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The surest way to guarantee that multiple wireless systems can concurrently exist harmlessly, when operating in the same or adjacent channel, is by analyzing spectrum overlapping. This paper proposes a more accurate model to evaluate the interference power from co-channel and adjacent channel of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing-based long term evolution-advanced (LTE-Advanced) towards broadcasting frequency modulation systems at 800?MHz. Power spectral density overlapping factor is employed, and closed form of the interference power loss is derived. Numerical results demonstrate that the proposed method evaluates more exact interference power than the advanced minimum coupling loss (A-MCL) method, where the co-channel and adjacent channel interference powers are reduced by 1.3 and 3?dB, correspondingly, compared to that obtained using the A-MCL method. This decreases the minimum separation distance between the two systems, which can eventually lead to efficient radio spectrum resources utilization.  相似文献   
This paper presents an adaptive block-by-block least squares (LS) algorithm for the interpolation of infrared (IR) images. The suggested algorithm is based on the segmentation of the low resolution (LR) image into overlapping blocks and the interpolation of each block, separately. The purpose of the overlapping is to avoid edge effects between blocks. An iterative implementation of the proposed algorithm, which considers the image acquisition model, is used for the minimization of the estimation error in each block. A weight matrix of moderate dimensions is estimated in a small number of iterations to interpolate each block. This proposed algorithm avoids the large computational complexity resulting from the matrices of large dimensions required to interpolate the image as a whole. The performance of the proposed algorithm is compared with the standard as well as the warped distance optimal interpolation of maximal order with minimal support (O-MOMS) algorithm from the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) point of view. Numerical results reveal the superiority of the proposed LS algorithm to the cubic O-MOMS algorithm.  相似文献   
Recently, Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSNs) has witnessed significant attention from both academia and industries in research and development, due to the growing number of applications for wide range of purposes including commercial, scientific, environmental and military. Some of the major applications include pollution monitoring, tactical surveillance, tsunami warnings and offshore exploration. Efficient communication among sensors in UWSNs is a challenging task due to the harsh environments and peculiar characteristics of UWSNs. Therefore, design of routing protocol for efficient communication among sensors and sink is one of the fundamental research themes in UWSNs. In this context, this paper proposes a location-free Reliable and Energy efficient Pressure-Based Routing (RE-PBR) protocol for UWSNs. RE-PBR considers three parameters including link quality, depth and residual energy for balancing energy consumption and reliable data delivery. Specifically, link quality is estimated using triangle metric method. A light weight information acquisition algorithm is developed for efficient knowledge discovery of the network. Multi-metric data forwarding algorithm is designed based on route cost calculation which utilizes residual energy and link quality. Simulations are carried out in NS-2 with Aqua-Sim package to evaluate the performance of RE-PBR. The performance of the proposed protocol is compared with the stat-of-the-art techniques: DBR and EEDBR. The comprehensive performance evaluation attests the benefit of RE-PBR as compared to the state-of-the-art techniques in terms of network lifetime, energy consumption, end-to-end delay and packet delivery ratio.  相似文献   
The effect of dried spices and the ethanol extract of those spices was studied on the stability of fresh chicken minced meat, and fresh and cooked pork patties pretreated with NaCl during refrigerated and frozen storage. The antioxidant activities of the spices were measured by thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and peroxide value (POV) in meat samples. The lipid oxidation was effectively inhibited in the chicken meat treated with several dry spices diminishing the TBARS to a range of 32% and 83% of those found in the control samples in frozen stored meat for 6 months. Marjoram, wild marjoram and caraway were the most effective dry spices. Ethanolic extracts of the same spices were more potent as antioxidants by lowering the concentration of the TBARS to a range of 20–27% of those found in the control samples. Addition of sodium salt to the minced pork resulted very high concentrations of the oxidation products originated from the polyunsaturated fatty acids. The treatment with ethanolic extract of spices (sage, basil, thyme and ginger) significantly inhibited the lipid peroxidation in refrigerated and chilled pork patties pretreated with NaCl by reducing both POV and TBARS. Heat treatment with microwaves produced significantly elevated levels of both lipid peroxides and TBARS, but the amount of these oxidation products was less than 10% in spice‐treated salted meat samples compared to that in untreated ones. Lipid peroxidation also grew continuously during the storage period at −18°C in raw and cooked samples. Ethanolic extracts of spices had a very strong antioxidative effect inhibiting lipid peroxidation in heat‐treated meat products during frozen storage. The highest antioxidant activity was observed in the case of ginger. High correlation coefficients were found between TBARS and POV both in raw and cooked pork patties (0.86, 0.91, respectively) during frozen storage. It is supposed that these compounds originated from the polyunsaturated fatty acids during oxidation processes but at different stages. Utilization of spices, spice mixtures or spice extracts in semi‐prepared meat products intended to be frozen for up to 6 months or more before consumption is proved to be advantageous in regard of shelf life of the food, as well as of human health, because of the beneficial effect of spices in inhibition of lipid peroxidation during heat treatment and chilling storage. © 1999 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
