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PURPOSE: To determine if ethnic and gender differences in smoking (lifetime prevalence and 30-day prevalence) exist among a cohort of Asian, black, Hispanic, and white inner-city adolescents during the 3-year middle school period. METHODS: Students in 22 urban schools completed self-report questionnaires and provided carbon monoxide breath samples at three annual assessments. Chi-square analyses were conducted to test for associations between ethnic group (Asian, black, Hispanic, and white) and smoking and to test for gender differences in smoking within each ethnic group. Additional analyses examined differences in smoking between two Hispanic subgroups (Puerto Rican and Dominican). RESULTS: Ethnicity was associated with lifetime smoking prevalence at all three assessment points but was only associated with 30-day smoking prevalence at the 2-year follow-up. However, there were no differences in smoking between Puerto Rican and Dominican youth. Black girls reported higher lifetime smoking prevalence than black boys at all three assessments. At the 2-year follow-up, Asian boys reported higher lifetime smoking prevalence than Asian girls; Hispanic girls reported higher 30-day prevalence than Hispanic boys. CONCLUSIONS: White and Hispanic adolescents were at higher risk for smoking relative to Asian and black adolescents. With the exception of white youth, gender differences were found within each ethnic group.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to test whether individual risk factors as well as the number of risk factors (cumulative risk) predicted children's externalizing behaviors over middle childhood. A sample of 466 European American and 100 African American boys and girls from a broad range of socioeconomic levels was followed from age 5 to 10 years. Twenty risk variables from four domains (child, sociocultural, parenting, and peer-related) were measured using in-home interviews at the beginning of the study, and annual assessments of externalizing behaviors were conducted. Consistent with past research, individual differences in externalizing behavior problems were stable over time and were related to individual risk factors as well as the number of risk factors present. Particular risks accounted for 36% to 45% of the variance, and the number of risks present (cumulative risk status) accounted for 19% to 32% of the variance, in externalizing outcomes. Cumulative risk was related to subsequent externalizing even after initial levels of externalizing had been statistically controlled. All four domains of risk variables made significant unique contributions to this statistical prediction, and there were multiple clusters of risks that led to similar outcomes. There was also evidence that this prediction was moderated by ethnic group status, most of the prediction of externalizing being found for European American children. However, this moderation effect varied depending on the predictor and outcome variables included in the model.  相似文献   
The present study reduced the levels of ovarian hormones to early postmenopausal levels by a GnRH agonist and evaluated the effects of a temporary suppression of ovarian hormones on premenopausal women's cardiovascular and neuroendocrine responses to laboratory challenges. The stress responses of 24 healthy young women were evaluated during three tasks during the early follicular phase and then after three monthly injections of Lupron, which suppressed their levels of estradiol, FSH, and LH. Thereafter, half the group resumed menstrual cycles (labeled Cycle), and half continued having Lupron injections in combination with transdermal estradiol (labeled Patch) and all were reevaluated a third time. A third group (labeled Control) of 12 women had four monthly injections of Lupron first and then were evaluated the first time. After their cycles resumed, they were reevaluated twice 3 months apart. Results showed that the magnitude of the blood pressure and catecholamine changes declined over the three evaluations, suggesting that the women's stress responses habituated. Although the suppression of ovarian hormone levels led to alterations in ovarian hormones for several months, which were accompanied by typical menopausal symptoms, cardiovascular and neuroendocrine responses to stress did not vary. This study did not test the effects of current estrogen exposure or of long term suppression of ovarian hormones upon cardiovascular and neuroendocrine responses.  相似文献   
A high capacity gel filtration system was developed with the purpose of isolating factor VIII (FVIII) and von Willebrand factor (vWF) directly from plasma in significantly higher yields than obtained by cryoprecipitation, the technique most commonly used to recover FVIII-vWF from human plasma. After laboratory-scale gel filtration of plasma, a FVIII-containing fraction was collected containing about 90% of FVIII in the applied plasma and with almost tenfold higher purity than that obtained by cryoprecipitation. The gel filtration step has been scaled up for use as the initial step in the manufacturing process for a FVIII preparation (Nordiate).  相似文献   
