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Recent evidence suggests that mucosal epithelial cells are capable of actively participating in immune reactions via expression of surface antigens, such as adhesion molecules, and synthesis of cytokines. This appears to be important in the pathophysiology of non-ocular allergic disorders. The objectives of the experiments were to compare the expression of HLA-DR, ICAM-I and pro-allergic cytokines in conjunctival epithelial cells in the different chronic ocular allergic disorders with each other and with normal subjects. Conjunctiva from normal patients (n=10) and patients with vernal keratoconjunctivitis (VKC, n=10), atopic keratoconjunctivitis (AKC, n=10) and contact lens-associated giant papillary conjunctivitis (GPC, n=10) were examined by immunohistochemistry. Epithelial cell staining for surface antigens and cytokines was graded by one masked observer using a four point scale based on the percentage of epithelial cells staining positive. There was no expression of ICAM-1 or HLA-DR in the normal conjunctival epithelial cells, but both antigens were induced on conjunctival epithelial cells in the allergic tissue, and there was greater expression in AKC and VKC compared with GPC. Cytokines IL-6, IL-8, RANTES and TNF-alphaall localised to normal conjunctival epithelial cells. RANTES was upregulated in all the allergic disorders and IL-8 was upregulated in GPC. IL-3 and GM-CSF were not expressed in normal conjunctival epithelial cells. GM-CSF was expressed in all disorders and there was greater expression in AKC compared with GPC and VKC. IL-3 was expressed only in AKC and VKC epithelial cells. These results suggest that conjunctival epithelial cells play an important pro-inflammatory role in chronic ocular allergic diseases; ICAM-1 may allow epithelial cells to recruit, retain and locally concentrate leukocytes; the presence of HLA-DR raises the question of conjunctival epithelial cell antigen presentation. The epithelial cytokines which are upregulated are known to promote eosinophilic inflammation and are typical of allergic inflammation. The differences in cytokine patterns may be exploitable for future therapy.  相似文献   
Stimulation of platelets by collagen leads to activation of a tyrosine kinase cascade resulting in secretion and aggregation. We have recently shown that this pathway involves rapid tyrosine phosphorylation of an Fc receptor gamma chain, which contains an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM), enabling interaction with the tandem SH2 domains of the tyrosine kinase Syk. Activation of Syk lies upstream of tyrosine phosphorylation of phospholipase Cgamma2. In the present study we sought to test directly the role of the ITAM/Syk interaction and the role of the Src-related kinases in collagen receptor signaling using mouse megakaryocytes. We demonstrate that the calcium-mobilizing action of a collagen-related peptide (CRP) is kinase-dependent, inhibited by the microinjection of the tandem SH2 domains of Syk and abolished in Syk-deficient mice. Furthermore, the CRP response is abolished by the Src family kinase inhibitor PP1 and inhibited in Fyn-deficient mice. In contrast, the calcium response to the G-protein-linked receptor agonist thrombin is not significantly altered under these conditions. These results provide direct evidence of the functional importance of Fyn and Syk in collagen receptor signaling and support the megakaryocyte as a model for the study of proteins involved in this pathway.  相似文献   
Abnormal mechanical stress on pulmonary structures is associated with increased airway resistance and impaired gas exchange as a result of increased airway smooth muscle (ASM) deposition. Using an in vitro system with cultured ASM cells, we have demonstrated that cyclic deformational strain increases ASM cellular myosin and myosin light chain kinase. To determine if these contractile protein increases were accompanied by ultrastructural changes in cells indicating phenotypic modulation, cells subjected to strain were compared to cells grown under static conditions by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and fluorescent staining. The strained ASM cells oriented perpendicular to the strain direction were more elongated and contained more actin stress fibers than identical cells grown under physically static conditions. The stress fiber bundles were thicker and reorganized parallel to the long axis of the cell. Marked increases in the numbers and lengths of focal adhesions between the cell membrane and the substratum were found by both TEM and immunostaining for talin. Mechanical strain thus increases organization of cytoskeletal elements in cultured ASM cells. Similar effects in vivo may serve to promote the expression of the contractile phenotype of cultured ASM cells independent of other in vivo factors and alter cell contractility. Increased organization of cytoskeletal elements might also increase the efficiency of signal transduction from the extracellular matrix into the cell interior.  相似文献   
