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Notes that female hamster vaginal discharge (FHVD) contains a presumptive pheromone(s) that affects male hamsters in at least 2 ways. Alone it attracts investigatory interest, and if applied to an appropriate stimulus object, it facilitates copulatory behavior. The latter property was investigated by applying a fixed quantity of the discharge to a series of "surrogate females." The same 8 sexually experienced adult male Golden hamsters were used in 2 experiments; in Exp II a 9th S, experimentally naive, was added because of its sexual vigor. Results indicate that the patterning and vigor of the elicited behavior more closely resembled the normal stereotyped mating sequence as the features of the stimulus object more closely approached those of a receptive female hamster. The ability of FHVD to facilitate mating with an otherwise sexually uninteresting stimulus object was unchanged 2 wks after ovariectomy of the donor female. (18 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
The contention resolution scheme is a key component in carrier-sense-based wireless MAC protocols. It has a major impact on MAC'S performance metrics such as throughput, delay, and jitter. The IEEE 802.11 DCF adopts a simple contention resolution scheme, namely, the binary exponential backoff (BEB) scheme. The BEB scheme achieves a reasonable performance for transmitting best-effort packets in small-sized wireless networks. However, as the network size increases, it suffers from inefficiency because of the medium contention, which leads to reduced performance. The main reason is that the BEB mechanism incurs an ever- increasing collision rate as the number of contending nodes increases. We devise a novel contention resolution scheme, a k-round elimination contention (k-EC) scheme. The k-EC scheme exhibits high efficiency and robustness during the collision resolution. More importantly, it is insensitive to the number of contending nodes. This feature makes it feasible for use in networks of different sizes. Simulation results show that the k-EC scheme offers a powerful remedy to medium contention resolution. It significantly outperforms the IEEE 802.11 DCF scheme in all the MAC'S performance metrics and also exhibits better fairness.  相似文献   
Screening of a yeast two-hybrid library for proteins that interact with the kinase domain of an S-locus receptor kinase (SRK) resulted in the isolation of a plant protein called ARC1 (Arm Repeat Containing). This interaction was mediated by the C-terminal region of ARC1 in which five arm repeat units were identified. Using the yeast two-hybrid system and in vitro binding assays, ARC1 was found to interact specifically with the kinase domains from SRK-910 and SRK-A14 but failed to interact with kinase domains from two different Arabidopsis receptor-like kinases. In addition, treatment with a protein phosphatase or the use of a kinase-inactive mutant reduced or abolished the binding of ARC1 to the SRK-910 kinase domain, indicating that the interaction was phosphorylation dependent. Lastly, RNA blot analysis revealed that the expression of ARC1 is restricted to the stigma, the site of the self-incompatibility response.  相似文献   
Here we propose a novel method for rapidly identifying proteins in complex mixtures. A list of candidate proteins (including provision for posttranslational modifications) is obtained by database searching, within a specified mass range about the accurately measured mass (e.g., +/- 0.1 Da at 10 kDa) of the intact protein, by capillary liquid chromatography electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (LC ESI FT-ICR MS). On alternate scans, LC ESI infrared multiphoton dissociation (IRMPD) FT-ICR MS yields mostly b and y fragment ions for each protein, from which the correct candidate is identified as the one with the highest "hit" score (i.e., most b and y fragments matching the candidate database protein amino acid sequence masses) and sequence "tag" score (based on a series of fragment sequences differing in mass by 1 or 2 amino acids). The method succeeds in uniquely identifying each of a mixture of five proteins treated as unknowns (melittin, ubiquitin, GroES, myoglobin, carbonic anhydrase II), from more than 1000 possible database candidates within a +/- 500 Da mass window. We are also able to identify posttranslational modifications of two of the proteins (mellitin and GroES). The method is simple, rapid, and definitive and is extendable to a mixture of affinity-selected proteins, to identify proteins with a common biological function.  相似文献   
Grid computing offers the powerful alternative of sharing resources on a worldwide scale, across different institutions to run computationally intensive, scientific applications without the need for a centralized supercomputer. Much effort has been put into development of software that deploys legacy applications on a grid-based infrastructure and efficiently uses available resources. One field that can benefit greatly from the use of grid resources is that of drug discovery since molecular docking simulations are an integral part of the discovery process. In this paper, we present a scalable, reusable platform to choreograph large virtual screening experiments over a computational grid using the molecular docking simulation software DOCK. Software components are applied on multiple levels to create automated workflows consisting of input data delivery, job scheduling, status query, and collection of output to be displayed in a manageable fashion for further analysis. This was achieved using Opal OP to wrap the DOCK application as a grid service and PERL for data manipulation purposes, alleviating the requirement for extensive knowledge of grid infrastructure. With the platform in place, a screening of the ZINC 2,066,906 compound "drug-like" subset database against an enzyme's catalytic site was successfully performed using the MPI version of DOCK 5.4 on the PRAGMA grid testbed. The screening required 11.56 days laboratory time and utilized 200 processors over 7 clusters.  相似文献   
The MANDAS project has defined a layered architecture for the management of distributed applications. In this paper we examine a vertical slice of this architecture, namely the management applications and services related to configuration management. We introduce an information model which captures the configuration information for distributed applications and discuss a repository service based on the model. We define a set of services and management applications to support maintenance of configuration information, and describe how the different types of configuration information are collected. Finally, we present two management applications that use configuration information.  相似文献   
Studied erectile responses to pictures of nude females ranging in age from 3–24 yrs in 21 incest offenders, 40 nonfamilial child molesters, and 22 non-offender Ss approximately matched on socioeconomic status (SES), intelligence, and age. Profiles of erectile responses, plotting percent of full erection over age of target stimulus, were drawn for each individual S. These profiles were sorted into 5 distinct profile shapes reflecting: (1) a failure to discriminate among the stimuli, or a clear preference for either (2) adults, (3) adults and teens, (4) children, or (5) children and adults. Nonoffenders primarily showed adult profiles, while incest offenders displayed either a nondiscriminating profile or an adult preference pattern. (French abstract) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
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