Improved procedures for the determination of total dissolved phosphorus (TDP), particulate phosphorus (PP) and dissolved inorganic orthophosphate (DP) are described. Organic particulate material is solubilized in 5 n NaOH, and phosphorus compounds are oxidized and mineralized to orthophosphate by persulfate digestion. DP is determined by an improved automated molybdenum blue procedure that does not require sample pH adjustment or a correction for silicate interference in the 0–50 mg Si 1?1 range. The use of 36-position digestion racks allows 32 TDP or PP samples to be digested in ca. 1 and 4 h respectively. Detection limits in μg of phosphorus 1?1 are DP, 2; TDP, 5; and PP. 1. Waste water samples were analyzed for TDP and PP by the nitric acid-sulfuric acid procedure and by the proposed method. There was no significant difference between the two sets of data (P > 0.45). 相似文献
Well over a million fire detectors are currently in use in the Federal Republic of Germany. Provided they are correctly installed and efficiently maintained, they detect fires reliably at a very early stage. At the present time, the false alarm rate equals about 1% of the number of installed detectors per annum. This false alarm rate must be at least proportionately reduced as further detectors are installed.
Since it is scarcely possible to improve tried-and-tested detector designs, the employment of higher-grade detector signal processing methods suggests itself.
However, ‘more intelligent’ detector signal processing using microprocessors calls for an entirely new fire detection system structure: detectors which independently ‘decide’ whether an alarm criterion is met and then initiate an alarm are replaced by sensors which continuously transmit their measured values to the ‘intelligence’ panel for evaluation. Passive panels which simply receive alarm signals from activated detectors and indicate these or transmit them to the fire brigade are replaced by active processors using permanently improved algorithms for the detection of real fires.
A structural change of this type is possible provided the positive — and the customary — characteristics of the conventional technique are not lost, viz. two-wire lines between detector and panel, simple installation and handling, easy detector replaceability, low cost, etc.
The pulse detector technology is described in detail; it combines the simplicity of conventional fire detection systems with new characteristics, e.g. identification of individual detectors, permanent functional check of all connected detectors, automatic notification of maintenance requirement prior to a slowly developing fault (e.g. such as that caused by corrosion or contamination), uniform response sensitivity unaffected by drifting from the operating points of the detectors and, above all, greater protection against false alarms. 相似文献
What are the effects of flame behavior of a number of fires burning in close proximity to one another? The results of measurements of burning rates, heat feedback, flame height, and flame trailing are reported for fires involving liquid pools. 相似文献
Successional pressures resulting from fire suppression and reduced grazing have resulted in vegetation-type conversion in the open spaces surrounding the urbanized areas of the San Francisco bay area. Coverage of various vegetation types were sampled on seven sites using a chronosequence of remote images in order to measure change over time. Results suggest a significant conversion of grassland to shrubland dominated by Baccharis pilularison five of the seven sites sampled. An increase in Pseudotsuga menziesii coverage was also measured on the sites where it was present. Increases fuel and fire hazard were determined through field sampling and use of the FARSITE fire area simulator. A significant increase in biomass resulting from succession of grass-dominated to shrub-dominated communities was evident. In addition, results from the FARSITE simulations indicated significantly higher fire-line intensity, and flame length associated with shrublands over all other vegetation types sampled. These results indicate that the replacement of grass dominated with shrub-dominated landscapes has increased the probability of high intensity fires. 相似文献
The destruction of the carcinogen benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) by light is well known; laboratory workers are routinely advised to cover fluorescent lamps with yellow filters while treating samples containing BaP. However until recently the mechanism of oxidation by sunlight and ozone had not been studied in detail. Concentrations of benzo[a]pyrene in urban air are in the range of 5–10 μg/1000 m3. Oxidant concentrations (predominantly in the form of ozone) are reported to be in the range of 0.01 ppm (22 μg per m3). Thus a sampling system with a filter paper would filter about 22,000 μg of ozone passing through and collect about 5 μg of BaP for analysis. The effect of interactions of such large ozone concentrations with BaP deposited on the filter paper is reported; data for the oxidation rates for benzo[a]pyrene coated on quartz surface and exposed to ozone or sunlight are presented. The oxidation products were analysed by thin-layer chromatography and highpressure liquid chromatography. From about eight products detected in these experiments, three have been identified as quinones based on UV-absorption spectrometry and mass spectrometry. Oxidation rates as high as 100% per hour of exposure are observed when less than 0.1 μg of BaP is coated inside the quartz tubes and exposed to ozone or sunlight. Oxidation rates for benzo[a]pyrene (using tritiated BaP) were determined for two types of experimental conditions. In the first set, tritiated BaP was spotted onto a glass fibre paper and sampling continued for 24 h; the loss of BaP was found to be 88%. In the second set tritiated BaP was spotted at intervals of one hour, for eight hours, while sampling is being carried out and the loss of BaP during the period was estimated to be 50%. 相似文献
