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The standard impact factor for particular fields of science (Ig) and the relative impact factor K for scientific journals are introduced. The technique of calculation of standard impact factor (Ig) for a field is an inherent part of a method which allows a cross-field evaluation of scientific journals. This method for evaluating scientific journals elaborated in 1988 was aimed at the analysis of Russian journals covered by the SCI database, it was also used for chemical journals (more that 300) and for journals in the Life sciences (more than 1000). The results are discussed.  相似文献   
The poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) material provides a number of advantageous features, such as flexibility, elasticity, and transparency, making it useful in integrated analytical systems. Hard fused-silica capillary structures and soft PDMS channels can easily be combined by a tight fit, which offers many alternatives for structure combinations. PDMS and fused silica are in different ways prone to adsorption of low levels of organic compounds. The need for modification of the inner wall surface of PDMS channels may often be necessary, and in this paper, we describe an easy and effective method using the amine-containing polymer PolyE-323 to deactivate both fused-silica and PDMS surfaces. The adsorption of selected peptides to untreated surfaces was compared to PolyE-323-modified surfaces, using both radionuclide imaging and capillary electrophoresis experiments. The polyamine modification displayed a substantially reduced adsorption of three hydrophobic test peptides compared to the native PDMS surface. Filling and storage of aqueous solution were also possible in PolyE-323-modified PDMS channels. In addition, hybrid microstructures of fused silica and PDMS could simultaneously be deactivated in one simple coating procedure.  相似文献   
Active millimeter-wave images typically exhibit characteristic speckle noise, due to the coherence of artificial millimeter-wave sources. We study the Hadamard speckle contrast reduction (SCR) technique, which has been successfully used in laser projection systems, in the context of millimeter-wave imaging. We show the impact of Hadamard pattern order and size and of image and pattern resolution on speckle reduction efficiency. Practical limitations of Hadamard pattern implementations and their effect on speckle reduction efficiency are also discussed.  相似文献   
This article deals with performance evaluation of human operations in point‐to‐point displacement tasks using a joystick. Analysis of operator outputs during an experimental task revealed a pattern of partially overlapping submovements with predictable velocity characteristics and forms. A velocity‐dependent gain control added to the joystick–cursor interface improved performance when compared to a conventional linear transformation. This control algorithm can be recommended for many similar human–machine interfaces. A specific performance evaluation was applied to estimate the characteristics of different remote control designs. This approach can be used for evaluating human–machine systems. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
A problem of a modal P-regulator synthesis for a linear multivariable dynamical system with uncertain (interval) parameters in state space is considered. The designed regulator has to place all coefficients of the system characteristic polynomial within assigned intervals. We have developed the approach proposed earlier in Dugarova and Smagina (Avtomat. i Telemech. 11 (1990) 176) and proved a direct correlation between interval system controllability and existence of robust modal P-regulator.  相似文献   
An appropriate assessment of end-to-end network performance presumes highly efficient time tracking and measurement with precise time control of the stopping and resuming of program operation. In this paper, a novel approach to solving the problems of highly efficient and precise time measurements on PC-platforms and on ARM-architectures is proposed. A new unified High Performance Timer and a corresponding software library offer a unified interface to the known time counters and automatically identify the fastest and most reliable time source, available in the user space of a computing system. The research is focused on developing an approach of unified time acquisition from the PC hardware and accordingly substituting the common way of getting the time value through Linux system calls. The presented approach provides a much faster means of obtaining the time values with a nanosecond precision than by using conventional means. Moreover, it is capable of handling the sequential time value, precise sleep functions and process resuming. This ability means the reduction of wasting computer resources during the execution of a sleeping process from 100% (busy-wait) to 1-1.5%, whereas the benefits of very accurate process resuming times on long waits are maintained.  相似文献   
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision - A correction to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10851-021-01028-0  相似文献   
  • This study investigated the attitudes toward social, economic, and environmental corporate responsibilities of 3064 current managers and business students in 8 European countries.
  • Participants in Western European countries had significantly different perspectives on the importance of these corporate responsibilities (CR) than those in Central and East European countries. Within each country, environmental CR is perceived as most important in both CEE and Western European countries. Across countries, Western European respondents accord more importance to social CR and less importance to economic CR. CEE countries are not homogenous, e.g., CR attitudes in the Czech Republic are closer to that of Western Europeans, possibly triggered by the accession to EU.
  • Work experience (managers vs. business students) influences social and environmental orientations more than the economic orientation for only some countries. Generational differences were found as well: Business students attribute more importance to environmental CR and less importance to social CR than managers.
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