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For more than 25 years, the CdTe photovoltaic research and manufacturing communities have been subjecting CdTe materials to a CdCl2 treatment or activation step to improve performance. However, little work has been carried out using imaging to elucidate the spatial distribution of chlorine in the CdTe devices after this treatment. This work addresses fundamental questions about the spatial distribution of chlorine in the CdTe absorber material after a CdCl2 treatment comparable to industrial practices. We used a state‐of‐the‐art, time‐of‐flight secondary ion mass spectrometer (ION‐TOF GmbH) (Muenster, Germany) with a lateral resolution of about 80 nm to complete three‐dimensional depth‐profiling and imaging of two CdTe devices. The results clearly demonstrate enhanced chlorine concentration along grain boundaries, supporting the hypothesis that chlorine plays an important role in passivating grain boundaries in CdTe solar cells. The results are discussed in terms of possible passivation mechanisms, and the effect of chlorine on grain interiors and grain boundaries. The data are also used to estimate the free energy of segregation of chlorine to grain boundaries in CdTe. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The synthesis of a series of fourteen 4-alkoxy-1,1,1-trihalo-3-alken-2-ones (2,3) [CX3COC(R2)=C(R1)OMe, where X = Cl, F; R1/R2 = Me/H, Bu/H, i-Bu/H, Ph/H, Thien-2-yl/H, –(CH2)4–, –CH(CH2)4CH(CH2)2–] from the acylation reactions of acetals (1) with trichloroacetyl chloride or trifluoroacetic anhydride in the presence of equimolar amounts of pyridine and imidazolium based ionic liquid ([BMIM][BF4] or [BMIM][PF6]) is reported. The reaction time, yields and IL recyclation are also investigated and this method showed advantages over the methods described in the literature.  相似文献   
Journal of Materials Science - In the present work, we apply a microfluidic channel platform to study mechanical and adhesion properties of suspended graphene in contact with oleic acid (a lipid)....  相似文献   
An alternative form to multidimensional projections for the visual analysis of data represented in multidimensional spaces is the deployment of similarity trees, such as Neighbor Joining trees. They organize data objects on the visual plane emphasizing their levels of similarity with high capability of detecting and separating groups and subgroups of objects. Besides this similarity-based hierarchical data organization, some of their advantages include the ability to decrease point clutter; high precision; and a consistent view of the data set during focusing, offering a very intuitive way to view the general structure of the data set as well as to drill down to groups and subgroups of interest. Disadvantages of similarity trees based on neighbor joining strategies include their computational cost and the presence of virtual nodes that utilize too much of the visual space. This paper presents a highly improved version of the similarity tree technique. The improvements in the technique are given by two procedures. The first is a strategy that replaces virtual nodes by promoting real leaf nodes to their place, saving large portions of space in the display and maintaining the expressiveness and precision of the technique. The second improvement is an implementation that significantly accelerates the algorithm, impacting its use for larger data sets. We also illustrate the applicability of the technique in visual data mining, showing its advantages to support visual classification of data sets, with special attention to the case of image classification. We demonstrate the capabilities of the tree for analysis and iterative manipulation and employ those capabilities to support evolving to a satisfactory data organization and classification.  相似文献   
The overall transformation kinetics of austenite isothermal decomposition above the bay of the time-temperature-transformation (TTT) curve and the eutectoid morphology of the resulting products have been studied in a Fe-0.46 pct C-5.2 pct Cr alloy. Classical lamellar pearlite was formed at high temperatures while complex ferrite plus carbide morphologies, sometimes described as spiky pearlite, arborescent structures, or nonclassical decompositions products of austenite in Fe-Cr-C alloys, formed at low temperatures. While X-ray diffraction of extracted carbides and selected area diffraction-transmission electron microscopy (TEM) showed evidence for a mixture of M3C and M7C3 carbides, thermodynamic calculations results obtained only M7C3 as the equilibrium carbide at the temperatures studied. A tentative explanation for the arborescent morphology is presented, based on the hypothesis of the existence of a drag force or free energy dissipation term that is locally relaxed by the partition of Cr into the carbides at the reaction front, consequently removing Cr from the interface. This article is based on a presentation made in the “Hillert Symposium on Thermodynamics & Kinetics of Migrating Interfaces in Steels and Other Complex Alloys,” December 2–3, 2004, organized by The Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden.  相似文献   
Annals of Telecommunications - Covert mining of cryptocurrency implies the use of valuable computing resources and high energy consumption. In this paper, we propose MineCap, a dynamic online...  相似文献   
The evaluation and prediction of parallel programs performance are becoming more and more important, so that they require appropriate techniques to identify the factors which influence the application execution time and also the way they interact. In this paper, we present some contributions of our research in this area by describing PEMPIs, a new methodology applied to the performance analysis and prediction of MPI programs. A new task graph helps us both to understand details of the application and to increase the accuracy of the prediction models. The proposed techniques are detailed and tested through the modeling of a complete application. PEMPIs efficiency has been proved by the results of this application modeling—most tests executed in a cluster of computers showed errors up to 10.  相似文献   
This paper describes Grammar-based Immune Programming (GIP) for evolving programs in an arbitrary language by immunological inspiration. GIP is based on Grammatical Evolution (GE) in which a grammar is used to define a language and decode candidate solutions to a valid representation (program). However, by default, GE uses a Genetic Algorithm in the search process while GIP uses an artificial immune system. Some modifications are needed of an immune algorithm to use a grammar in order to efficiently decode antibodies into programs. Experiments are performed to analyze algorithm behavior over different aspects and compare it with GEVA, a well known GE implementation. The methods are applied to identify a causal model (an ordinary differential equation) from an observed data set, to symbolically regress an iterated function f(f(x)) = g(x), and to find a symbolic representation of a discontinuous function.  相似文献   
This paper presents a novel segmentation method to assist the rigging of articulated bodies. The method computes a coarse‐to‐fine hierarchy of segments ordered by the level of detail. The results are invariant to deformations, and numerically robust to noise, irregular tessellations, and topological short‐circuits. The segmentation is based on two key ideas. First, it exploits the multiscale properties of the diffusion distance on surfaces, and then it introduces a new definition of medial structures, composing a bijection between medial structures and segments. Our method computes this bijection through a simple and fast iterative approach, and applies it to triangulated meshes.  相似文献   
Because of the distributed control of the network, the dynamic nature of the traffic and the unpredictability of a failure event, the flexibility and robustness of ant colony optimization (ACO) make it a suitable candidate for provisioning lightpaths in an optical network. In this work, we propose a fault-tolerant dynamic routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) algorithm based on the ACO framework, presenting its integration into the Generalized multi-protocol label switching (GMPLS) control plane. By simulating two different scenarios, we demonstrate the effectiveness of this algorithm when a single link or node failure occurs.
Helio WaldmanEmail:
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