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In this research, we converted high silicon fly ash to a high ion-exchange capacity zeolite using a two stages conversion process. Alkaline fusion was applied to collapse the fly ash crystalline phases and release Si content. Then Si/Al ratio of the synthesis sol adjusted with appropriate amount of industrial grade materials. A synthesis solution with the molar ratio of 2.2 SiO2:Al2O3:5.28 Na2O:106 H2O was hydrothermally crystallized to Na-P1 zeolite at 120 °C for 4 h. The as-synthesized zeolite characterized by means of X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and thermal analysis. Cation exchange capacity of the zeolite was determined using ammonium acetate method. The zeolitization remarkably improved the cation exchange capacity of the final product (e.g. 3.23 meq/g in comparison to the raw fly ash ~0.005–0.02 meq/g).Due to the high CEC and sufficient whiteness of the final product, we suggest that the as-synthesized zeolitic powder is a potential candidate as a detergent builder.  相似文献   
A broad finite element study was carried out to understand the stress fields and stress intensity factors behavior of cracks in adhesively bonded double-lap joints, which are representative of loading in real aerospace structures. The interaction integral method and fundamental relationships in fracture mechanics were used to determine the mixed-mode stress intensity factors and associated strain energy release rates for various cases of interest. The numerical analyses of bonded joints were also studied for various kinds of adhesives and adherends materials, joint configurations, and thickness of adhesive and different crack lengths. The finite element results obtained show that the patch materials of low stiffness, low adhesive moduli and low tapering angles are desirable for a strong double-lap joint. In the double-lap joint, the shearing-mode stress intensity factor is always larger than that of the opening-mode and both shearing and opening mode stress intensity factors increase as the crack length increases, but their amplitudes are not sensitive to adhesive thickness. Results are discussed in terms of their relationship to adhesively bonded joints design and can be used in the development of approaches aimed at using adhesive bonding and extending the lives of adhesively bonded repairs for aerospace structures.  相似文献   
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