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Renal glomerular fibrosis was observed in a 1-year-old spayed female Japanese domestic cat that showed clinically advanced renal failure. In the glomeruli, increased homogeneous materials were stained strongly with aniline blue by Masson's trichrome and positive for anti-type III collagen antibody by immunohistochemical staining, causing mesangial sclerosis and capillary collapse. By electron microscopy, randomly arranged fibrils were observed in the expanded subendothelial and mesangial areas, and the fibrils showed periodicity characteristic of collagen fibers in longitudinal sections. These findings of glomerular lesions closely resemble those of human "collagenofibrotic glomerulonephropathy," which has recently been described as a new type of glomerulonephropathy.  相似文献   
This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of different types of dietary fibers (DF) under the conditions with or without cholesterol (Chol) loading on the amount and composition of steroids in rat feces. Rats were fed Chol-unsupplied diets containing 10% lard and 5% DF preparation isolated from four kinds of food, bamboo shoots, edible burdock, apple and corn, for three weeks. The respective diets were supplemented with 0.5% Chol and then given to the rats for a further two weeks. The excretion of total bile acid (BA) and several major BAs increased significantly in the apple group with or without Chol loading when compared with that in the cellulose (CP) or other DF groups. The tendency in the apple group was more noticeable when the diet was supplemented with Chol. This is presumably a major reason for the tendency of decrease in serum and liver Chol concentrations in the apple group. The ratio of secondary BAs to total BA in the feces was significantly low in the apple group. Although the lithocholic acid (LCA)/deoxycholic acid (DCA) ratio, a risk index for colorectal cancer, was significantly lower in the bamboo, burdock and apple groups than in the CP or corn groups when given the diet without Chol, the differences disappeared with the addition of Chol. The proportion of coprostanol, a secondary metabolite of Chol, was smaller in the former three groups than in the CP or corn groups. These results suggest that the intake of some DF by host animals works beneficially for the microbial conversion of BA and Chol in the large intestine but that the addition of Chol acts to cancel such beneficial effects.  相似文献   
We studied whether the receptor (R) for C5a could be exploited to deliver the radiolabeled ligand into U937 cells. A dose-response for uptake of 125I-C5a was demonstrated. Incorporation of [3H]leucine by unstimulated or gamma-INF-stimulated U937 cells treated with 125I-C5a, was significantly lower compared with cells treated with 125I alone. Trypan blue exclusion experiments indicated that gamma-INF stimulated cells incubated with 125I-C5a were less viable than cells exposed to 125I or C5a alone. The results suggest that 125I-C5a is internalized into myeloid cells via C5a-R and is more cytotoxic in vitro than the radiolabel alone, but only at/above a specific activity of 4 microCi/microg.  相似文献   
In sleep-disordered breathing, tracheal sounds disappear during apnea and vary cyclicly during hypopnea. We tried to detect these changes in tracheal sounds automatically with a personal computer, and we evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of this system for detecting sleep-disordered breathing. Polysomnography and tracheal sound recording were done in 33 subjects with possible sleep apnea/hypopnea syndrome. Eighteen had positive results defined as an apnea/hypopnea index greater than 15. Tracheal sounds were digitized and a personal computer was used to calculate short time power spectra (44-600 Hz) every 0.2 seconds by the fast Fourier transform. The moving averages (18 seconds) of the logarithms of the power spectra were calculated every 2 seconds. Transient falls in the moving averages of more than 12 dB were detected. Those that were lower than 5 dB above the level of background noise were classified as tracheal sound apneas. The number of falls of more than 12 dB and the number of tracheal sound apneas correlated strongly with the number of apneas plus hypopneas (r = 0.95) and with the number of apneas (r = 0.97), respectively. The sensitivity and specificity of tracheal sound analysis for the sleep apnea/hypopnea syndrome (as defined above) were 89% and 60%, respectively, when the criteria was more than 15 falls of more than 12 dB per hour. We conclude that tracheal sound analysis by this method is useful as a screening test for the sleep apnea/hypopnea syndrome.  相似文献   
We examined the presence of cell surface aminopeptidase on cultured porcine granulosa cells by employing the aminopeptidase assay using alanine-p-nitroanilide and histochemical staining using L-leucyl-beta-naphthylamide. Porcine granulosa cells obtained from follicles 4-5 mm in diameter were cultured for 7 days. The aminopeptidase assay showed that the porcine granulosa cell culture had aminopeptidase activity and that this activity was inhibited in a dose-dependent manner by bestatin which binds to cell surfaces and inhibits cell surface aminopeptidases. Histochemical staining also indicated that cultured granulosa cells had aminopeptidase activity. Porcine granulosa cells were cultured in the presence or absence of porcine follicle stimulating hormone (FSH, 3.125 nmol/l) and/or bestatin (0.4, 4.0 and 40.0 micrograms/ml) for 7 days, and the production of progesterone and oestradiol was measured. In the presence of porcine FSH, the production of progesterone and oestradiol by granulosa cells was increased significantly by approximately 5- and 2-fold respectively. These increases were enhanced further by bestatin (40.0 micrograms/ml). In the absence of porcine FSH, progesterone production was enhanced by bestatin (40.0 micrograms/ml), whereas no significant effect of bestatin on oestradiol secretion was observed. These findings indicate that the inhibition of membrane-bound aminopeptidase(s) on the cell surfaces affects the steroidogenesis of granulosa cells, and that these aminopeptidase(s) are important regulators of granulosa cell differentiation.  相似文献   
