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Dispersions of oil in water are encountered in a variety of industrial processes leading to a reduction in the performance of the heat exchangers when thermally treating such two phase fluids. This reduction is mainly due to changes in the thermal and hydrodynamical behavior of the two phase fluid. In the present work, an experimental investigation was performed to study the effects of light oil fouling on the heat transfer coefficient in a double‐pipe heat exchanger under turbulent flow conditions. The effects of different operating conditions on the fouling rate were investigated including: hot fluid Reynolds number (the dispersion), cold fluid Reynolds number, and time. The oil fouling rate was analyzed by determining the growth of fouling resistance with time and through pressure drop measurements. The influence of copper oxide (CuO) nanofluid on the fouling rate in the dispersion was also determined. It was found that the presence of dispersed oil causes a reduction in heat transfer coefficient by percentages depending on the Reynolds number of both cold and hot fluids and the concentration of oil. In addition, the time history of fouling resistance exhibited different trends with the flow rates of both fluids and its trend was influenced appreciably by the presence of CuO nanofluid.  相似文献   
The density of heat transfer rate from a vertical array of flat tubes in cross flow is maximized under fixed pressure drop using constructal design. With the constructal design, the tube arrangement is found such that the heat currents from the tubes to the coolant flow easily. The constraint in the present constructal design is the volume where the tubes are arranged inside it. The two degrees of freedom available inside the volume are the tube‐to‐tube spacing and the length of the flat part of the tubes (tube flatness). The tubes are heated with constant surface temperature. The equations of continuity, momentums, and energy for steady, two‐dimensional, and laminar forced convection are solved by means of a finite‐volume method. The ranges of the present study are Bejan number (dimensionless pressure drop) (103Be ≤ 105) and tube flatness (dimensionless length of the tube flat part) (0 ≤ F ≤ 0.8). The coolant used is air with Prandtl number (Pr = 0.72). The results reveal that the maximum heat transfer density decreases when the tube flatness decreases at constant Bejan number. At constant tube flatness, the heat transfer density increases as the dimensionless pressure drop (Bejan number) increases. Also, the optimal tube‐to‐tube spacing is constant, irrespective of the tube flatness at constant Bejan number.  相似文献   
As a developing country, Turkey’s sustainable development objectives converge on robust and sustainable economic development. The increase in its energy and electricity demand is attributed to the growth of population, urbanization, and industrialization parallel to economic and social growth. Instead of fulfilling the obligation to protect the environment arising from international agreements and achieving desired sustainable development, the dependency on imported fossil fuel in electrical energy production and energy-intensive economic growth results in intensified CO2 emission as well as ironically negative economic output. Therefore, Turkey is forced to exploit its indigenous sources such as coal (which unfortunately increases atmospheric Green House Gas “GHG” emissions) and renewable resources. However, high GHG emission – mainly CO2 – of Turkey’s coal power plants impairs deployment of indigenous sources for power generation. Indeed, there is a necessity of technical approaches for higher heat extraction efficiencies and mitigation of high concentration of energy-related CO2 emission. Admittedly, “Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS)” employing conventional hydrothermal resources offers highly efficient heat extraction, geological CO2 sequestration, and utilization of CO2 for power generation rather than considering CO2 as an effluent. Although there are research gaps and lack of field scale experiment, the economic and environmental viability of implementing CCUS in Turkey can be improved by pilot or field scale projects whereby the presence of these projects commences technological and experimental advances in capturing CO2 either from geothermal power plants or indigenous coal power plants, transporting it to the proven geothermal geologic site, and generating power. Apart from this, the “CO2 – Plume Geothermal Systems (CPG)” compared to unconventional and conventional geothermal systems would commit vigorous potential for continual improvement in economic feasibility of CCUS without a guaranteed return on power generation investments in Turkey. Hence, legislations concerning incentives in CCUS would foster further improvements in the deployment of geothermal resources to pursue sustainable development in Turkey.  相似文献   

The adoption of high-accuracy speech recognition algorithms without an effective evaluation of their impact on the target computational resource is impractical for mobile and embedded systems. In this paper, techniques are adopted to minimise the required computational resource for an effective mobile-based speech recognition system. A Dynamic Multi-Layer Perceptron speech recognition technique, capable of running in real time on a state-of-the-art mobile device, has been introduced. Even though a conventional hidden Markov model when applied to the same dataset slightly outperformed our approach, its processing time is much higher. The Dynamic Multi-layer Perceptron presented here has an accuracy level of 96.94% and runs significantly faster than similar techniques.

