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针对LEACH算法随机选取簇头,未考虑节点剩余能量及单跳与sink节点通信造成能量损耗过快的问题。引入以剩余能量及邻居节点数作为权重因子的时间等候簇头竞争模式选取簇头,并提出LEACH与蚁群算法相结合建立簇间路由机制,采用局部信息素更新,综合簇头节点的剩余能量及节点距离,为簇首与sink节点通信建立多跳路由,达到降低簇头节点能耗过快的目的。仿真实验结果表明,改进算法在降低能耗、延长网络生命周期等方面较LEACH算法有较大提高。  相似文献   
基于有限元法的染污直流支柱复合绝缘子伞裙参数优化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
直流支柱绝缘子污闪问题比交流支柱绝缘子要严重,通过伞裙优化能够明显改善其污闪特性。该文借鉴人工污秽试验研究伞裙优化的成果,利用有限元法对染污直流支柱绝缘子建模,研究伞间距、大伞伸出和大小伞伸出差对绝缘子沿面电场分布的影响。提出以爬电距离和电场强度作为伞裙参数优化的判断依据,研究表明,电场强度分布随着伞裙参数的变化呈有规律变化:随着伞间距的增加,绝缘子沿面平均电场强度逐渐减小;随着大伞伸出的增加,绝缘子沿面平均电场强度逐渐增大;随大小伞伸出差增加,爬电系数单调减小,沿面平均电场强度呈振荡减小的趋势。通过比较分析得出支柱绝缘子伞裙较优的参数范围,为进行伞裙优化试验研究提出试品伞裙的建议参数。  相似文献   
盛锴  寻新  朱晓星 《湖南电力》2010,(Z1):78-81
介绍某电厂1 000 MW机组FSSS系统的相关设备和逻辑组成,对该机组FSSS逻辑的特点进行介绍和分析。分析表明与600 MW级的机组FSSS系统相比,其设计思想和控制策略基本一致,但在细节上仍有值得吸收消化和改进之处。  相似文献   
分析唐山地区当前农村电网维护费标准不统一等农网电价执行中存在的问题,提出规范农村电网维护费收取标准、规范销售电价分类、规范终端电价政策差异等相关建议,为规范农村电价提供参考。  相似文献   
In most (t,n)-Multi-secret sharing ((t,n)-MSS) schemes, an illegal participant, even without any valid share, may recover secrets when there are over t participants in secret reconstructions. To address this problem, the paper presents the notion of Group ori-ented (t,m,n)-multi-secret sharing (or (t,m,n)-GOMSS), in which recovering each secret requires all m (n ≥ m ≥ t) participants to have valid shares and actually participate in secret reconstruction. As an example, the paper then pro-poses a simple (t,m,n)-GOMSS scheme. In the scheme, every shareholder has only one share; to recover a secret, m shareholders construct a Polynomial-based randomized component (PRC) each with the share to form a tightly coupled group, which forces the secret to be recovered only with all m valid PRCs. As a result, the scheme can thwart the above illegal participant attack. The scheme is simple as well as flexible and does not depend on conventional hard problems or one way functions.  相似文献   
图像去模糊一直是图像修复中的重要问题,针对经典的去模糊方法,提出一种耦合非凸lp(0≤p<1)范数和G范数的图像去模糊方法。该方法利用lp(0≤p<1)范数作为正则项约束,保证了图像的稀疏性要求;利用G范数作为保真项,保证在去模糊的同时有效抑制噪声并保持图像的细小特征,同时也给出新方法基于交替最小化的有效算法。实验结果表明新模型是可行的。  相似文献   
Mo2C was prepared by microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition(MPCVD)technique with the power of 800 W and pressure of 18 kPa. Compared with traditional prepar...  相似文献   
为了解决可拉伸应变传感器的灵敏度与检测范围(最大和最小可拉伸性)之间相互制约的问题.受蛋类膜-壳结构的启发,本文提出了一种构筑具有高灵敏度、宽可拉伸应变传感器的新策略,即基于柔性可拉伸的表面接枝聚吡咯膜(s-PPy)(类似于蛋膜)和脆性金膜(类似于蛋壳)制备器件.Au和s-PPy膜在电学和机械性能上产生相互协同作用.A...  相似文献   
Vacuum ultraviolet(VUV)lasers have demonstrated great potential as the light source for various spectroscopies,which,if they can be focused into a small beam spot,will not only allow investigation of mesoscopic materials and structures but also find application in the manufacture of nano-objects with excellent precision.In this work,we report the construction of a 177 nm VUV laser that can achieve a record-small(〜0.76 μm)focal spot at a long focal length(~45 mm)by using a flat lens without spherical aberration.The size of the beam spot of this VUV laser was tested using a metal grating and exfoliated graphene flakes,and we demonstrated its application in a fluorescence spectroscopy study on pure and Tm3+-doped NaYF4 microcrystals,revealing a new emission band that cannot be observed in the traditional up-conversion process.In addition,this laser system would be an ideal light source for spatially and angleresolved photoemission spectroscopy.  相似文献   
李国根  黄建勇  熊文波 《酿酒》2007,34(2):43-44
介绍了珍藏版四特酒的生产原料、生产工艺、操作方法和质量标准.  相似文献   
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