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A systematic and straightforward procedure is developed for the synthesis and analysis of transformer-isolated power converters. The procedure can be used to determine the ranges of duty-ratio over which the transformer-isolated power converters of a given class can be operated without transformer saturation. The procedure can also be used to study the dependence of the power converter switch stresses on duty-ratios. This information is useful in the selection of the transformer-isolated power converter most suitable for a given application and in the design of this power converter with minimum switch stresses, high power density, and low cost  相似文献   
The effectiveness of the hybrid system sonication followed by wet oxidation (SONIWO) to treat otherwise refractory waste has been demonstrated. In such a hybrid system homogeneous CuSO4 catalyst was found to be very efficient.  相似文献   
A method for fabricating single crystal blades that combines the techniques of seed crystals and selection is suggested. The method realizes the advantages of both techniques, i.e., the high structural perfection and the possibility of fabricating single crystals with specified spatial orientation. Metallographic and x-ray diffraction analyses are used to study the processes of nucleation of the single crystal structure of blade castings fabricated from high-temperature nickel alloys by the method of selection and seed crystals. A commercial process for fabricating cast single crystal turbine blades by the new method is suggested.  相似文献   
This paper demonstrates the use of computer simulation for topological design and performance engineering of transparent wavelength-division multiplexing metropolitan-area networks. Engineering of these networks involves the study of various transport-layer impairments such as amplifier noise, component ripple, chirp/dispersion, optical crosstalk, waveform distortion due to filter concatenation, fiber nonlinearities, and polarization effects. A computer simulation methodology composed of three main simulation steps is derived and implemented. This methodology obtains performance estimations by applying efficient wavelength-domain simulations on the entire network topology, followed by time-/frequency-domain simulations on selected paths of the network and finally Q-budgeting on an identified worst case path. The above technique provides an efficient tool for topological design and network performance engineering. Accurate simulation models are presented for each of the performance impairments, and the computer simulation methodology is used for the design and engineering of a number of actual metro network architectures  相似文献   
We have studied the optical power losses due to multiple curvatures in polymethylmetacrylate (PMMA) plastic optical fibers (POFs) of different numerical apertures (NAs) and attenuation. The fibers were tested for several configurations in order to assess the influence of different types of curved-to-straight fiber transitions in the amount of power radiation. We found that losses are below the standards for all tested fiber types, and thus, they are a suitable choice for local area network (LAN) applications. In addition, our results revealed the presence of modal interactions as confirmed using an experimental procedure to estimate the mode coupling strength for the same fibers.  相似文献   
This paper describes a sequential tripping strategy used in a wide area back-up protection expert system (BPES) to combat situations in which protection relays have maloperated or information is missing. The BPES is an innovative back-up protection scheme designed to prevent the occurrence of widespread blackouts. The BPES evaluates the certainty that transmission lines are likely to be affected by the fault and uses a sequential tripping strategy to isolate the fault if a firm decision is not available due to maloperated relays and/or missing information. The mode of analysis and the sequential tripping strategy ensures that the BPES will clear a fault at minimum risk to the network. An example is included to demonstrate how the certainty factor based sequential tripping strategy is employed by the BPES to clear a fault which occurred on the South Western part of the UK National Grid System  相似文献   
Samples of nine different fruits grown in Oyo State of Nigeria were obtained from different market locations within Ibadan Municipality and analysed for their vitamin C content. Sweet orange was found to contain the highest amount of vitamin C (56·0 mg100 g edible portion) whilst sweet banana variety II contained the lowest amount (9·4 mg100 g edible portion). Lime, grapefruit, pawpaw and ‘agbalumo’ were found to contain considerable amounts of vitamin C, having 46·5, 47·0, 43·2 and 48·0 mg100 g respectively. Consumption of these fruits would thus meet the nutritional requirement for vitamin C in this part of Nigeria. It is also recommended that sweet orange, agbalumo, grapefruit, lime and pawpaw, found to contain considerable amounts of vitamin C, should be processed either at home or factory level to make them available to the people all year round.  相似文献   
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