V alpha gene usage in human T cells stimulated with SEE and SED was investigated by using polymerase chain reaction with specific primers. V beta 8 T cells from normal blood donors PBMC were sorted at day 5 after stimulation with SEE and analysed for TCR-V alpha gene usage. Whole T cells stimulated with anti-CD3 MoAb or SED were also analysed and compared at different time points after stimulation. There was no biased V alpha gene usage found as a response to either of the two superantigens. These results show that V alpha gene usage of human T cells stimulated with SEE or SED is normal.  相似文献   
The strain Pseudomonas aeruginosa 142 isolated from the utilising PSBs bacterial association was capable of growth on 2-chloro- and 2,4-dichlorobenzoates as sole carbon sources, but it did not utilize 3-Cl, 4-Cl, 3,5-diCl- and 2,6-dichlorobenzoates. P. aeruginosa 142 dehalogenated 2-Cl-, 2,4-diCl- and 2,5-dichlorobenzoates in aerobic conditions. The release of chloride was not observed in microaerophilic and anaerobic conditions. The activities of catechol-1,2-dioxygenase and 4-chlorocatechol-1,2-dioxygenase were found in cell extracts after growth of this strain on 2,4-dichlorobenzoate. The presented results suggested that oxidative release of chloride in ortho-position is the first step of metabolism of 2-Cl-, 2,4-diCl- and 2,5-dichlorobenzoates. The further splitting of corresponding catechols is carried out by ortho-pathway.  相似文献   
Neural regeneration in the escape circuit of the first-instar cockroach is described using behavioral analysis, electrophysiology, intracellular staining, and electron microscopy. Each of the two filiform hairs on each of the animal's cerci is innervated by a single sensory neuron, which specifically synapses with a set of giant interneurons (GIs) in the terminal ganglion. These trigger a directed escape run. Severing the sensory axons causes them to degenerate and perturbs escape behavior, which is restored to near normal after 4-6 days. Within this time, afferents regenerate and reestablish arborizations in the terminal ganglion. In most cases, regenerating afferents enter the cercal glomerulus and re-form most of the specific monosynaptic connections they acquired during embryogenesis, although their morphology deviates markedly from normal; these animals reestablish near normal escape behavior. In a few cases, regenerating afferents remain within the cercus or bypass the cercal glomerulus, and thereby fail to re-form synapses with GIs; these animals continue to exhibit perturbed escape behavior. We conclude that in most cases, specific synapses are reestablished and appropriate escape behavior is restored. This regeneration system therefore provides a tractable model for the establishment of synaptic specificity in a simple neuronal circuit.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to determine if the presenting ventricular arrhythmia (ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation/cardiac arrest) predicted the type of arrhythmia recurrence in patients treated with antiarrhythmic drugs. METHODS AND RESULTS: In the previously reported Electrophysiologic Study Versus Electrocardiographic Monitoring (ESVEM) trial, there were 486 patients who were randomized to antiarrhythmic drug testing guided by electrophysiological study or by ambulatory ECG monitoring. Use of a defibrillator (implantable cardioverter-defibrillator, ICD) without stored electrograms among 81 patients precluded determination of the type of arrhythmia recurrence; thus these patients were censored at the time of ICD implantation. Of the 486 patients, 381 presented with ventricular tachycardia and 105 with cardiac arrest. Over a 6-year follow-up period, 285 of the 486 patients had an arrhythmia recurrence; of these, 97 had an arrhythmic death or cardiac arrest as a first recurrence. In the current analysis, all 129 arrhythmic deaths/cardiac arrests that occurred any time during follow-up were evaluated as end points. CONCLUSIONS: Although univariate analysis suggested that there was an association between the presenting arrhythmia and outcome, multivariate analysis failed to substantiate the predictive value of the presenting arrhythmia. Left ventricular ejection fraction was the single most important predictor of arrhythmic death or cardiac arrest. This information may be an important factor in deciding whether to advise ICD therapy.  相似文献   