Twelve consecutive patients requiring surgery for replacement of ascending aortic aneurysms (n = 3), ascending arch aortic aneurysms (n = 2), or type A aortic dissections (n = 7) were treated without aortic cross clamping. Retrograde cerebral perfusion (RCP) with circulatory arrest (mean RCP time: 46.0 +/- 15.9 minutes, range 20 to 65 minutes) and continuous retrograde cardioplegia (mean cardiac ischemic time: 134.4 +/- 39.7 minutes, range: 40 to 180 minutes) were employed. In the patients with aortic dissection, the intimal tear at the origin of the brachiocephalic artery (BCA) was resected completely, the aortic wall was trimmed and closed with Teflon felt. The distal anastomosis was created using an open technique. Air and debris were completely evacuated by returning blood from the cerebral vessels and femoral artery. Then the artificial graft was clamped, and cardiopulmonary bypass resumed. The proximal anastomosis was performed during rewarming. The operations were elective in seven cases, and emergent in five cases. Graft replacement of the ascending aorta was performed in ten patients (including two BCA reconstructions). The remaining two patients were treated by patch repair (n = 1), primary anastomosis (n = 1). There were no perioperative deaths. One patient had a transient neurological deficit. The distal false lumen was occluded completely in five of seven patients with aortic dissections. The other two patients had a secondary tears in the descending aorta. Thus retrograde cerebral perfusion and continuous retrograde cardioplegia without aortic cross clamping is an effective technique in the replacement of the ascending and arch aorta.  相似文献   
Glutaraldehyde-fixed tissues were treated with HCl and tween 20 to remove such extracellular materials as collagen fibers and basal laminae. In the HCl-treatment the collagen fibers were digested, while in the tween-treatment the basal laminae were removed. By this method the basal interdigitations of cells of the proximal tubule and the pericytes on th capillary wall were clearly demonstrable by scanning electron microscopy (SEM).  相似文献   
The authors studied the distribution of lipoprotein(a) (Lp(a)) levels with stratification for age and sex, as well as the relation between Lp(a) and atherosclerotic risk factors in a large Japanese population between 1992 and 1993. The subjects were 1,235 males and 1,762 females over 30 years old. Lp(a) was measured by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Lp(a) levels were higher in females than in males. The increase in Lp(a) with age was statistically significant, and the proportion of subjects with Lp(a) levels > 30 mg/dl also increased with age. In the obese subjects (body mass index (BMI) (kg/m2) > 26), Lp(a) levels were lower than in the non-obese subjects (BMI < or = 26) (p < 0.01 in males; p < 0.05 in females). Male alcohol drinkers had lower Lp(a) levels than nondrinkers (p < 0.05). Age, low density lipoprotein subtracting Lp(a) cholesterol [Lp(a) x 0.3], and fibrinogen level were all positively correlated with Lp(a) in both sexes. Alcohol consumption (g/day) and triglycerides were inversely correlated with Lp(a) in males, while total cholesterol subtracting Lp(a) cholesterol [Lp(a) x 0.3], high density lipoprotein, and factor VII were positively correlated in females. Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that triglycerides in males and BMI and fibrinogen in females were significant independent variables. The authors conclude that Lp(a) level is affected by various factors, such as alcohol drinking, BMI, sex, and age, and is not only correlated with lipid levels but also with hemostatic factors such as fibrinogen and factor VII.  相似文献   
Radioactive end labeling can be used to determine the hydrolytic rates of nuclease mimics on moderate to long lengths of RNA or DNA. However, the reliability of end labeling as an assay can vary depending on how well the unincorporated label is removed from the labeled RNA or DNA products. Therefore, gel filtration, acid precipitation, membrane diafiltration, and paper chromatography were tested to determine which technique was the most effective at such separation. The results in order of decreasing contamination by [gamma-32P]ATP were gel filtration (40%), acid precipitation (5%), diafiltration (2%), and paper chromatography (1%); and, in order of decreasing loss of RNA, were acid precipitation (30%), diafiltration (11%), gel filtration (10%), and paper chromatography (1%). In order for the resultant radioactive counts to be linearly proportional to the number of cleavage sites, the total ATP in the end-labeling reaction should be in excess of 5'-hydroxyl ends by a factor of 10 or more. Interference by nuclease mimics in the end-labeling reaction should be accounted for by including the mimics when developing a standard curve based on known concentrations of 5'-hydroxyl ends.  相似文献   
A 35-year-old male patient clinically characterized by massive proteinuria and hypertension without evidence of systemic diseases is reported. Histological investigation of renal biopsy specimens revealed extensive nodular formations in the mesangial areas in every glomerulus. Light-microscopic examination did not allow discrimination between the glomerular changes found in these specimens and the nodular glomerulosclerosis described in patients with diabetes mellitus. Electron-microscopic examination confirmed the presence of massive, nodular, mesangial expansions consisting of finely fibrillar substances without electron-dense deposits and circumferential mesangial interposition. Immunofluorescent examination showed deposition of IgG, C3, fibrinogen and kappa and lambda light chains in mesangial areas, peripheral capillary loops and a part of the nodules. Furthermore, collagen types IV, V, VI and laminin were detected in the nodules. Amyloid was not observed in these nodules. This diagnosis has not been made, and the mechanism of this nodular glomerulosclerosis remains unknown.  相似文献   
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