High-performance activated carbon-zinc oxide (Ac–ZnO) nanocatalyst was fabricated via the microwave-assisted technique. Ac–ZnO was characterized and the results indicated that Ac–ZnO is stable, had a band gap of 3.26?eV and a surface area of 603.5?m2g?1, and exhibited excellent adsorptive and degrading potentials. About 93% phenol was adsorbed within 550?min of reaction by Ac–ZnO. Impressively, a complete degradation was achieved in 90?min via a photo-Fenton/Ac–ZnO system under optimum conditions. An artificial neural network (ANN) model was developed and applied to study the relative significance of input variables affecting the degradation of phenol in a photo-Fenton process. The ANN results indicate that increases in both H2O2 and Ac–ZnO dosage enhanced the rate of phenol degradation. The highest rate constant at the optimum conditions was 0.093?min?1 and it was found to be consistent with the ANN-predicted rate constant (0.095?min?1).  相似文献   
Avocado fat is a semi-solid substance with potential functional lipid characteristics. A study was carried out to evaluate the effect of addition of palm stearin and cocoa butter on the solidification behavior of avocado fat to formulate a mixture to become similar to lard. A total of three mixtures were prepared: avocado fat:palm stearin:cocoa butter (88:7:5), avocado fat:palm stearin:cocoa butter (86:7:7), avocado fat:palm stearin:cocoa butter (84:7:9; w/w), and identified by the mass ratio of avocado fat to palm stearin and cocoa butter. The fat mixtures were compared with lard in terms of the fatty acid and triacylglycerol compositions using gas chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography, thermal properties using differential scanning calorimetry and solid fat content using p-nuclear magnetic resonance. Although there were considerable differences between lard and the fat mixtures with regard to fatty acid and triacylglycerol compositions, some similarities were seen with regard to thermal properties and solid fat content profile. Of all the fat mixtures, avocado fat:palm stearin:cocoa butter (84:7:9) displayed closer similarity to lard with respect to thermal transitions at –3.59°C and its solid fat content profile showed the least difference to that of lard throughout the temperature range measured.  相似文献   
Like tea, the leaves of Turkish thyme (Thymus vulgaris) can be boiled in water to produce an extract. This is widely used as syrup for the treatment of coughs and bronchitis at alternative medicine clinics in many parts of the world. In the current study, we assessed the phenolic content and antioxidant activity of thyme. The antioxidant activities of both ethanol and aqueous extracts of thyme were determined using various in vitro methods. The total phenolic and total flavonoid contents were determined to be a gallic acid equivalent and a quercetin equivalent, respectively. Finally, the quantities of the phenolic compounds were detected using high-performance liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry. The total phenolic compounds in the aqueous extract and ethanol extracts of Turkish thyme were 256.0 μg gallic acid equivalent/mg dried extract and 158.0 μg gallic acid equivalent/mg dried extract, respectively. Conversely, the total flavonoid compounds in both extracts were 44.2 μg and 36.6 μg quercetin equivalent/mg dried extract, respectively. For the first time, we determined phenolic contents and investigated the antioxidant potential of thyme. The results indicate that Turkish thyme is a good dietary source with phenolic properties.  相似文献   
In this study, the rheological and conventional properties of binders prepared with crumb rubber (CR) and FT-paraffin were compared to styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS)-modified binders’ properties. The objective of this study was to determine which modified binders in different combinations of the CR and the FT-paraffin exhibited better performance than the SBS-modified binders, in terms of conventional and rheological properties. Results showed that the additives exhibited different performances for different types of tests. Many of the combinations including the common usage of the CR and the FT-paraffin performed better at high temperature than the SBS modification. Overall, the test results show that the binders prepared by 6% CR with 3 and 4% FT-paraffin and those prepared with 8% CR with 3% FT-paraffin were better binders than the 4% SBS-modified binder, in terms of low and high temperature properties.  相似文献   
Materials forming sand grains and colluvial soil deposits have a distinct structure, consisting of a composite matrix of coarse and fine soil grains. The influence of sand grains content on the behaviour of sand–clay mixtures was investigated by a series of intensive laboratory experiments. The California bearing ratio (CBR), unconfined compression strength (UCS) and compaction tests were carried out on various contents of sand and clay mixtures. The sand–clay mixtures were prepared with sand contents of 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50% by weight. The laboratory tests on these mixtures have indicated that their behaviour will depend on the relative concentration of the sand and clay samples. The results of the tests showed a decrease in the UCS, and an increase the CBR values with an increase in the amount of sand. An increase in dry unit weight and a decrease in respective moisture content by an increase in the amount of sand were observed in the compaction tests.  相似文献   
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