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To explore lead-reduced dielectric materials in the SrTiO3–PbTiO3–PbZrO3 ternary system, a novel solid solution between relaxor ferroelectric (Pb0.5Sr0.5)(Zr0.5Ti0.5)O3 and ferroelectric PbTiO3, namely (1 − x)(Pb0.5Sr0.5) (Zr0.5Ti0.5)O3xPbTiO3 (lead–strontium–zirconate–titanate [PSZT]–PT), has been synthesized in the perovskite structure by high-temperature solid-state reaction method in the form of ceramics. The crystal structure and phase symmetry of the materials synthesized were analyzed and resolved based on X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) data through both the Pawley and Rietveld refinements. The results of the structural refinements indicate that at low PT-concentration end of the solid solution system, for example, x = 0.05, the PSZT–PT solid solution exhibits a cubic structural symmetry (with the space group Pm-3m). As the PT concentration (x) increases, the structure of (1 − x)PSZT–xPT gradually transforms from the cubic to a tetragonal (P4mm) phase. In the composition range of x = 0.10–0.25, a mixture of the cubic and tetragonal phases was identified. As the concentration of PT increases, the proportion of the tetragonal phase increases at the expense of the cubic phase. For a composition of x > 0.25, a pure tetragonal phase is observed. The dielectric properties of the materials were studied by measuring the permittivity as a function of temperature at various frequencies. For the composition of x = 0.05, the temperature dependence of dielectric constant shows typical relaxor behavior. For x = 0.35, the dielectric peaks indicate a normal ferroelectric phase transition. Overall, a structural transformation from a central-symmetric, nonpolar cubic phase to a non-centrosymmetric, polar tetragonal phase is induced by the substitution of PT for PSZT in the pseudo-binary solid solution of (1 − x)PSZT–xPT, which also reveals an interesting relaxor to ferroelectric crossover phenomenon.  相似文献   
Application of scanning probe microscopy techniques such as piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM) opens the possibility to re‐visit the ferroelectrics previously studied by the macroscopic electrical testing methods and establish a link between their local nanoscale characteristics and integral response. The nanoscale PFM studies and phase field modeling of the static and dynamic behavior of the domain structure in the well‐known ferroelectric material lead germanate, Pb5Ge3O11, are reported. Several unusual phenomena are revealed: 1) domain formation during the paraelectric‐to‐ferroelectric phase transition, which exhibits an atypical cooling rate dependence; 2) unexpected electrically induced formation of the oblate domains due to the preferential domain walls motion in the directions perpendicular to the polar axis, contrary to the typical domain growth behavior observed so far; 3) absence of the bound charges at the 180° head‐to‐head (H–H) and tail‐totail (T–T) domain walls, which typically exhibit a significant charge density in other ferroelectrics due to the polarization discontinuity. This strikingly different behavior is rationalized by the phase field modeling of the dynamics of uncharged H–H and T–T domain walls. The results provide a new insight into the emergent physics of the ferroelectric domain boundaries, revealing unusual properties not exhibited by conventional Ising‐type walls.  相似文献   
This work proposes a technique for the controlled incorporation of nanoinclusions into a polymer matrix, which, as expected, will help resolve the contradiction in the requirements asked of polymer film coats, that is, good adhesion and above-average tribological properties, including the high wear resistance. The study introduces and puts to the test an approach by performing the controlled incorporation of fullerene-like nanoinclusions. The results of experimental verification, that is, the tribological profile of resultant nanocomposite were presented. It was found that a polyacetal matrix reinforced with the fullerene-like nanoinclusions demonstrated a more stable behavior in tribological tests. These polymer films showed slightly lower coefficients of friction. This result can be considered successful and promising; without changing the nanocomposite composition, a tribological enhancement was achieved by manipulating the nanoparticle distribution within the polymer matrix. This study sought to create a three-dimensional structure of nanoinclusions, specifically a graphite-like hexagonal structure, that is, “columns” with a height equal to the film thickness and located at the nodes of the hexagonal lattice. The research concept was experimentally verified by comparing polymer films with a different distribution of nanoinclusions integrated into them. The filler fractions were 2 wt% in all films regardless of nanoparticle distribution. A polymer film with a uniform distribution of nanoinclusions was regarded as a baseline. A film with an ordered arrangement of nanoinclusions showed a 40% greater wear resistance (the number of cycles to film fragmentation) and a 39% lower coefficient of friction.  相似文献   

