Al–Sc and Al–Sc–Zr alloys containing 0.05, 0.1 and 0.5 wt.% Sc and 0.15 wt.% Zr were investigated using optical microscopy, electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. The phase composition of the alloys and the morphology of precipitates that developed during solidification in the sand casting process and subsequent thermal treatment of the samples were studied. XRD analysis shows that the weight percentage of the Al3Sc/Al3(Sc, Zr) precipitates was significantly below 1% in all alloys except for the virgin Al0.5Sc0.15Zr alloy. In this alloy the precipitates were observed as primary dendritic particles. In the binary Al–Sc alloys, ageing at 470 °C for 24 h produced precipitates associated with dislocation networks, whereas the precipitates in the annealed Al–Sc–Zr alloys were free of interfacial dislocations except at the lowest content of Sc. Development of large incoherent precipitates during precipitation heat treatment reduced hardness of all the alloys studied. Growth of the Al3Sc/Al3(Sc, Zr) precipitates after heat treatment was less at low Sc content and in the presence of Zr. Increase in hardness was observed after heat treatment at 300 °C in all alloys. There is a small difference in hardness between binary and ternary alloys slow cooled after sand casting. 相似文献
This paper develops an integrated production-recycling system over a finite time horizon. Here, the dynamic demand is satisfied by production and recycling. The used units are bought back and then either recycled or disposed of which are not repairable. The used units are collected continuously from the customers. Recycling products can be used as new products which are sold again. The rate of production and disposal are assumed to be function of time. The setup cost is reduced over time due to “Learning curve” effect. The optimum results are presented both in tabular form and graphically. 相似文献
Cenospheres in the range of 30–50 vol.% were used as space holders for making syntactic aluminum foam having density 1.5–1.9 gm/cc using stir-casting technique. The synthesized syntactic foam (SF) was characterized in terms of microstructures, hardness and compressive deformation behaviour. It was noted that the SF behaves like a high strength aluminium foam under compressive deformation exhibiting flat plateau region in the stress–strain curves. The plateau stress of SF decreases with cenosphere volume fraction vis-à-vis porosity following a power law relationship. But, the densification strain increases linearly with cenosphere volume fraction. 相似文献
The purpose of this paper is two folded. Firstly, the concept of mean potentiality approach (MPA) has been developed and an algorithm based on this new approach has been proposed to get a balanced solution of a fuzzy soft set based decision making problem. Secondly, a parameter reduction procedure based on relational algebra with the help of the balanced algorithm of mean potentiality approach has been used to reduce the choice parameter set in the parlance of fuzzy soft set theory and it is justified to the problems of diagnosis of a disease from the myriad of symptoms from medical science. Moreover the feasibility of this proposed method is demonstrated by comparing with Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Naive Bayes classification method and Feng's method. 相似文献
Random variation in buried oxide thickness strongly affects the digital performance of ultra-thin body germanium-on-insulator MOSFETs. Dependencies of threshold voltage, ON-current, OFF-current and subthreshold slope of ultra-thin body germanium-on-insulator MOSFETs on three different BOX dielectrics are examined by employing well-calibrated Synopsys TCAD. The variation of threshold voltage and ON-current becomes less sensitive with high-k BOX dielectrics whereas smaller variation of OFF-current is observed for the device with low-k BOX dielectrics. The subthreshold slope remains almost unaltered for all BOX dielectrics. Furthermore, a positive substrate bias is found to suppress variability of digital performance parameters of GeOI p-MOSFETs.
Clone has emerged as a controversial term in software engineering research and practice. The impact of clones is of great importance from software maintenance perspectives. Stability is a well investigated term in assessing the impacts of clones on software maintenance. If code clones appear to exhibit a higher instability (i.e., higher change-proneness) than non-cloned code, then we can expect that code clones require higher maintenance effort and cost than non-cloned code. A number of studies have been done on the comparative stability of cloned and non-cloned code. However, these studies could not come to a consensus. While some studies show that code clones are more stable than non-cloned code, the other studies provide empirical evidence of higher instability of code clones. The possible reasons behind these contradictory findings are that different studies investigated different aspects of stability using different clone detection tools on different subject systems using different experimental setups. Also, the subject systems were not of wide varieties. Emphasizing these issues (with several others mentioned in the motivation) we have conducted a comprehensive empirical study where we have - (i) implemented and investigated seven existing methodologies that explored different aspects of stability, (ii) used two clone detection tools (NiCad and CCFinderX) to implement each of these seven methodologies, and (iii) investigated the stability of three types (Type-1, Type-2, Type-3) of clones. Our investigation on 12 diverse subject systems covering three programming languages (Java, C, C#) with a list of 8 stability assessment metrics suggest that (i) cloned code is often more unstable (change-prone) than non-cloned code in the maintenance phase, (ii) both Type 1 and Type 3 clones appear to exhibit higher instability than Type 2 clones, (iii) clones in Java and C programming languages are more change-prone than the clones in C#, and (iv) changes to the clones in procedural programming languages seem to be more dispersed than the changes to the clones in object oriented languages. We also systematically replicated the original studies with their original settings and found mostly equivalent results as of the original studies. We believe that our findings are important for prioritizing code clones from management perspectives. 相似文献
In this paper, an approach has been made to produce a compressed audio without losing any information. The proposed scheme is fabricated with the help of dynamic cluster quantization followed by Burrows Wheeler Transform (BWT) and Huffman coding. The encoding algorithm has been designed in two phases, i.e., dynamic cluster selection (of sampled audio) followed by dynamic bit selection for determining quantization level of individual cluster. Quantization level of each cluster is selected dynamically based on mean square quantization error (MSQE). Bit stream is further compressed by applying Burrows Wheeler Transform (BWT) and Huffman code respectively. Experimental results are supported with current state-of-the-art in audio quality analysis (like statistical parameters (compression ratio, space savings, SNR, PSNR) along with other parameters (encoding time, decoding time, Mean Opinion Score (MOS) and entropy) and compared with other existing techniques.
This paper presents the recently introduced modified subgradient method for optimization and its effectiveness in a fuzzy transportation model. Here a multi-item balanced transportation problem (MIBTP) is formulated where unit transportation costs are imprecise. Also available spaces and budgets at destinations are limited but imprecise. The objective is to find a shipment schedule for the items that minimizes the total cost subjected to imprecise warehouse and budget constraints at destinations. The proposed model is reduced to a multi-objective optimization problem using tolerances, then to a crisp single-objective one using fuzzy non-linear programming (FNLP) technique and Zimmermann's method. The above fuzzy MIBTP is also reduced to another form of deterministic one using modified sub-gradient method (MSM). These two crisp optimization problems are solved by Genetic Algorithm (GA). As an extension, fuzzy multi-item balanced solid transportation problems (STPs) with and without restrictions on some routes and items are formulated and reduced to deterministic ones following FNLP and Zimmermann's methods. These models are also solved by GA. Models are illustrated numerically, optimum results of fuzzy MIBTP from two deductions are compared. Results are also presented for different GA parameters. 相似文献