资源回收.  相似文献   
本文采用Bézier曲线和B样条曲线以及自动绘图技术,对玻璃容器造型进行计算机辅助设计,并对三种样条曲线作了分析和比较,给出了计算机程序框图,这将有利于模具的设计和制造。  相似文献   
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