Systems should not only be correct but also robust in the sense that they behave reasonably in unexpected situations. This article addresses synthesis of robust reactive systems from temporal specifications. Existing methods allow arbitrary behavior if assumptions in the specification are violated. To overcome this, we define two robustness notions, combine them, and show how to enforce them in synthesis. The first notion applies to safety properties: If safety assumptions are violated temporarily, we require that the system recovers to normal operation with as few errors as possible. The second notion requires that, if liveness assumptions are violated, as many guarantees as possible should be fulfilled nevertheless. We present a synthesis procedure achieving this for the important class of GR(1) specifications, and establish complexity bounds. We also present an implementation of a special case of robustness, and show experimental results. 相似文献
Temporal logics such as Computation Tree Logic (CTL) and Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) have become popular for specifying temporal properties over a wide variety of planning and verification problems. In this paper we work towards building a generalized framework for automated reasoning based on temporal logics. We present a powerful extension of CTL with first-order quantification over the set of reachable states for reasoning about extremal properties of weighted labeled transition systems in general. The proposed logic, which we call Weighted Quantified Computation Tree Logic (WQCTL), captures the essential elements common to the domain of planning and verification problems and can thereby be used as an effective specification language in both domains. We show that in spite of the rich, expressive power of the logic, we are able to evaluate WQCTL formulas in time polynomial in the size of the state space times the length of the formula. Wepresent experimental results on the WQCTL verifier. 相似文献
The purpose of this paper is two folded. Firstly, the concept of mean potentiality approach (MPA) has been developed and an algorithm based on this new approach has been proposed to get a balanced solution of a fuzzy soft set based decision making problem. Secondly, a parameter reduction procedure based on relational algebra with the help of the balanced algorithm of mean potentiality approach has been used to reduce the choice parameter set in the parlance of fuzzy soft set theory and it is justified to the problems of diagnosis of a disease from the myriad of symptoms from medical science. Moreover the feasibility of this proposed method is demonstrated by comparing with Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Naive Bayes classification method and Feng's method. 相似文献
In this paper, an approach has been made to produce a compressed audio without losing any information. The proposed scheme is fabricated with the help of dynamic cluster quantization followed by Burrows Wheeler Transform (BWT) and Huffman coding. The encoding algorithm has been designed in two phases, i.e., dynamic cluster selection (of sampled audio) followed by dynamic bit selection for determining quantization level of individual cluster. Quantization level of each cluster is selected dynamically based on mean square quantization error (MSQE). Bit stream is further compressed by applying Burrows Wheeler Transform (BWT) and Huffman code respectively. Experimental results are supported with current state-of-the-art in audio quality analysis (like statistical parameters (compression ratio, space savings, SNR, PSNR) along with other parameters (encoding time, decoding time, Mean Opinion Score (MOS) and entropy) and compared with other existing techniques.
Pattern Analysis and Applications - In recent times, the high prevalence of breast cancer in women has increased significantly. Breast cancer diagnosis and detection employing computerized... 相似文献
We introduce strategy logic, a logic that treats strategies in two-player games as explicit first-order objects. The explicit treatment of strategies allows us to specify properties of nonzero-sum games in a simple and natural way. We show that the one-alternation fragment of strategy logic is strong enough to express the existence of Nash equilibria and secure equilibria, and subsumes other logics that were introduced to reason about games, such as ATL, ATL1, and game logic. We show that strategy logic is decidable, by constructing tree automata that recognize sets of strategies. While for the general logic, our decision procedure is nonelementary, for the simple fragment that is used above we show that the complexity is polynomial in the size of the game graph and optimal in the size of the formula (ranging from polynomial to 2EXPTIME depending on the form of the formula). 相似文献
In this paper, discount in transportation cost on the basis of transportated amount is extended to a solid transportation problem. In a transportation model, the available discount is normally offered on items/criteria, etc., in the form AUD (all unit discount) or IQD (incremental quantity discount) or combination of these two. Here transportation model is considered with fixed charges and vechicle costs where AUD, IQD or combination of AUD and IQD on the price depending upon the amount is offered and varies on the choice of origin, destination and conveyance. To solve the problem, genetic algorithm (GA) based on Roulette wheel selection, arithmetic crossover and uniform mutation has been suitably developed and applied. To illustrate the models, numerical examples have been presented. Here, different types of constraints are introduced and the corresponding results are obtained. To have better customer service, the entropy function is considered and it is displayed by a numerical example. To exhibit the efficiency of GA, another method—weighted average method for multi-objective is presented, executed on a multi-objective problem and the results of these two methods are compared. 相似文献
One of the economic production quantity problems that have been of interest to researchers is the production with reworking of the imperfect items including waste most disposal form and vending the units. The available models in the literature assumed that the decay rate of the items is satisfied from three different points of view: (i) minimum demands of the customer’s requirement, (ii) demands to be enhanced for lower selling price and (iii) demands of the customers who are motivated by the advertisement. The model is developed over a finite random planning horizon, which is assumed to follow the exponential distribution with known parameters. The model has been illustrated with a numerical example, whose parametric inputs are estimated from market survey. Here the model is optimized by using a population varying genetic algorithm. 相似文献
We summarize classical and recent results about two-player games played on graphs with ω-regular objectives. These games have applications in the verification and synthesis of reactive systems. Important distinctions are whether a graph game is turn-based or concurrent; deterministic or stochastic; zero-sum or not. We cluster known results and open problems according to these classifications. 相似文献