A series of chlorination studies were carried out on natural and artificial sea-water. It was determined that both the forward and back titration procedures accurately described the two phases of chlorine losses in sea-water: a rapid initial loss followed by a continuous loss at a sharply reduced rate. The order of adding the iodide and buffer reagents was found to be crucial in affecting the rapid initial loss. The initial loss was found to reach a saturation level that varied widely between natural sea-water samples and appeared to be related to a true organic demand. In contrast, the second phase was difficult to explain. Losses continued over 10 day periods and were pronounced in both natural and artificial sea-water containing bromide. In the absence of bromide, long term losses in artificial sea-water were greatly reduced, indicating that the lost applied chlorine was associated with the bromine chemical system in sea-water. The fate of the lost chlorine was not determined and the untitratable halogen compounds must remain suspect as potential biocides. 相似文献
The possibility of determining strength and deformation characteristics of soils under field conditions using rod plates is discussed. The mutual relationship between these characteristics is established from results of deep impression of these rods. 相似文献
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has initiated a program to install air quality network stations throughout the country in order to measure concentration of the ambient air pollutants. The site selection of these stations is an important objective to be accomplished and must be done based on scientific and rational work. To accomplish this objective, a modified version of atmospheric transport and dispersion model, known as air resources laboratories - atmospheric transport and dispersion (ARLATAD) model, is used to evaluate long range transport and diffusion of air pollutants from major pollution causing sources such as refineries, open-air burning of associated gases of oil fields and major industries.Hourly meteorological data for a period of three years (from 1977 to 1979) on wind speed, wind direction, pressure, and temperature from 20 synoptic stations in Saudi Arabia is processed and used as model input. In addition to these, meteorological data from three upper air stations is also processed in order to determine base and top of critical inversion heights.Various pollution causing sources are identified within the study area. Air trajectories are drawn with sources as the origins of the trajectories and the dispersion characteristics is studied with distance and time. Based on long term meteorological records, the adversely affected zones are statistically identified for potential station sites. 相似文献
The high-temperature reactions of chlorinated hydrocarbons are reviewed with a primary focus on the gas-phase molecular growth chemistry and elementary reaction mechanisms leading to the formation of chlorinated benzenes and chlorinated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Recent heterogeneous mechanistic studies of the chlorination and condensation of aliphatic hydrocarbons at lower temperatures are also summarized. Copper(II) valent species play an important role as catalyst and reagent. The main thermal pathways for chlorinated dibenzodioxins and furans have been deduced by these laboratory experiments, which try to model the complex reality of the post-incineration zone of municipal and hazardous waste incinerators. 相似文献
The present paper describes a newly proposed technique for simulating aerodynamic vibration of structures, which is referred to as the hybrid vibration technique or HVT. This technique is a combination of step-by-step computer calculation and measurement of the aerodynamic force acting on a model structure in a wind tunnel test. Even though the HVT can be applied effectively, problems still exist with respect to obtaining accurate simulations. These problems include response delay in controlling the model behavior and the inertia force component present in the measured aerodynamic force. Techniques for compensating for response delay and for eliminating inertia force from measured aerodynamic force are applied to a developed system based on HVT simulations of aerodynamic vibration of elastic structures and structures exhibiting elasto-plastic behavior are performed by means of the newly developed system. The effectiveness of the techniques for compensating for the response delay and eliminating the inertia force can be confirmed from the results of the simulations. In addition, the possibility and applicability of HVT is indicated. 相似文献
The last decade has witnessed an extraordinary shift in housing policy in Canada. Responsibility for social housing has been devoluted from the federal government to theprovincial and territorial governments, who in turn shift administration and manangement to regional and municipal agencies. And while the proportion of needy families is increasing, the deficit-minded Federal government only maintains its financial commitments to existing projects with no new funds presently available. Market solutions are being promoted by both the public and private sectors through a wide range of activities. The result is no single housing policy, but a patchwork of provincial and local initiatives. 相似文献
The enormous, world wide research activity in the field of combustion toxicology has given rise to an impressive amount of toxicity data.
The first part of this paper discusses the problems which arise when such results are used to rank materials in an order of the relative toxicity of their combustion products or in attempting to relate them to toxicological hazard evaluation.
In the second part, after introducing the notion of fire scenarios and describing two such possible situations, existing test methods are compared in relation to their relevance to the scenario parameters. It is shown that none of the evaluated methods completely fulfills the considered conditions.
It is concluded by the authors that agreement on thoroughly described scenarios is necessary for further trials towards international harmonisation and development of test methods. 相似文献
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were determined in tissues of wild mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) from the Galicia coast (NW Spain) in order to assess the extent of the environmental impact caused by the Prestige oil spill (November 13, 2002). Three sampling campaigns were carried out in February, June and November 2003 at 24 stations along the Galicia coast, from La Guardia (Pontevedra) to Ribadeo (Lugo). The spatial distribution of PAHs found in the first sampling period, clearly revealed the central area (Costa da Morte) as the most affected by the oil spill. In these stations, concentrations up to 7780 microg/kg dw of the sum of 13 parent PAHs were found 2-3 months after the spill. Molecular parameters within the aliphatic and aromatic fractions confirmed the presence of the Prestige oil in these samples. The levels markedly decreased at most of the stations in the second sampling and recovered to levels found before the spill in November 2003, 1 year after the accident (29-279 microg/kg dw, av. 133+/-83 microg/kg dw). However, a certain increase was observed in some sites which could be related to the remobilization of oil residues from still unclean intertidal spots or sediments due to the winter marine weather conditions. 相似文献
High strength concretes, in particular at early ages (more than 40 MPa at 3 days and up to 80 MPa at 7 days), are obtained by replacement of certain granular size ranges of sand or gravel by cement-active artificial aggregates in a given concrete composition elaborated with a local supply of aggregates and cement. The strengthening of the paste-aggregate bond by chemical reactions between the artificial aggregates and the cement also involves an improvement of other concrete performances and not only of mechanical strengths. The cracking ability is decreased, the wear strength is higher, and water permeability is low or even nil for certain compositions. The laboratory results are confirmed by tests on the site and show the possibility of achieving high strength concretes without any particular selection of cement and natural aggregates. 相似文献
Great efforts have been made to establish the influence of the urban climate upon the energy consumption of buildings. While many scientific articles present measured data of increased energy consumption due to building surroundings, this paper aims to present a straightforward methodology for the assessment of building performance under modified outdoor conditions. Designers and urban planners should benefit from the results of this paper in their evaluation of proposals to decrease building energy consumption. A number of examples are discussed in order to illustrate the methodology outlined. 相似文献