This paper describes a feasibility stage geotechnical evaluation carried out at the Karameh dam site. The 45 m high, 2,150 m
long dam will be built across the Wadi Mallaha on Quaternary lacustrine deposits and store fresh water from the King Abdullah
Canal. A confined highly saline aquifer was identified at a depth of 25 m, the saline groundwater migrating naturally through
the Lisan Formation. Stability analysis of the foundation indicates that the slopes are just stable under dry conditions and
may become unstable under wet conditions. The most important problem is the presence of the active main Jordan Valley Fault
crossing both the dam body and reservoir.
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Volleyball premier league (VPL) simulating some phenomena of volleyball game has been presented recently. This powerful algorithm uses such racing and interplays between teams within a season. Furthermore, the algorithm imitates the coaching procedure within a game. Therefore, some volleyball metaphors, including substitution, coaching, and learning, are used to find a better solution prepared by the VPL algorithm. However, the learning phase has the largest effect on the performance of the VPL algorithm, in which this phase can lead to making the VPL stuck in optimal local solution. Therefore, this paper proposed a modified VPL using sine cosine algorithm (SCA). In which the SCA operators have been applied in the learning phase to obtain a more accurate solution. So, we have used SCA operators in VPL to grasp their advantages resulting in a more efficient approach for finding the optimal solution of the optimization problem and avoid the limitations of the traditional VPL algorithm. The propounded VPLSCA algorithm is tested on the 25 functions. The results captured by the VPLSCA have been compared with other metaheuristic algorithms such as cuckoo search, social-spider optimization algorithm, ant lion optimizer, grey wolf optimizer, salp swarm algorithm, whale optimization algorithm, moth flame optimization, artificial bee colony, SCA, and VPL. Furthermore, the three typical optimization problems in the field of designing engineering have been solved using the VPLSCA. According to the obtained results, the proposed algorithm shows very reasonable and promising results compared to others.
In this paper, we propose a new approach that guarantees the stability and robustness of an adaptive control law of a nonlinear system.The control diagram proposed contains a Takagi–Sugeno–Kang fuzzy controller (TSK-FC) and a training block allowing the online adaptation of the FC parameters. The adaptation algorithm used is based on the gradient with minimization of the quadratic error between the system output and that desired by using the direct method of Lyapunov. However, our approach considers the gradient step of each adaptive FC parameter to be bound. This approach was applied to the control of an inverted pendulum. The results obtained confirm well the validity of such an adaptation especially the guarantee of the pendulum stability and the robustness of its control with respect to the disturbances introduced on the FC parameters and the pendulum itself. 相似文献
Theoretical calculations are presented to optimize modulation period for maximum total peak capacity in comprehensive two-dimensional HPLC (2D-HPLC) taking into account the effect of modulation on the apparent peak capacity of the first-dimension (1D) separation. Results indicate that modulation periods are most favorable when they are adjusted to approximately 2.2-4 times the standard deviation of a 1D peak in order to avoid excessively short run times at the second dimension (2D). Data are presented that effective peak capacities of several thousand in 60 min can be expected for practical 2D-HPLC conditions, utilizing 1D gradient elution followed by 2D isocratic elution, that remain at approximately 50-70% of the theoretical maximum peak capacity. This work suggests that lower modulation frequencies and longer 2D separation times than previously proposed are favorable under realistic chromatographic conditions, alleviating some practical problems associated with 2D-HPLC. 相似文献
The aim of this paper is to shed light on complementarities and substitutions between various types of innovation capabilities in knowledge-intensive-based service (KIBS) firms. The data used in this study are the responses of 2,625 innovative firms to the 2003 Statistics Canada Innovation Survey on services. The empirical results suggest the presence of three patterns of complementary innovation capabilities, one pattern of substitute activities and finally, four patterns of innovation capabilities that are independent from each other. Hence, the results suggest the presence of complementarities: first, between internal R&D, external R&D, acquisition of equipment and machinery, and marketing activities; second, between external R&D, acquisition of equipment and machinery, acquisition of external knowledge and marketing activities; third, between acquisition of equipment and machinery, acquisition of external knowledge and marketing activities. Such complementarities lead to the conclusion that, in practice, managers of KIBS firms consider the consolidation of these capabilities jointly instead of separately. The paper also discusses issues related to patterns of capabilities that are substitutes and independent from each other. The results of this study also show significant heterogeneity in the determinants of the different patterns of innovation capabilities. 相似文献
For environmental considerations, the substitution of the conventionally used oil-based grinding fluids has nowadays become strongly recommended. Although several alternatives have been proposed, cryogenic cooling by liquid nitrogen is the non-polluting coolant that has been given relatively more attention because of its very low temperature. In this investigation, in order to contribute to developing this promising cooling mode, its beneficial effects on the ground surface integrity of the AISI 304 stainless steel and their consequences on the fatigue lifetime are explored. Results of this investigation show that grinding under cryogenic cooling mode generates surfaces with lower roughness, less defects, higher work hardening and less tensile residual stresses than those obtained on surfaces ground under oil-based grinding fluid. These surface enhancements result into substantial improvements in the fatigue behaviour of components ground under this cooling mode. An increasing rate of almost 15% of the endurance limit at 2 × 106 cycles could be realized. SEM analyses of the fatigue fracture surfaces have shown that the fatigue cracks observed on the specimens ground under cryogenic cooling are shorter (i.e., 30-50 μm) than those generated under oil-based cooling mode (i.e., 150-200 μm). The realized improvements in the surface integrity and in the fatigue behaviour are thought to be related to the reduction of the grinding zone temperature observed under cryogenic cooling, as no significant differences between the grinding force components for both cooling modes have been observed. 相似文献
Microstructure evolution of 99.1% aluminum after equal-channel angular extrusion (ECAE) and subsequent heat-treatment was
investigated. After deformation the samples were annealed at different temperatures. The deformed and annealed states were
characterized by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and microhardness tests. It was shown that
the observed microstructure changes during subsequent annealing have to be associated with recovery and cells formation. The
initial stages of recovery were investigated using weak-beam technique. The microstructure obtained after annealing for 1 h
at 100 °C consists of some arrangements of the dislocations into sub-grain boundaries within the wide preexisting grains.
