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Common methods for assessment of surface checking in decorative plywood panels rely on manual handling and visual inspection of specimens, a laborious procedure practically limiting the number of materials and variables that may be considered within one project. In this study, a new automated optical method for detection and measurement of checks has been developed. This method was based on the digital image correlation principle, which allowed identification of checks as small as 0.2 mm wide and 1 mm long. Continuous measurement allowed reliable check counts, and measurement of check dimensions as they develop during exposure to drying conditions. A check severity index has been proposed. The method has been validated in exposure tests conducted in harsh but realistic conditions, to increase the likelihood of checking and reduce the test duration to 4 h. In addition, an innovative test setup allowed near simultaneous monitoring of check development in up to 48 panel specimens sized 30?×?30 cm. The efficiency of the method allows studies to examine an unprecedented number of treatments and replicates.  相似文献   
This paper reports on the properties of Pinus radiata wood impregnated with an organic phase change material (O-PCM). The tests are aimed at characterizing the kinetics of impregnation (rates, flows, and fronts) and the thermophysical properties (thermal conductivity and specific heat). In particular, a paraffin type O-PCM (octadecane) is used to impregnate dry radiata pine wood in the tangential flow direction at four manometric pressures (0, 1, 2, and 3 bar) and constant temperature of 50 °C. The wood is sapwood from 12-year old P. radiata growing in the Bío-Bío region and dimensioned according to Chilean standard for treated wood sample extraction. The results show that it is viable to impregnate P. radiata wood with O-PCM to improve its thermophysical properties with the purpose of passive conditioning.  相似文献   
Effects of chitosan combined with nisin on quality enhancement in jumbo squid (Dosidicus gigas) were investigated during cold storage (4?±?1 °C). 1% chitosan combined with different concentrations of nisin (0, 2 and 6 g/L) were utilized as preservatives. Changes in human sensory evaluation, GC–MS, total variable counts, and physiochemical indexes, including weight loss, colour, total volatile basic nitrogen and K value, were synchronously measured. Results demonstrated that 1% chitosan combined with 6 g/L nisin maintained high sensory scores, low moisture loss and volatile spoilage products. The optimized method also inhibited microbial propagation, nutrient (protein, nucleotides, etc) degradation, etc. This method is promising in aquatic products quality preservation.  相似文献   
The phenolic composition in dried Myrica rubra fruits, leaves and bark were investigated for evaluation of its contribution to the antioxidant activity. The fruits, leaves and bark have the abundant phenolic compounds with the total phenolic content of 0.673, 0.276 and 0.136 mg/g (GA equivalents/FW), respectively. Ten phenolic compounds were isolated and identified in methanol extracts of Myrica rubra fruits by GC–MS analysis. Less phenolic compounds were found in leaves and bark than in fruits. However, the leaves and bark contain much higher concentrations of the trans-resveratrol over 100 μg/g than in fruits. The total antioxidant activities against the ·DPPH radical of those three samples were 0.438, 0.184 and 0.092 mg/g (Trolox equivalents/FW), respectively. The quantitative results indicated that a good correlation between the total antioxidant activity, total phenolic contents, and abundance of individual phenolic compound in Myrica rubra plants.  相似文献   
Bioactivities (including antioxidative and antiproliferative properties) of cuttlefish mantle protein hydrolysates (CPH) with the degree of hydrolysis (DH) of 20.9, 25.5, 30.6, 35.3 and 40.6% (shortened as 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40%, respectively) prepared using alcalase were evaluated. The results indicated that the CPH with 20, 30 and 40% DH showed the greatest activity against DPPH radical scavenging [5.2 µmol TE (torolox equivalent)/g sample], reducing power (0.4 absorbance at 700 nm) and total antioxidant capacity (0.6 mg ascorbic acid equivalent/g sample), which were 2.5, 6.5 and 13.8 times higher than the cuttlefish mantle protein isolate (CPI), respectively. The CPH with the DH of 20% had the highest effect against MDA-231 and T47D cancer cell lines with growth inhibition of 78.2 and 66.2%, which were 6.5 and 6 times higher activities compared to the CPI, respectively. The amino acid profile of CPH indicated that glutamine (15.7%) and asparagine (10.9%) were predominant.  相似文献   
Batter liquid–solid phase interactions can play a critical role in determining the functionality, including adherence, appearance and texture of end use coated product. Batter chemical composition is a key factor affecting batter characteristics. The effect of substituting wheat flour with fractions of rice flour, native corn starch, modified waxy corn starch, tapioca starch and lupine flour ranging from 26 to 56% of the solid phase and egg levels ranging from 6 to 35% of the liquid phase on the rheological properties of batter systems was studied. Results indicated that lupine flour had the greatest water holding capacity (WHC) ranging from 93.9 to 119.3% of various lupine flour percent to egg levels used. Flow behaviour index of batter flour treatments ranged from 0.91 to 1.87; values that were significantly (P?<?0.05) greater than a 100% control wheat flour. Consistency coefficient of treatments ranged from 0.01 to 0.37 mPa sn; values that were significantly lower than wheat flour (i.e., 5 mPa sn). Egg level used in this study had minimal effect on treatment rheological properties. The changes in WHC and viscoelastic properties of treatments were attributed to changes in protein and fibre contents and structure as a result of replacing wheat flour with starch/flour. Protein–starch–lipid matrix formation and variation in water absorption kinetics of treatments most probably wrought batter functionality. The increase in pasting properties with the increase in starch/flour contribution suggested an increased contribution of starch in forming a net effect of batter treatments pasting viscosities. Results of this study provide vital information for the potential use of starch types to enhance the rheological properties of coating applications including adhesion and water holding capacity of substituted batter treatment.  相似文献   