Allelic association studies provide the most powerful method for locating genes of small effect contributing to complex diseases and traits. However, in outbred populations, allelic association is usually maintained only over distances of <=1 cM. Therefore, systematic searches over large regions are costly. Here we present a method involving DNA pooling that can be used as a rapid preliminary screen for allelic association with the most common class of polymorphic markers, single-sequence repeats. Patient and control samples are pooled separately, and markers are typed in the two pools. By use of primers with fluorescent 5' ends, PCR products can be analyzed on an automated sequencing apparatus. Allele image patterns (AIPs) produced for the two groups are overlaid and differences in pattern area between pools computed. From this, a DeltaAIP statistic is calculated from the difference in areas between the two AIPs expressed as a fraction of the total shared and nonshared area. AIPs of a range of different-sized pools were generated by computer simulation for markers with a range of allele sizes and frequencies. DeltaAIPs from pools and chi2 values for individual genotypings were compared, with both simulated and real data from microsatellite markers. The results demonstrated a high correlation between DeltaAIP and chi2 values. DeltaAIP analysis of real microsatellite data indicated the feasibility of using this method in systematic searches for allelic association and generated a small number of false positives but few false negatives. We conclude that DeltaAIP analysis of DNA pools can be used effectively and efficiently as a rapid screen for allelic association in case-control studies.  相似文献   
Plasma antithrombin-III (AT-III), protein S, and protein C were measured during myocardial stunning (MS) and acute myocardial infarction (AMI). The effects of magnesium (Mg), diltiazem, and a Mac-1 inhibitor on their plasma levels were elucidated. Forty-nine open-chest swine underwent brief (8 min) or prolonged (50 min) coronary artery occlusion followed by reperfusion. During MS an increase in the plasma AT-III (from 98.5 +/- 3.38% to 138.1 +/- 3.6%) during the early occlusion phase, without any further changes was observed. The profile of total protein S was not changed during MS. Protein C increased at the end of occlusion (from 45.3 +/- 1.8% to 55.7 +/- 1.4%) reaching a peak (64.5 +/- 1.4%) at the beginning of reperfusion. When compared with controls, no significant differences were found in the antithrombotics profile during MS after pretreatment with Mac-1 inhibitor. For the AMI, the AT-III decreased during occlusion (from 98.5 +/- 3.4% to 61.0 +/- 3.6%). The protein S decreased during occlusion with the lowest level at 1 h of reperfusion (from 71.8 +/- 2.2% to 46.7 +/- 1.0%), followed by an increase during late reperfusion (59.2 +/- 1.5%). Contrarily, protein C increased during occlusion and early reperfusion (from 44.7 +/- 2.6% to 79.4 +/- 2.4%), but declined to 49.6 +/- 2.5% thereafter. In both Mg and diltiazem-treated swine, protein C was higher at the end of occlusion and during the entire reperfusion period compared with controls. Mg and diltiazem therapy was associated with the slight elevation of plasma AT-III. The patterns for protein S level during ischemia-reperfusion were similar with the controls. Protein S was higher at the end of occlusion and through the entire reperfusion in the NPC 15669-treated animals when compared with the controls. Mac-1 inhibition was associated with the elevated protein C during late reperfusion. Ability of Mg, diltiazem, and Mac-1 inhibitor to favorably modulate the plasma level of antithrombotics have direct clinical implications for the use of these agents in patients with acute coronary artery syndromes.  相似文献   
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