The solvothermal synthesis of multiwalled TiO2 nanotubes (MWTNTs) with the reaction of titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles and sodium hydroxide aqueous solution at moderate temperature is presented. The kinetic and isotherm studies were investigated for Orange II removal mechanism. MWTNTs were prepared in length 70–200 nm, average diameter 4–10 nm, and inter-shell spacing 0.78 nm. Different characterizations were performed to confirm anatase and mesoporous structure of MWTNTs. An improvement in properties as compared to commercial TiO2 was observed; specific surface area 244.81 m2/g and band gap 3.0 eV. An excellent photocatalytic activity for Orange II removal was exhibited using synthesized MWTNTs. 相似文献
Reliability analysis of uncertain dynamical systems is considered. The excitations are modeled as non-stationary Gaussian processes, whereas parametric uncertainties due to structural randomness are modeled as non-Gaussian random variables. The structural responses are, therefore, non-Gaussian processes. The limit state is formulated in terms of the extreme value distribution of the response process. Developing these extreme value statistics analytically is not straightforward, which makes failure probability estimations difficult. An alternative procedure is investigated for computing exceedance probabilities. Proposed approach involves generating a full functional operational model, which approximates the original limit surface. Once the approximate form of the original limit state is defined, the failure probability can be obtained by statistical simulation. Thus, the method can be integrated with commercial finite element software, which permits uncertainty analysis of large structures with complexities that include material and geometric nonlinear behavior. 相似文献
Waste heat recovery (WHR) for internal combustion engines in vehicles using Organic Rankine cycle (ORC) has been a promising technology. The operation of the ORC WHR system in supercritical conditions has a potential to generate more power output and thermal efficiency compared with the conventional subcritical conditions. However, in supercritical conditions, the heat transfer process in the evaporator, the key component of the ORC WHR system, becomes unpredictable as the thermo-physical properties of the working fluid change with the temperature. Furthermore, the transient heat source from the vehicle’s exhaust makes the operation of the WHR system difficult. We investigated the performance of the ORC WHR system at supercritical conditions with engine’s exhaust data from real city and highway drive cycles. The effects of operating variables, such as refrigerant flow rates, evaporator and condenser pressure, and evaporator outlet temperature, on the performance indicators of the WHR system in supercritical conditions were examined. Simulation of operating parameters and the boundary of the WHR system are also included in this paper.
Saline-sodic shale overburden associated with oil sand mining is a potential source of salt release to surface water and groundwater and can lead to salinization and/or sodification of reclamation covers. Weathering of shale overburden due to oxidation of sulphide minerals within the shale leads to sulphate (SO42?) production and increased salinity. The controls on the rates of weathering of a shale overburden dump in the oil sands region of northern Alberta were determined from soil chemistry sampling and in situ monitoring of pore gases (O2, CO2, CH4) in three shallow profiles (1.9–4.45 m deep) and one deep (25 m deep) profile under reclamation covers of varying thickness. Oxidation, defined by the depth over which O2 concentrations were depleted, reached depths of approximately 1.1 m under the reclamation soil covers over a 6 year period after dump placement. Calculations of SO42? production rates and weathering depths were consistent with numerical simulations of the diffusion and subsequent consumption of atmospheric O2 in the overburden. The rate of SO42? production during the 6 year weathering period estimated from direct measurements of solids chemistry ranged from 0.70 to 8.3 g m?2 day?1. The rates calculated from the oxygen diffusion models were within that same range, between 1.6 and 4.1 g m?2 day?1. 相似文献
Because of its industrial relevance, wear of engineering polymers has been studied extensively both experimentally and theoretically. The wear mechanism of polymers is complex due to the influence of numerous parameters and it has long been realized that a predicting tool for wear of polymers in dry and lubricated sliding is of practical importance. Polymer wear models hitherto have been largely done by fitting the experimental data to an empirical equation and some major contributions have been made by a number of authors in this area. However, a more fundamental approach would be to analyze the experimental evidence collectively on the basis of the variables involved and the mechanisms leading to particle detachment. Although some progress has been made in this direction, a need exists to consolidate the major experimental findings in order to develop a comprehensive analytical wear model. The present work