Probing pain threshold (PPT) assessments were conducted in the facial and oral sulci of maxillary central incisors and first molars of 10 periodontally healthy adults. All subjects were systemically healthy, free of pain, and reported no current medication usage. A computer-linked electronic probe, modified to deliver steadily increasing forces up to 200 grams, was used to collect the data. The system contained a subject operated "off-switch" which, upon activation, signaled the computer to record the subject's PPT. Assessments of each subject's PPTs were conducted on 3 separate occasions at 7-day intervals. Results indicated that the facial sulci of the incisors were the most pain sensitive. They displayed a mean PPT of 50.9 +/- 26.6 grams. The oral sulci of the incisors exhibited a mean PPT of 76.5 +/- 45.2 grams. Facial and oral sulci of the molars evidenced mean PPT values of 102.6 +/- 52.1 grams and 113.5 +/- 51.3 grams, respectively. These data suggest that sulci associated with incisor teeth are nearly twice as pain sensitive as sulci associated with molar teeth. In addition, facial sulci are significantly more pain sensitive than oral sulci. Data did not indicate a visit effect nor a side-of-mouth effect on PPT values.  相似文献   
The acceptance of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) among patients and health care providers has had a dramatic impact on the epidemiology and clinical characteristics of many opportunistic infections associated with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Previously intractable opportunistic infections and syndromes are now far less common. In addition, effective antibiotic prophylactic therapies have had a profound impact on the risk of patients developing particular infections and on the incidence of these infections overall. Most notable among these are Pneumocystis carinii, disseminated Mycobacterium avium complex, tuberculosis, and toxoplasmosis. Nevertheless, infections continue to cause significant morbidity and mortality among patients who are infected with HIV. The role of HAART in many clinical situations is unquestioned. Compelling data from clinical trials support the use of these therapies during pregnancy to prevent perinatal transmission of HIV. HAART is also recommended for health care workers who have had a "significant" exposure to the blood of an HIV-infected patient. Both of these situations are discussed in detail in this article. In addition, although more controversial, increasing evidence supports the use of HAART during the acute HIV seroconversion syndrome. An "immune reconstitution syndrome" has been newly described for patients in the early phases of treatment with HAART who develop tuberculosis, M avium complex, and cytomegalovirus disease. Accumulating data support the use of hydroxyurea, an agent with a long history in the field of myeloproliferative disorders, for the treatment of HIV. Newer agents, particularly abacavir and adefovir dipivoxil, are available through expanded access protocols, and their roles are being defined and clarified.  相似文献   
Genital human papillomavirus infection is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. Imiquimod is a new agent, an immune-response modifier, that has been demonstrated to have potent in vivo antiviral and antitumor effects in animal models. The present prospective, multicenter, double-blind, randomized, vehicle-controlled trial evaluated the efficacy and safety of daily patient-applied imiquimod for up to 16 weeks for the treatment of external genital warts. Wart recurrence was investigated during a 12-week treatment-free follow-up period. In the intent-to-treat analysis, baseline warts cleared from 49 of 94 (52%) patients treated with 5% imiquimod cream, 13 of 90 (14%) patients treated with 1% imiquimod cream, and 3 of 95 (4%) vehicle-treated patients; the differences between the groups treated with vehicle and imiquimod were significant (P < 0.0001). For subjects who completed the follow-up period, recurrence rates after a complete response were 19% (9 of 48 patients) in the 5% imiquimod cream group, 17% (2 of 12) in the 1% imiquimod cream group, and 0% (0 of 3) in the vehicle-treated group. There were no systemic reactions, although local skin reactions (generally of mild or moderate severity) were common, particularly in the 5% imiquimod cream group. Local reactions caused two patients to discontinue treatment. The most frequently reported local skin reactions were erythema, excoriation or flaking, and erosion. Patient-applied 5% imiquimod cream is effective for the treatment of external genital warts and has a favorable safety profile.  相似文献   
The synthesis and antithrombotic activity of a series of nonpeptide bicyclic thrombin inhibitors is described. We have explored the SAR with modifications to the P1 site. The introduction of arginine mimetics at the P1 site led to potent and selective thrombin inhibitors.  相似文献   
Twenty five non-atopic scabietic patients were examined to estimate their reaction to crude house dust mite Dermatophagoides farinae (D. farinae) and storage mite Tyrophagus putrescentia (T. putrescentiae) antigens. Skin prick testing (SPT) by extracts of both mites antigens showed significant higher positive results in scabietics when compared to non-scabietic control subjects. Moreover, 60% and 56% of scabietic patients showed positive levels of specific anti-D. farinae and T. putrescentia IgE respectively in comparison to 13.4% & 20% of control subjects. A significant difference has been obtained when the total number of positive results were compared to the total number of negative ones. The results revealed that there is an evidence of cross reactivity between Sarcoptes scabiei antigens and extracts of D. farinae and T. putrescentiae, and the hypersensitivity to house dust mite and storage mite antigens was significantly higher in scabietics than in controls. It could be concluded that there is some proof that other mites rather than Sarcoptes scabiei may have a role in the pathogenesis of scabies and the cross reactivity between S. scabiei and house dust mite and storage mite may explain the persistence of symptoms in some cases even after proper treatment of the disease.  相似文献   
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