Telecommunication Systems - This paper proposes two algorithms for hybrid (Analog–Digital) beamforming in a single-user millimeter-wave (mm-wave) multi-input multi-output (MIMO) systems under... 相似文献
SDN enables a new networking paradigm probable to improve system efficiency where complex networks are easily managed and controlled. SDN allows network virtualization and advance programmability for customizing the behaviour of networking devices with user defined features even at run time. SDN separates network control and data planes. Intelligently controlled network management and operation, such that routing is eliminated from forwarding elements (switches) while shifting the routing logic in a centralized module named SDN Controller. Mininet is Linux based network emulator which is cost effective for implementing SDN having in built support of OpenFlow switches. This paper presents practical implementation of Mininet with ns-3 using Wi-Fi. Previous results reported in literature were limited upto 512 nodes in Mininet. Tests are conducted in Mininet by varying number of nodes in two distinct scenarios based on scalability and resource capabilities of the host system. We presented a low cost and reliable method allowing scalability with authenticity of results in real time environment. Simulation results show a marked improvement in time required for creating a topology designed for 3 nodes with powerful resources i.e. only 0.077 sec and 4.512 sec with limited resources, however with 2047 nodes required time is 1623.547 sec for powerful resources and 4615.115 sec with less capable resources respectively.
In this paper we propose high throughput collision free, mobility adaptive and energy efficient medium access protocol (MAC) called Collision Free Mobility Adaptive (CFMA) for wireless sensor networks. CFMA ensures that transmissions incur no collisions, and allows nodes to undergo sleep mode whenever they are not transmitting or receiving. It uses delay allocation scheme based on traffic priority at each node and avoids allocating same backoff delay for more than one node unless they are in separate clusters. It also allows nodes to determine when they can switch to sleep mode during operation. CFMA for mobile nodes provides fast association between the mobile node and the cluster coordinator. The proposed MAC performs well in both static and mobile scenarios, which shows its significance over existing MAC protocols proposed for mobile applications. The performance of CFMA is evaluated through extensive simulation, analysis and comparison with other mobility aware MAC protocols. The results show that CFMA outperforms significantly the existing CSMA/CA, Sensor Mac (S-MAC), Mobile MAC (MOB-MAC), Adaptive Mobility MAC (AM-MAC), Mobility Sensor MAC (MS-MAC), Mobility aware Delay sensitive MAC (MD-MAC) and Dynamic Sensor MAC (DS-MAC) protocols including throughput, latency and energy consumption. 相似文献
Mobile Networks and Applications - An effective measure of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) is of great significance to enhance the capabilities of a decision support system (DSS) of any... 相似文献
In this paper, we describe area and power reduction techniques for a low-latency adaptive finite-impulse response filter for magnetic recording read channel applications. Various techniques are used to reduce area and power dissipation while speed and latency remain as the main performance criteria for the target application. The proposed parallel transposed direct form architecture operates on real-time input data samples and employs a fast, low-area multiplier based on selection of radix-8 premultiplied coefficients in conjunction with one-hot encoded bus leading to a very compact layout and reduced power dissipation. Area, speed, and power comparisons with other low-power implementation options are also shown. The proposed filter has been fabricated using a 0.18-μm L-effective CMOS technology and operates at 550 MSamples/s. Trading off filter latency to improve speed is also discussed 相似文献
The proper placement of visual sensors across a sensor field for covering targets with arbitrary location and orientation is a mission-critical decision in surveillance applications. The specifics of sensor deployment in these applications not only determine the maximum achievable coverage, but it also affects the quality of the target’s appearance in cameras for subsequent use in vision tasks. However, the inaccuracies inherent in localization techniques and the lack of knowledge regarding the target orientation render existing proposals insufficient for real-life scenarios. In this paper, we address both challenges. First, we extend the conventional point representation of targets with a circular model to account for full-angle coverage of targets with known location yet with unknown orientation from all directions. We then assume, in the absence of precise location information, a trajectory profile of targets could instead be generated through the importance sampling of the environment, indicating spots where the target is most likely located. This profile-based abstraction enables us to capture the uncertainty in target’s location by encircling every agglomeration of proximal samples within one cluster. Each cluster can then be viewed as a virtual macroscopic circular target for which we formulate the coverage problem in terms of a Binary Integer Programming (BIP) model. We have also taken into account the presence of obstruction in between multiple targets by calculating the angles of view of the sensors in an occlusion-dependant manner, effectively determining optimal placement for maximal instead of full-angle coverage. Evaluation results derived from our simulation experiments reveal that the proposed mechanism can effectively achieve high coverage accuracy with minimum number of deployed sensors. 相似文献
This paper presents an efficient dynamic spectrum allocation (DSA) scheme in a flexible spectrum licensing environment where multiple networks coexist and interfere with each other. In particular, an extension of virtual boundary concept in DSA is proposed, which is spectrally efficient than the previous virtual boundary concept applied to donor systems only. Here, the same technique is applied to both donor and rental systems so as to further reduce the occurrences where the insertion of guard bands is obligatory and as a result provides better spectral efficiency. The proposed extension improves the spectrum utilization without any compromise on interference and fairness issues. 相似文献
Being a pivotal resource, conservation of energy has been considered as the most striking issue in the wireless sensor network research. Several works have been performed in the last years to devise duty cycle based MAC protocols which optimize energy conservation emphasizing low traffic load scenario. In contrast, considering the high traffic situation, another research trend has been continuing to optimize both energy efficiency and channel utilization employing rate and congestion control at the MAC layer. In this paper, we propose A Load-aware Energy-efficient and Throughput-maximized Asynchronous Duty Cycle MAC (LET-MAC) protocol for wireless sensor networks to provide an integrated solution at the MAC layer considering both the low-and high-traffic scenario. Through extensive simulation using ns-2, we have evaluated the performance of LET-MAC. LET-MAC achieves significant energy conservation during low traffic load (i.e., no event), compared to the prior asynchronous protocol, RI-MAC, as well as attains optimal throughput through maximizing the channel utilization and maintains lower delay in regard to the CSMA/CA-like protocol during a high volume of traffic (i.e., when an event occurs). 相似文献
Reducing transmit power is the most straightforward way towards more energy-efficient communications, but it results in lower SNRs at the receiver which can add a performance and/or complexity cost. At low SNRs, synchronization and channel estimation errors erode much of the gains achieved through powerful turbo and LDPC codes. Further expanding the turbo concept through an iterative receiver—which brings synchronization and equalization modules inside the loop—can help, but this solution is prohibitively complex and it is not clear what can and what cannot be a part of the iterative structure. This paper fills two important gaps in this field: (1) as compared to previous research which either focuses on a subset of the problem assuming perfect remaining parameters or is computationally too complex, we propose a proper partitioning of algorithm blocks in the iterative receiver for manageable delay and complexity, and (2) to the best of our knowledge, this is the first physical demonstration of an iterative receiver based on experimental radio hardware. We have found that for such a receiver to work, (1) iterative timing synchronization is impractical, iterative carrier synchronization can be avoided by using our proposed approach, while iterative channel estimation is essential, and (2) the SNR gains claimed in previous publications are validated in indoor channels. Finally, we propose a heuristic algorithm for simplifying the carrier phase synchronization in an iterative receiver such that computations of the log likelihood ratios of the parity bits can be avoided to strike a tradeoff between complexity and performance. 相似文献