Onion-like carbon (OLC) particles were produced as a byproduct of thermal partial oxidation of methane under different O2/Natural Gas (NG) ratio. It was established that the particles have quasi-spherical morphology and concentric shell structure. The particles have an outer diameter of 20–60?nm while the inner cage is rather typical for onions and has a diameter below 1?nm. The concentric graphitic structure and spherical symmetry along with the absence of amorphous carbon were confirmed by transmission electron microscopy, electron diffraction, EDX spectroscopy and Raman investigation. Variation of O2/NG ratio was proved a powerful tool for controlling OLC particles yield and structure. The formation of single-core or multicore OLC can be controlled by thermal partial oxidation process.  相似文献   
Lycopene is a dietary antioxidant known to prevent skin photodamage. This study aimed to examine age‐dependent presence of this carotenoid on the surface of the facial skin and in the serum as well as to measure the same parameters during supplementation with lycopene. Serum samples and samples from facial skin surface were obtained from 60 young (under 25 years old) and 60 middle‐aged (over 50 years old) volunteers. Similar samples were taken from 15 middle‐aged subjects during 4‐week supplementation with lycopene (7 mg/day). Serum lycopene levels and isomer profiles were analyzed by HPLC. Lycopene in desquamated corneocytes and the sebum from facial skin surface was determined using lycopene‐specific fluorescent monoclonal antibodies. The results demonstrated that there was no age‐related difference in serum lycopene levels, but a higher proportion of (all‐E)‐lycopene was detected in the “young” group (37.5% vs 26.2% in the “middle‐aged” group; < 0.0001). “Young” volunteers also had a higher lycopene level in both corneocytes (= 0.0071) and the sebum (= 0.0139) from the skin surface. Supplementation with lycopene resulted in a sharp increase of lycopene concentrations in both serum and skin surface samples. There was also a clear change in the pattern of lycopene isomers in the serum manifested by a significant increase in the proportion of (all‐E)‐lycopene (from 22.1% to 44.0% after supplementation, < 0.0001). It can be concluded that dietary supplementation with lycopene results in its accumulation in the serum and skin. This process is accompanied by significant changes in the circulating lycopene isomer profile which becomes similar to that typical for young individuals.  相似文献   
Magnetization dynamics induced by spin–orbit torques in a heavy‐metal/ferromagnet can potentially be used to design low‐power spintronics and logic devices. Recent computations have suggested that a strain‐mediated spin–orbit torque (SOT) switching in magnetoelectric (ME) heterostructures is fast, energy‐efficient, and permits a deterministic 180° magnetization switching. However, its experimental realization has remained elusive. Here, the coexistence of the strain‐mediated ME coupling and the SOT in a CoFeB/Pt/ferroelectric hybrid structure is shown experimentally. The voltage‐induced strain only slightly modifies the efficiency of SOT generation, but it gives rise to an effective magnetic anisotropy and rotates the magnetic easy axis which eliminates the incubation delay in current‐induced magnetization switching. The phase field simulations show that the electric‐field‐induced effective magnetic anisotropy field can reduce the switching time approximately by a factor of three for SOT in‐plane magnetization switching. It is anticipated that such strain‐mediated ME‐SOT hybrid structures may enable field‐free, ultrafast magnetization switching.  相似文献   
Here, novel ferroelectric ceramics of (0.95 ? x)BiScO3xPbTiO3‐0.05Pb(Sn1/3Nb2/3)O3 (BS‐xPT‐PSN) of complex perovskite structure are reported with compositions near the morphotropic phase boundary (MPB), and which exhibit a piezoelectric coefficient d33 = 555 pC N?1, a large‐signal coefficient d 33 ? ≈ 1200 pm V?1 at room temperature, and a high Curie temperature TC of 408 °C. More interestingly, this ternary system exhibits a giant and stable piezoelectric response at 200 °C with a large‐signal d 33 ? ≈ 2500 pm V?1, matching that of the costly relaxor‐based piezoelectric single crystals at room temperature. The mechanisms of such giant piezoelectricity and its characteristic temperature dependence are attributed to the spontaneous polarization rotation and extension under an electric field and the MPB‐related phase transition. The findings reveal that the BS‐xPT‐PSN ceramics constitute a new family of high‐performance piezoelectric materials suitable for electromechanical transducers that can be operated at high temperatures (at 200 °C, or higher).  相似文献   
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