A new derailment coefficient of a single wheelset was theoretically developed by considering the dynamic and geometric effects from lateral acceleration and gyro factors as well as mechanical factors like flange angle, frictional coefficient, wheel-unloading, wheel radius, track gauge and position of axle bearings. This new derailment coefficient (lateral force over vertical wheel load, P/Q) can predict the commencement of various derailments, such as wheel climbing and lifting types, roll-over types and their combined types. In addition, this derailment coefficient can analyze the various dynamic and geometrical effects of a wheelset, which are not considered in the conventional derailment coefficients of Nadal’s and Weinstock’s formulas. This derailment coefficient was verified by comparing its theoretical anticipations of several examples with numerical simulation results using a commercial dynamic S/W, RecurDyn. 相似文献
This paper presents the numerical study of dynamic fracture for metal cylinder under internal explosive loading. Also, the effects of fracture models and groove designs on fracture behavior are investigated. For the dynamic hardening behavior, the Lim-Huh model including the thermal softening effect is adopted [1, 2]. Also, the Lou-Huh fracture model considering the strain rate dependency is used for fracture prediction [3]. The tensile fracture occurs first at the outer surface, and the shear fracture is observed near the inner surface. In addition, finite element analyses are performed to study the effect of various groove designs on dynamic fracture; single U-groove and V-groove at the outer surface. The tensile and shear fracture lines are predicted near the groove tip and inner surface, respectively. It is concluded that the stress triaxiality parameter is one of the critical factors in the dynamic fracture prediction of the metal cylinder.
The objective of the present study is to develop a design methodology for the large scale heavy duty robot to meet the design
requirements of vibration and stress levels in structural components resulting from exposure of system modules to LCD (Liquid
Crystal Display) processing environments. Vibrations of the component structures significantly influence the motion accuracy
and fatigue damage. To analyze and design a heavy duty robot for LCD transfer, FE and multi-body dynamic simulation techniques
have been used. The links of a robot are modeled as flexible bodies using modal coordinates. Nonlinear mechanical properties
such as friction, compliance of reducers and bearings were considered in the flexible multi-body dynamics model. Various design
proposals are investigated to improve structural design performances by using the dynamic simulation model. Design sensitivity
analyses with respect to vibration and stresses are carried out to search an optimal design. An example of an 8G (8th-Generation)
LTR (LCD Transfer Robot) is illustrated to demonstrate the proposed methodology. Finally, the results are verified by real
experiments including vibration testing. 相似文献
We describe the design, construction, and performance of three generations of superconducting Ioffe magnetic traps. The first two are low current traps, built from four racetrack shaped quadrupole coils and two solenoid assemblies. Coils are wet wound with multifilament NbTi superconducting wires embedded in epoxy matrices. The magnet bore diameters are 51 and 105 mm with identical trap depths of 1.0 T at their operating currents and at 4.2 K. A third trap uses a high current accelerator-type quadrupole magnet and two low current solenoids. This trap has a bore diameter of 140 mm and tested trap depth of 2.8 T. Both low current traps show signs of excessive training. The high current hybrid trap, on the other hand, exhibits good training behavior and is amenable to quench protection. 相似文献
Recently, the size of raw glass has been greatly increased in the new generation Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) technology.
To handle bigger and heavier glasses, it is necessary to develop a large scale LTR (LCD Transfer Robot) to support various
complicated LCD fabrication processes. This adjustment will result in difficult design problems such as vibration, handling
accuracy deterioration, and high stress due to heavier dynamic loads. In turn, these will result in inaccurate transfer motion
and fatigue cracks.
In this paper, the dynamic simulation technique is introduced to validate a baseline design and to propose new and improved
designs for the best performance of heavy-scaled LCD transfer robots. The dynamic models and analysis results were verified
by real experiments including strain measure test and motor power test. Using the verified simulation model, some dynamic
situations such as the robot’s emergency stop and free fall situation, which were not impossible to test using the real proto
robot, were analyzed and predicted using the simulation model.
This paper was presented at the 4th Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics(ACMD2008), Jeju, Korea, August 20–23, 2008.
Jong-Hwi Seo received a B.S. M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Ajou University in 1998, 2000 and 2005, respectively. He is currently a senior
engineer in Mechatronics and Manufacturing Technology Center of Samsung Electronics Co. His research interests are in the
area of multibody dynamics, robotics and mechanism design.
Jae Chul Hwang received a B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in mechanical engineering from Seoul National University, Korea, in 1996, 1998,
and 2002, respectively. He is currently a senior engineer in Mechatronics and Manufacturing Technology Center of Samsung Electronics
Co., Ltd. His research interests are in the area of kinematics and dynamics of serial and parallel kinematic robot.
Yong-Won Choi received a M.S degree in Mechanical Engineering from Korea University in 1993. He has worked for Samsung Electronics, Ltd
from 1993 and is currently a principle engineer at Robot Mechanism Part in Mechatronics and Manufacturing Technology Center
of Samsung Electronics Co. He is interest in the area of robotics, control and mechanism design.
Hong Jae Yim received B.S. and M.S degrees in mechanical engineering from Seoul National University, Korea, in 1979, and 1983, respectively.
He received Ph.D degree from Univ. of Iowa, USA. He is currently a professor in School of Mechanical & Automotive Engineering,
Kookmin University. His research interests are in the area of computer aided kinematics and dynamics of mechanical systems. 相似文献
This paper presents the design, fabrication, and experimental investigation of a novel planar pump using electro-conjugate
fluid. The electro-conjugate fluid (ECF) is a kind of dielectric functional fluid which generates a powerful jet flow (ECF-jet)
when a static electric field is applied via a pair of rod-like electrodes. This phenomenon that ECF can generate jet flows
from the positive electrode to the ground electrode in an applied electric field is called the ECF effect, and converts electric
energy directly into kinetic energy of the fluid. The ECF-jet acts directly on the working fluids; therefore, the proposed
planar ECF pump requires no moving parts and produces no vibration or noise. The fabricated planar ECF pump consists of three
parts: a pump base, a top cover, and an electrode substrate with dimensions of 280 mm × 190 mm × 1 mm. In this paper, five
different electrode patterns and three different flow channel heights were investigated for the realization of a high-performance
planar ECF pump. Each array of electrodes was patterned on the glass epoxy substrates using a wet-etching process, and the
flow channel heights were either 200 μm, 300 μm, or 500 μm. The pumping experiments used FF-1EHA2 as the working fluid. Experimentation showed that a no-load flow rate of 5.5 cm3/s, maximum output pressure of 7.2 kPa, and maximum output power of 11.6 mW were achieved at an applied voltage of 2.0 kV. 相似文献
Inertial navigation systems (INS) are composed of inertial sensors, such as accelerometers and gyroscopes. An INS updates
its orientation and position automatically; it has an acceptable stability over the short term, however this stability deteriorates
over time. Odometry, used to estimate the position of a mobile robot, employs encoders attached to the robot’s wheels. However,
errors occur caused by the integrative nature of the rotating speed and the slippage between the wheel and the ground. In
this paper, we discuss mobile robot position estimation without using external signals in indoor environments. In order to
achieve optimal solutions, a Kalman filter that estimates the orientation and velocity of mobile robots has been designed.
The proposed system combines INS and odometry and delivers more accurate position information than standalone odometry. 相似文献
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology - In this paper, to help reduce the squeal noise produced during the braking of urban railway vehicles, the shape of the disc brake pad was investigated... 相似文献