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It has been demonstrated recently that it is possible to guide broadband Terahertz pulses utilising a novel coaxial waveguide. This technique is hindered by the difficulty in exciting the radially polarised fundamental mode of the waveguide. To optimise mode matching, a novel radially symmetric photoconductive Terahertz antenna is proposed. Using finite element method simulations and analytical calculations, it is shown that this antenna can generate the desired radial polarisation.  相似文献   
A multi-channel continuous toxicity monitoring system developed in our laboratory, based on two-stage mini-bioreactors, was successfully implemented in the form of computer-based data acquisition. The multi-channel system consists of a series of a two-stage minibioreactor systems connected by a fiber optic probe to a luminometer, and uses genetically engineered bioluminescent bacteria for the detection of the potential toxicity from the soluble chemicals. This system can be stably and continuously operated due to the separation of the culture reactor from the test reactor and accomplish easy and long-term monitoring without system shut down by abrupt inflows of severe polluting chemicals. Four different recombinant bioluminescent bacteria were used in different channels so that the modes of the samples toxicities can be reasonably identified and evaluated based upon the response signature of each channel. The bioluminescent signatures were delivered from four channels by switching one at once, while the data is automatically logged to an IBM compatible computer. We also achieved the enhancement of the system through the manipulation of the dilution rate and the use of thermo-lux fusion strains. Finally, this system is now being implemented to a drinking water reservoir and river for remote sensing as an early warning system.  相似文献   
Cationic thermal motions in the MPS3 have been related to substitution abilities in this layer family. They have also been correlated to the crystal field stabilization energy. These considerations explain why some MPS3 materials may or may not undergo a low temperature substitution intercalation reaction. From interatomic distances comparisons, the bond between (PS3) groups in the anionic (P2S6)4? octahedra, is found to be easily stretched upon cation substitution. Cationic radii follows the expected variation according to their high spin configuration in octahedral sulfur environment.  相似文献   
The identification of adequate wastewater treatment for small communities is a complex problem since it demands a combination of data from different sources, such as aspects of the community and landscape, the receiving environment and the available wastewater treatment technologies. The Catalan Water Agency (Agència Catalana de l'Aigua) considered using an EDSS (Environmental Decision Support System) as a tool to help water managers select the most adequate treatment for the urban wastewater of nearly 3,500 small communities in Catalonia (Spain). From that moment, EDSS was applied to all the river basins in Catalonia. In this paper the authors present the results obtained for the 76 small communities located in one of these river basins: the Fluvia River Basin. The characteristics of the community used in the reasoning process of the EDSS, the list of selected wastewater treatment alternatives, the technical environmental justification for the selected treatments and the reasons for discarding, favouring or disadvantaging them are presented. Finally, some results for the Fluvia River Basin are compared with those obtained in other Catalan river basins with different characteristics in order to evaluate which are the significant features in identifying adequate wastewater treatments.  相似文献   
Continuous simulation is performed using the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) to evaluate regional differences around the United States in hydrologic and water quality performance of wet-weather controls. Controls are characterised as being limited by peak inflow rate (i.e. any device with little or no storage, such as screens, filters and some proprietary devices) or by storage capacity (e.g., ponds, tanks). For flow-limited devices, results are presented in the form of percentage of annual runoff volume captured (passing through the device) for a given inflow capacity. For storage-limited devices, results are presented in two forms: percentage of annual runoff volume captured as a function of unit basin size and drawdown (drain) time, and as a percentage of total suspended solids captured, for the same two variables. Regional differences are apparent, driven mainly by variations in rainfall patterns around the country.  相似文献   
In this paper the problem of determining a manipulator design so that its workspace corresponds to a prescribed workspace is considered. Two different strategies, resulting in two different types of optimization problem are considered. The first strategy attempts to obtain a good overall approximation to the prescribed workspace and results in an unconstrained optimization problem. The second strategy entails designing a manipulator so that its workspace fully encloses the prescribed workspace and results in a constrained optimization problem. Two specific formulations of the constrained problem are proposed. The first constrained problem simply aims to fit the manipulator workspace as exactly as possible to the prescribed workspace, while still ensuring that the prescribed workspace is fully enclosed. The second constrained optimization formulation is used to design a manipulator, the workspace of which fully encloses the prescribed workspace, but which is also well‐conditioned throughout the workspace with respect to some performance measure. The particular manipulator used to illustrate and evaluate these formulations is a simple 2‐dof planar parallel manipulator, and the final formulation is also applied to a 3‐dof planar parallel manipulator. Although the manipulators studied here are simple, the objective of this study is to obtain a robust numerical methodology which can be extended to more practical and complex manipulators. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A high-gain ballistic hot-electron device is described. The GaAs-AlGaAs heterostructure device, with a 21-mm-thick pseudomorphic In 0.12Ga0.88As base, had a current gain of 27 at 77 K and 41 at 4.2 K. As characteristically seen in ballistic devices, transfer into the L valley limited the maximum gain. The Γ-L valley separation in the strained In0.12Ga0.88As was estimated to be about 380 meV  相似文献   
The results of a computer simulation of the initial stages of the nucleation and growth of gold on NaCl(100) are presented. A potential energy scaling Monte Carlo model employing a 50 × 50 array, mobile monomers, dimers and trimers, and gold atom vertical “roll up” was used. The parameters in the model were obtained from the work of Robinson and Robins, other published sources and/or found by calculation. Simulations of the migration of single gold adatoms over the surface permitted the determination of the diffusion coefficient as a function of the reciprocal temperature which returned the same activation energy given by the potential field, thus indicating the consistency of the model. Initial cluster densities were determined using deposition rates of Rd = 1015cm-2s-1 and Rd = 1014cm-2s-1 over the temperature range T=200–425 K. Initial cluster growth was found to occur primarily by surface phase transport and resulted in clusters that were shaped like very thin disks. Using the equations from the work of Velfe and coworkers, calculations were made to extrapolate the computer simulation data in order to permit an indirect comparison with the data of Robinson and Robins. Good agreement was achieved. Initial condensation coefficients determined over a 250 ms interval showed that α ≈ 0 at T > 425 K and α ≈ 1 at T < 325 K for a deposition rate of Rd=1015 cm-2 s-1.  相似文献   
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