Annealing at 300 °C led to the appearance of a duplex microstructure consisting of bands of slightly coarsened grains associated
with refined grains. No growth of dislocation cells was observed up to 400 °C. In XRD measurements, the lattice parameter
increase with subsequent heating. This indicates a continuous grain growth during annealing. This is due to the important
increase of coherency length, D observed parallel to a substantial decrease of rms-strain, ε. 相似文献
The presence of secondary particles to polycrystalline alloys results in kinetic stabilization of the grain boundaries, which maintains desirable fine microstructures. In some instances, secondary particles trigger abnormal grain growth. The mechanisms influencing abnormal grain growth are still a subject of conjecture. As dispersed fine particles can contribute to abnormal grain growth, it is necessary to clarify the governing mechanism by which this occurs. The current work employs a multiphase field modeling approach to shed light onto abnormal grain growth. Particular attention is placed on understanding the role of grain boundary–particle interactions on abnormal grain growth. The results show that, in the presence of particles, normal grain growth occurs until a pinned state is achieved. In the pinned state, some grains overcome the pinning pressure exerted by some particles by piercing through the particles, which results in abnormal grain growth. The piercing events appear to be entirely random and not related to the size of the interacting particles. None-the-less, a bimodal particle size distribution is observed to lead to abnormal grain growth. A pinning parameter is introduced as a metric to identify the transition from normal to abnormal grain growth. 相似文献
Regulating the transfer pathway of charge carriers in heterostructure photocatalysts is of great importance for selective CO2 photoreduction. Herein, the charge transfer pathway and in turn the redox potential succeeded to regulate in 2D MoS2/1D TiO2 heterostructure by varying the light wavelength range. Several in situ measurements and experiments confirm that charge transfer follows either an S-scheme mechanism under simulated solar irradiation or a heterojunction approach under visible light illumination, elucidating the switchable property of the MoS2/TiO2 heterostructure. Replacing the simulated sunlight irradiation with the visible light illumination switches the photocatalytic CO2 reduction product from CO to CH4.13CO2 isotope labeling confirms that CO2 is the source of carbon for CH4 and CO products. The photoelectrochemical H2 generation further supports the switching property of MoS2/TiO2. Unlike previous studies, density functional theory calculations are used to investigate the band structure of Van der Waals MoS2/TiO2 S scheme after contact, allowing to propose accurate charge transfer pathways, in which the theoretical results are well matched with the experimental results. This work opens the opportunity to develop photocatalysts with switchable charge transport and tunable redox potential for selective artificial photosynthesis. 相似文献
This study evaluates Algerian kaolin (Djebel Debbagh (DD1) and Tamazart (KT2)) as potential substitutes for commercial kaolin (Lab) in the production of mullite-based ceramics. Three compositions were prepared by incorporating the appropriate percentage of alumina to each calcined kaolin to achieve stoichiometric mullite precursors. The phase evolution of individual kaolin powders, as well as their mixtures with alumina, depends strongly on the calcination temperature and kaolin impurities. The differential scanning calorimetry combined with thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) showed lower secondary mullite formation temperature for the KT2-based mixture. However, X-ray diffraction revealed a complete mullitization in DD1 mixture. The K2O hindered cristobalite formation and reduced secondary mullite formation rate. Microstructure analysis showed lath-shaped primary mullite and equi-axed secondary mullite particles. After sintering at 1600°C, The KT2-based sample (M3) exhibited higher density (3.013 g/cm3) and hardness (9.9 GPa), whereas the DD2-based sample (M2) showed moderate densification (2.91 g/cm3) and higher flexural strength (159.42 MPa). Impurities (mainly Fe2O3, and K2O) promoted liquid phase sintering, resulting in greater densification in M3, whereas M2 showed more homogeneous microstructure, refined grains, and lower glassy phase content, contributing to enhanced strength. 相似文献