The instrument was a byproduct of an undergraduate final year project on wind power which was carried out by the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Liverpool.The windmill test site was on an exposed, rocky island where there was no history of weather recording but a long tradition of violent winds.Field experience during the winter months suggested that corrosion fatigue arising from wind buffeting and salt spray would rank equally with maximum wind pressure as criteria of failure and if modern materials, so convenient for forming aerodynamic surfaces, were to be used then limited life concepts would need to be considered. This called for more knowledge of wind variations at the test site. A complete wind spectrum taken on chart recording instruments would have been ideal but since such such refined devices were not available the instrument to be described was designed.The only wind measuring instrument which was available was a rotating cup anemometer. This supplied an alternating voltage proportional to its rotational speed. It also operated a gear driven microswitch which could give an integrated “miles of wind” reading on an electromagnetic counter.Briefly the e.m.f. generated by the anemometer (Fig. 1) was matched against a pre-set voltage corresponding to the required gust velocity. When this was exceeded an appropriate counter was operated. Only the rising e.m.f. was significant. The subsequent fall was ignored. Initially three stages were incorporated which reported the gusts rising through forty, fifty and sixty knots, respectively. These recorded on separate counters. All basic settings were based on pitot-static speed determinations in a wind tunnel. 相似文献
Batch biological treatment of log yard run-off reduced biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD) and tannin and lignin (TL) concentration by 99%, 80%, and 90%, respectively. Acute (Microtox) toxicity was decreased over treatment, from an initial EC50 of 1.83% to a value of 50.4% after 48 h of treatment. Kinetics of biodegradation were determined using respirometry and fitted using the Monod and Tessier model. For the Monod model the maximum substrate uptake rate, and Ks values determined were 0.0038 mg BOD/mgVSS min, and 1.4 mg/L, respectively. The efficacy of ozone as a pre- and post- biological treatment stage was also assessed. During ozone pretreatment, TL concentration and acute toxicity were rapidly reduced by 70% and 71%, respectively. Pre-ozonation reduced BOD and COD concentration by < 10%, however a larger fraction of residual COD was non biodegradable after ozonation. Biologically treated effluent was subjected to ozonation to determine whether further improvements in effluent quality could be achieved. A reduction in COD and TL concentration was observed during ozonation, however no further improvement in toxicity was observed. Ozonation increased BOD by 38%, due to conversion of COD to BOD. 相似文献
Heavy metal concentrations have been determined in maternal and cord blood samples collected from mothers in the age group 20-25 years with full-term neonates (37-40 weeks). The concentrations of Pb, Cd, Cu and Zn were found to be low in cord blood as compared to mother's blood and the ratio between cord blood and maternal blood for the respective elements was found to be approximately 0.80, 0.86, 0.47 and 0.40. On the other hand, the concentrations of Fe and Mg in the mother's blood were found to be lower than those in the cord blood. Prenatal exposure to lead in Mumbai, though low (5.1 microg/dl), is approximately 2-3 times higher than that observed in Canada or Italy. A strong correlation (r = 0.79) between the maternal and cord blood lead levels has been observed during the present study. 相似文献
The content of chlorinated persistent organic pollutants was determined in a total of 44 egg samples from 8 different raptor species collected throughout Norway in the period 1991-1997. The content of 8 chlorinated bornanes, 9 chlorinated pesticides, and 15 polychlorinated biphenyl congeners (PCB) were determined. The highest average concentrations for PCB were found for eggs from White-tailed Sea Eagle and Peregrine Falcon (average sum PCB concentration: 8.9 and 9.1 microg/g wet weight (w.w.), respectively). Merlin and Sparrowhawk eggs were the highest contaminated with chlorinated pesticides (average sum pesticide concentration: 3.0 and 4.3 microg/g w.w.). For the first time, the content of chlorobornanes was determined in Norwegian birds of prey eggs. However, only minor contamination compared to PCBs and conventional chlorinated pesticides was found. The highest sum concentration was determined for White-tailed Sea Eagle eggs (0.09 microg/g w.w.). No chlorobornane contamination was found in Osprey and Merlin eggs. No spatial and regional specific trends or pattern distribution were found for organochlorine contamination in the egg samples analysed. In order to gain information about enantiomer specific bioaccumulation and biotransformation capacity of the organism, enantioselective analyses was performed for the chiral contaminants trans-chlordane, oxy-chlordane and the chlorobornane B9-1679 (Parlar #50). Indications for species-dependent deviation from the racemic distribution (enantiomeric ratio = 1) were found. Peregrine Falcon and Merlin eggs were characterised with an extremely high enantiomeric excess of the (-)-trans-chlordane (enantiomeric ratio (ER) <0.01). For Golden Eagle, Goshawk and Sparrowhawk eggs, the ERs were between 0.1 and 0.22 demonstrating also here that the (-)-trans-chlordane was the most abundant enantiomer. For the distribution of oxy-chlordane and B9-1679 enantiomers no species-dependent differences were found. For all species the ER values between 0.3 and 0.8 were determined. Thus, also for oxy-chlordane and B9-1679, the (-)-enantiomers are the most dominating stereoisomers in the birds of prey eggs analysed. 相似文献
Infrared spectroscopy was applied to identify and determine microamounts of anionic surfactants contained in sewage or river waters. The surfactants tested were linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS), branched alkylbenzene sulfonate (ABS), alpha olefine sulfonate (AOS), fatty alcohol sulfate (AS) and fatty alcohol ethoxy sulfate (AES).Anionic surfactants in waters were extracted by chloroform as methylene blue complexes and sulfate type surfactants, i.e. AS and AES were then removed by subsequent hydrolysis. Residual sulfonate type surfactants were first released from methylene blue complexes by ion exchange technique and then changed to sulfonyl chloride derivatives for infrared spectroscopy. Key bands for the identification of sulfonate type surfactants are 640, 618 and 524 cm−1 for LAS, ABS and AOS, respectively. Sulfate type surfactants was calculated from the difference of methylene blue active substance contents before and after hydrolysis. 相似文献