Eggs are a good source of high quality protein and knowing their quality (physical and chemical properties) during storage is of great importance. Thus, the aim of this research was to design a computer vision system to assess egg freshness during storage time. To this end, 210 intact eggs were collected and stored for 30 days under room conditions (25?±?2 °C and 20?±?3%). After imaging, every other day, some internal and external quality characteristics including yolk height, yolk and albumen pH, yolk and albumen density and Haugh unit (HU) were measured as destructive parameters and area index (D) egg weight as non-destructive parameters. Based on Pearson correlation coefficients, area index were significantly correlated with all destructive variables (p?<?0.05). In order to predict egg freshness, artificial neural network was trained by Levenberg–Marquardt, scaled conjugate gradient, Bayesian regulation, resilient and radial basis algorithms. The best result of artificial neural network for HU and albumen pH prediction was achieved by the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm with the correlation coefficient of 0.93 and 0.87, respectively.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to develop calibration models for prediction of moisture content and textural characteristics (fracture force, hardness, apparent modulus of elasticity and compressive energy) of pistachio kernels roasted in different conditions (temperatures 90, 120 and 150 °C; times 20, 35 and 50 min and air velocities 0.5, 1.5 and 2.5 m/s) using Vis/NIR hyperspectral imaging and multivariate analysis. The effects of different pre-processing methods and spectral treatments such as normalization [multiplicative scatter correction (MSC), standard normal variate transformation (SNV)], smoothing (median filter, Savitzky–Golay and Wavelet) and differentiation (first derivative, D1 and second derivative, D2) on the obtained data were investigated. The prediction models were developed by partial least square regression (PLSR) and artificial neural network (ANN). The results indicated that ANN models have higher potential to predict moisture content and textural characteristics of roasted pistachio kernels comparing to PLSR models. High correlation was observed between reflectance data and fracture force (R2?=?0.957 and RMSEP?=?3.386) using MSC, Savitzky–Golay and D1, compressive energy (R2?=?0.907 and RMSEP?=?15.757) using the combination of MSC, Wavelet and D1, moisture content (R2?=?0.907 and RMSEP?=?0.179) and apparent modulus of elasticity (R2?=?0.921 and RMSEP?=?2.366) employing combination of SNV, Wavelet and D1, respectively. Moreover, Vis–NIR data correlated well with hardness (R2?=?0.876 and RMSEP?=?5.216) using SNV, Wavelet and D2. These results showed the capability of Vis/NIR hyperspectral imaging and the central role of multivariate analysis in developing accurate models for prediction of moisture content and textural properties of roasted pistachio kernels.  相似文献   
Non-destructive measurement of qualitative parameters of agricultural produce is quite beneficial in the postharvest operations. The consequential effect of mechanical damage in citrus fruits is rarely visible in their appearance compared to other commodities. The purpose of this study was to propose a fast, non-destructive method for sweet lemon mechanical damage detection using image processing technique and UV radiation. For this purpose, 135 sweet lemons were tested based on a completely randomized factorial design. In order to examine mechanical damage, the independent variables included drop height, fruit diameter and tempering period (holding time at room temperature after treatment). Fruits were dropped from heights of 2, 2.5 and 3 m onto the ground. Then images were captured under UV light having a wavelength of 365 nm, 1, 3 and 6 days after treatment. The images were sent to a PC and analyzed using MATLAB software. “Green Spot Index” or GSI was defined to show the extent of mechanical damage. Results of the analysis of variance showed that the percentage of green spots on fruit skin is significant at the 1% level considering the main and double interaction effects of drop height and fruit diameter. Green spot index significantly increases with the level of mechanical damage. Accuracy of the developed method in differentiating the bruised and undamaged fruits was found to be 100%.  相似文献   
A novel solid state potentiometric pH electrode based on sulfated natural Fe3O4 silicone was fabricated. The optimum potentiometric performances such as Nernstian response, response time, selectivity, life-time and reproducibility of pH electrodes were investigated by using a computer-controlled potentiometric device. Moreover, the potentiometric performance of the solid state pH electrodes was studied with different mixtures sulfated natural Fe3O4, silicone and graphite powder. The best potentiometric behavior of proposed pH electrode was obtained with a composition of 20% (w/w) sulfated natural Fe3O4, 40% (w/w) graphite powder and 40% (w/w) silicone. The sub-Nernstian response for pH electrode was exhibited with a slope of 30.8?±?1.4 mV/pH (r?=?0.9963) from pH 2 to pH 12. In addition, the dynamic response time was found as 10 s in acidic medium and further the proposed pH electrode can be used for at least 1 year without any significant slope of the pH–potential curve. The selectivity coefficient of pH electrode was interpreted according to fixed interference method in the presences of Na+, Li+, K+, NH4+, SO42?, CH3COO? and NO3? ions. The reproducibility of pH electrode was calculated in pH 4 and pH 6 phosphate buffers and it was found as 0.24 RSD (%) and 0.27 RSD (%) respectively. The proposed pH electrode was used to determine of pH in acid?bases titration compared with glass pH electrode and is highly stable in corrosive systems including HF solution. Terminally, the pH value was successfully determined in some soft drinks and milk samples by proposed solid state pH electrode at 95% confidence level with satisfactory agreement compared with glass pH electrode.  相似文献   
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