attempts to develop such a wear model and validate the proposed model experimentally. The wear equations are presented in two groups, one representing primarily abrasive wear and the other the fatigue mechanism, since the two mechanisms operate in distinct roughness ranges. Each group consists of four equations representing different contact speed and temperature ranges. The results indicate that the surface forces dominate in the low roughness range while at the higher roughness ranges abrasive wear is predominant. Among other observations the results also indicate that a unique value of the ratio of equivalent elastic modulus to hardness (E//H) exists where wear may either be insignificant or very large depending on the parametric combination. These predictions are likely to be of practical importance. 相似文献
Indoor air concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and dust particles were measured for 49 biomass and 46 fossil fuel users in urban slums of Dhaka, Bangladesh. The health impacts of these pollutants were assessed on 65 and 51 children under five years old from families who use biomass and fossil fuel as main source of energy, respectively. Mean concentrations of CO were found to be significantly higher in biomass fuel users (P = 0.010), while geometric mean concentrations of benzene, xylene, toluene, hexane, total VOCs, and NO2 were significantly higher (P < 0.01) in the fossil fuel users. Symptoms such as redness of eyes, itching of skin, nasal discharge, cough, shortness of breath, chest tightness, wheezing, or whistling chest were found to be associated with the choice of biomass fuel, with the odds ratio ranging from 4.0 to 6.3. No significant association of use of biomass fuel with respiratory diseases, eczema, diarrhea, or viral fever was observed after adjustment for potential confounders. These results suggest a significant association between the biomass fuel-using population and respiratory symptoms. These symptoms may not be due to the pollutants only, as some other underlying causes may be present. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The health of children under five years old in Bangladesh, especially those living in poor socioeconomic conditions, is considered to be worsening because of indoor air pollution. It is commonly suggested that biomass fuel should be replaced by fossil fuel, as pollution levels are believed to be higher with biomass fuel. Our findings, however, suggest that pollution can be higher with fossil fuels, and indicate that a switch in fuel from biomass to fossil does not necessarily improve the children's health. Awareness programs should therefore be undertaken to avoid the unnecessary use of gas. Clean fuels and clean stoves should also be ensured to reduce emissions of indoor air pollutants. 相似文献
A compact microwave driven plasma based multi-element focused ion beam system has been developed. In the present work, the effect of reduced beam limiter (BL) aperture on the focused ion beam parameters, such as current and spot size, and a method of controlling beam energy independently by introducing a biased collector at focal point (FP) are investigated. It is found that the location of FP does not change due to the reduction of BL aperture. The location of FP and beam size are found to be weakly dependent on the collector potential in the range from -8 kV to -18 kV. 相似文献
The design and testing of a new large volume Inconel pressure cell for the in situ study of supercritical hydrothermal syntheses using time-resolved neutron diffraction is introduced for the first time. The commissioning of this new cell is demonstrated by the measurement of the time-of-flight neutron diffraction pattern for TiO(2) (Anatase) in supercritical D(2)O on the POLARIS diffractometer at the United Kingdom's pulsed spallation neutron source, ISIS, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. The sample can be studied over a wide range of temperatures (25-450 °C) and pressures (1-355 bar). This novel apparatus will now enable us to study the kinetics and mechanisms of chemical syntheses under extreme environments such as supercritical water, and in particular to study the crystallization of a variety of technologically important inorganic materials. 相似文献
Site selection is a key factor in any aquaculture operation, affecting both success and sustainability as well as solving land or water use conflicts. This study was conducted to identify suitable sites for carp farming development in urban water bodies (UWBs) of Chittagong, Bangladesh using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) based MultiCriteria Evaluation (MCE) of water, soil and infrastructure database. ASTER imagery and 14 thematic layers were analyzed with ENVI and GIS capabilities, and developed a series of GIS models to identify and prioritize the appropriate UWBs for carp farming. The study identified 487 UWBs occupying 362 ha and revealed 280 ha (77%) is the most suitable, 36 ha (10%) is moderately suitable and 46 ha (13%) is not suitable which was consistent with field verification. The results are encouraging for extension of carp culture and diversify the economic activities of the urban dwellers. 相似文献