A defatted flour sample of sorghum and pearl millet were separated into three fractions. These procedures involve extracting the defatted flour with aqueous sodium hydroxide (pH 11.9) followed by precipitation with diluted HCl acid (pH 4.8). The two protein fractions I (soluble at pH 4.8) and II (insoluble at pH 4.8) along with the remaining residues (fraction III) were lyophilized separately. The amino acid composition of the original flour and the three fractions were determined. Lysine seems to be the most deficient amino acid in the original flour and the remaining residues. Fraction I and II, in which the lysine accumulated, have essentially better amino acid profile and consequently nutritionally better quality than the protein of the original defatted flour. The recovered protein-rich fractions I and II should be useful as a protein ingredient in foods. The remaining residues can be extruded into convenience foods.  相似文献   
Oil palm is the largest and most important plantation crop in Malaysia. The oil palm generally lasts for 25–30 years before the next replantation is done. Substantial amount of biomass in the form of palm trunk results from plantation cycle. This resource is simply left on the ground to decay and is not used as raw material to manufacture any kind of value-added products. The objective of this study was to investigate the possibility of manufacturing plywood from oil palm trunks and to evaluate some of the finishing properties of such experimental panels in comparison to those from Shorea sp as control samples. Three-ply plywood samples were produced from 5 mm thick veneers of oil palm using urea formaldehyde adhesive. Three types of chemicals, namely nitrocellulose, pre-catalyzed lacquer and polyurethane were used to finish experimental panels. The surface finished with nitrocellulose had the lowest contact angle on raw surface of oil palm plywood and wood. The average cross cut tape index of oil palm plywood was comparable to Shorea sp. All finishing materials of oil palm plywood produced impact rating of 4 except for surface finished with nitrocellulose while finishing on wood indicated an impact rating of 3. Oil palm plywood had higher weight loss compared to Shorea sp. Based on results from contact angle, cross cut tape index, impact rate test, weathering, and soil burial test methods it appears that the samples showed acceptable finishing properties comparable to those of solid wood.  相似文献   
Seven types of Egyptian bread were collected from different rural and urban areas. The chemical composition including total proteins, amino acids, carbohydrates, fibers, lipids, macro and micro minerals contents were determined. Total proteins content was higher in shamssy bread than other types of bread. Crude fat has the highest value in bread made from mixture of cereals, especially when trigonella is found, while fiber content was highest when mixture of cereals containing sorghum is used. Ash content of bread made from maize + wheat showed a higher value than other types and the differences were highly significant. Ca, Mg, Cu, and Fe were higher in bread made from sorghum + trigonella blend than other types of bread. Variations in the amino acids content of the different types of bread were found; these differences due to the origin of different cereals, the method of bread processing and the differences in the extraction rates of the flour.  相似文献   
The accuracy of ultrasonography to measure fat thickness (FT) and longissimus dorsi muscle (LM) traits (area, depth and width) in live Awassi male lambs and predict carcass FT and LM traits was studied.Twenty six Awassi male lambs were randomly divided into light (L) (n = 13) and heavy (H) (n = 13) finishing lambs. Slaughter weight of lambs in L and H groups were 40 and 45 kg, respectively. FT and LM traits, cross-sectional area between the 12th and 13th rib were measured using real-time ultrasound in vivo and on the carcass after slaughter. All ultrasound and carcass measurements were the same except live weight (LW) (P < 0.001), cold carcass weight (CCW) (P < 0.001) and carcass LM width (P < 0.05). Overall, correlation coefficients between ultrasound and carcass FT, LM depth, width and area were 0.79, 0.82 (P < 0.001); 0.60, 0.58 (P < 0.05); 0.48, −0.17 (P > 0.05) and 0.89, 0.87 (P < 0.001), respectively, for lambs in L and H groups. The introduction of ultrasound FT and ultrasound LM area as independent variables in addition to LW in the multiple regression equations further improved the variations for carcass FT (84%, 71%), carcass LM area (79%, 79%), CCW (72%, 65%) for lambs in light and heavy groups whereas no improvement was observed for carcass yield.These results indicate that in vivo ultrasound FT and measurement of the LM area in association with LW could be used to estimate carcass FT, carcass LM area and CCW in different LW Awassi lambs.  相似文献   
Food Science and Biotechnology - In submerged-liquid fermentation, seven key parameters were assessed using one-factor-at-a-time to obtain the highest GABA yield using an industrial soy sauce koji...  相似文献   
Milk of high conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) level (1.25 g per 100 g milk fat) was produced by inclusion of fish oil and rousted soy bean in the ration of Holstein cows as compared to 0.55 g per 100 g milk fat in the milk of animals receiving control diet. Milk of normal (control) and high CLA content (treatment) was spray‐dried. Labneh was made from 20 g L?1 reconstituted milk using 3 mL per 100 mL yoghurt starter and 2 mL per 100 mL of probiotic cultures of Lactobacillus casei or Lactobacillus acidophilus. The control (C) and high CLA (T) labneh were analysed chemically and microbiologically, and their viscosities were determined during cold storage for 15 days. The fat content of labneh of high CLA was less than that of the control, but the total solids (TS) were unaffected by the CLA level. Labneh made with Lb. acidophilus had lower TS and higher acidity, exopolysaccharides and acetaldehyde contents and viscosity than that made with the use of Lb. casei. Labneh from the different treatments retained high counts of the added probiotic (>108 cfu g?1) throughout the storage period. The storage period had significant effects on all parameters determined.  相似文献   
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