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The authors compare student's achievement in tests with low and moderately high number of questions requiring short answers. Five groups of Medical School students underwent their regular Anatomy evaluation tests, which consisted of 13 questions (one group), 15 (two groups) and 25 (two groups). In each group five questions were chosen at random, average scores being calculated from their marks. These scores were statistically compared to the ones calculated from the marks given to the full-length evaluation tests; it became quite evidente that averages go up when the number of questions is increased. Putting the averages in terms of A, B, C and D scores (very good, good, regular and insufficient), it was noted that failure to reach at least the C score is inversely proportional to the number of questions. The results are discussed in terms of determining the most proper number of questions to be given in a test.  相似文献   
Each of 571 smokers selected one of three methods of smoking cessation: group therapy, individual counseling, and hypnosis. One-year results suggest little difference between the three methods in producing ex-smokers. All methods produced an average success rate of approximately 20%. It should be noted, however, that with all types of verbal or verbally related therapy it is not known precisely how these techniques work or whether the outcomes are really a function of what is put into the therapy by the treatment agent and/or the recipient. It was generally found that younger, more educated smokers chose hypnosis; older, more educated smokers chose group therapy; and older, less-formally educated smokers chose individual counseling while the youngest and generally less educated smokers chose to become nonattenders and not take part in therapy. These results have important implications for designing optimal treatment programs which will be acceptable and effective for the greatest number of smokers.  相似文献   
Termination of pregnancy was performed under local anaesthesia as an outpatient procedure on 251 patients. The gestational ages ranged from 5 to 12 weeks. Either the portable Karman curette equipment or the syringe kits were used. The incidence of complications was low. Only 6 per cent of patients would have preferred general anaesthesia. The optimal gestational age at which to terminate pregnancies appeared to be between 6 and 10 weeks. Ninety-one per cent of patients used effective contraception after the termination.  相似文献   
Estuarine bacteria isolated on metal-containing media were also found to be antibiotic resistant; ampicillin and chloramphenicol were the antibiotics to which resistance was most common. Patterns of antibiotic resistance were found associated with a variety of taxa.  相似文献   
The nephrotoxicity of cephaloridine, cefazolin and mercuric chloride was studied in rabbits of various ages. Cephaloridine produced dose-related elevations in serum urea nitrogen, creatinine and renal tubular necrosis in adult and 30-day-old rabbits, only slight changes at 15 days of age and no effect in 5-day-old rabbits. Cefazolin also produced dose-related nephrotoxicity in adult rabbits but no effect in 15-day-old rabbits. Mercuric chloride administration resulted in similar nephrotoxicity in 5-, 15- and 30-day-old rabbits and adults. The development of susceptibility to cephaloridine nephrotoxicity paralleled the maturation of the renal anionic transport system as determined by the accumulation of p-aminohippurate by renal cortical slices in vitro. Substrate stimulation of the anionic transport system by p-aminohippurate or penicillin increased the nephrotoxicity of cephaloridine in between rabbits. The authors concluded that the lack of cephaloridine nephrotoxicity in newborn rabbits is due to the incomplete development of the renal anionic transport system.  相似文献   
Perovskite light‐emitting diodes (LEDs) require small grain sizes to spatially confine charge carriers for efficient radiative recombination. As grain size decreases, passivation of surface defects becomes increasingly important. Additionally, polycrystalline perovskite films are highly brittle and mechanically fragile, limiting their practical applications in flexible electronics. In this work, the introduction of properly chosen bulky organo‐ammonium halide additives is shown to be able to improve both optoelectronic and mechanical properties of perovskites, yielding highly efficient, robust, and flexible perovskite LEDs with external quantum efficiency of up to 13% and no degradation after bending for 10 000 cycles at a radius of 2 mm. Furthermore, insight of the improvements regarding molecular structure, size, and polarity at the atomic level is obtained with first‐principles calculations, and design principles are provided to overcome trade‐offs between optoelectronic and mechanical properties, thus increasing the scope for future highly efficient, robust, and flexible perovskite electronic device development.  相似文献   
The ease of processing hybrid organic–inorganic perovskite (HOIPs) films, belonging to a material class with composition ABX3, from solution and at mild temperatures promises their use in deformable technologies, including flexible photovoltaic devices, sensors, and displays. To successfully apply these materials in deformable devices, knowledge of their mechanical response to dynamic strain is necessary. The authors elucidate the time‐ and rate‐dependent mechanical properties of HOIPs and an inorganic perovskite (IP) single crystal by measuring nanoindentation creep and stress relaxation. The observation of pop‐in events and slip bands on the surface of the indented crystals demonstrate dislocation‐mediated plastic deformation. The magnitudes of creep and relaxation of both HOIPs and IPs are similar, negating prior hypothesis that the presence of organic A‐site cations alters the mechanical response of these materials. Moreover, these samples exhibit a pronounced increase in creep, and stress relaxation as a function of indentation rate whose magnitudes reflect differences in the rates of nucleation and propagation of dislocations within the crystal structures of HOIPs and IP. This contribution provides understanding that is critical for designing perovskite devices capable of withstanding mechanical deformations.  相似文献   
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