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This paper presents the assessment of the efficiency of the main biological nitrogen transformation processes in a shallow well-oxygenated river and conditions under which they are active and stabilise. The process dynamics was studied with the help of mathematical modelling of 2 years on-line data series measured in a reach of the Toess River, Switzerland. The algal nitrogen uptake was very stable and unaffected by most but frequent flood events. Daylight photosynthetic nitrogen uptake stabilised at 6 mgN mstreambed(-2) h(-1) (15 degrees C), dark uptake on storage products at rates of 0.5-2.5 mgN mstreambed(-2) h(-1). Nitrogen uptake by heterotrophic bacteria in the hyporheic zone was relatively constant at a level of 1.5-3.5 mgN mstreambed(-2) h(-1). Streambed nitrification could establish only during periods with average an daily concentration of at least 0.3 g(NH4-N) m(-3) in river water for several weeks. The maximum nitrification rate was 35 mgN mstreambed(-2) h(-1) for 3 g(NH4-N) m(-3). The effects of reduced nitrification in the WWTP and of river banks shading on a sudden ammonium peak were simulated. A river reach endangered by ammonium spills should be kept open to sun to favour ammonium uptake by algae. In-stream nitrification reduces ammonium peaks efficiently but leads to toxic nitrite concentrations.  相似文献   
We analyze the non-Fermi liquid behavior in the proximity of the quantum phase transition induced by the strong polarization of the electrons due to local magnetic moments in Ni x Pd1-x alloys. We use the renormalization group approach introduced by Hertz–Mi11is–Moriya (HMM) to estimate the temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity for the case of three dimensional itinerant ferromagnets. We study two different cases, namely, the clean and disordered ferromagnets, and argue that at the present time more experimental data are needed to decide if the HMM theory can accurately describe the physical properties in Ni x Pd1-x alloys.  相似文献   
The results of a computer simulation of the initial stages of the nucleation and growth of gold on NaCl(100) are presented. A potential energy scaling Monte Carlo model employing a 50 × 50 array, mobile monomers, dimers and trimers, and gold atom vertical “roll up” was used. The parameters in the model were obtained from the work of Robinson and Robins, other published sources and/or found by calculation. Simulations of the migration of single gold adatoms over the surface permitted the determination of the diffusion coefficient as a function of the reciprocal temperature which returned the same activation energy given by the potential field, thus indicating the consistency of the model. Initial cluster densities were determined using deposition rates of Rd = 1015cm-2s-1 and Rd = 1014cm-2s-1 over the temperature range T=200–425 K. Initial cluster growth was found to occur primarily by surface phase transport and resulted in clusters that were shaped like very thin disks. Using the equations from the work of Velfe and coworkers, calculations were made to extrapolate the computer simulation data in order to permit an indirect comparison with the data of Robinson and Robins. Good agreement was achieved. Initial condensation coefficients determined over a 250 ms interval showed that α ≈ 0 at T > 425 K and α ≈ 1 at T < 325 K for a deposition rate of Rd=1015 cm-2 s-1.  相似文献   
A newly developed membrane performance enhancer (MPE) was used to prevent membrane fouling in a membrane bioreactor (MBR) process. It transpired that 1,000 mg/l of MPE reduced polysaccharide levels from 41 mg/I to 21 mg/I on average under the experimental condition. Repeated experiments also confirmed that 50-1,000 mg/l of MPE could reduce membrane fouling significantly and increase the intervals between membrane cleanings. Depending on MPE dosages and experimental conditions, trans-membrane pressure (TMP) increase was suppressed for 20-30 days, while baseline TMP surged within a few days. In addition, MPE allowed MBR operation even at 50,000 mg/l of total solid and reduced permeate COD. However, no evidence of toxicity for sludge was found from respiratory works.  相似文献   
The TELEMAC project brings new methodologies from the Information and Science Technologies field to the world of water treatment. TELEMAC offers an advanced remote management system which adapts to most of the anaerobic wastewater treatment plants that do not benefit from a local expert in wastewater treatment. The TELEMAC system takes advantage of new sensors to better monitor the process dynamics and to run automatic controllers that stabilise the treatment plant, meet the depollution requirements and provide a biogas quality suitable for cogeneration. If the automatic system detects a failure which cannot be solved automatically or locally by a technician, then an expert from the TELEMAC Control Centre is contacted via the internet and manages the problem.  相似文献   
The influence of the level of defectiveness of design and service origin (grooves and cracks) of a fastener and an impact specimen on the accuracy of determination of the allowable values of the ductile-to-brittle transition temperature is investigated. An evaluation of the allowable ductile-to-brittle transition temperatures making it possible to impose more soundly based requirements for effectiveness of the material in the stages of design, production, and service in relation to the production condition of the steel, the level of defectiveness of the fastener, and the specified operating life of the threaded joint is proposed.Translated from Problemy Prochnosti, No. 5, pp. 35–37, May, 1991.  相似文献   
This paper presents results of a research project, in which a process-dependent real-time control (RTC) strategy for a sequencing batch reactor plant was realised in full-scale. The cycle controller is based on NH4 analysers, NO3 probes, TSS probes and sludge level probes. With this new RTC strategy it was possible to increase the treatment capacity by 50%. By implementation of the new controller the TN, TP and NH4-N treatment efficiency could be improved significantly, too. The treatment efficiency concerning COD is comparable.  相似文献   
This paper presents a valve-regulated lead acid (VRLA) battery reserve life estimation scheme. The scheme is adaptive in both type and frequency of involvement. The scheme is based on capacity trending with the support of a number of state-of-health (SOH) indicators. These SOH indicators include accumulated thermal stress, float voltage, and indicators acquired from the start-of-discharge (coup de fouet) region. An implementation test case is given, indicating that the scheme is capable of providing an accurate estimation of reserve life long before the end of life. Furthermore, the estimation accuracy improves as the end of battery life approaches.  相似文献   
Industry widely uses rotary valves and blow tanks for the pneumatic conveying of products, each having their pros and cons depending on the specific application. This article shows the differing results obtained when low-velocity conveying a product through a common pipeline using both a drop-through rotary valve and a bottom-discharge blow tank feeder. A number of issues arise in the rotary valve system, the main one being rotary valve air leakage. A blow tank system, on the other hand, does not leak, as it is an enclosed system. The experimental results show dramatic differences in product throughput. Further exploration leads to a novel modification being made to the rotary valve system in an attempt to increase its capacity. The result of this modification shows a slight increase in output tonnage, but still significantly less than that obtained from the blow tank.  相似文献   
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