The dynamics and optimal feedback control of biological waste treatment processes are examined. Modern feedback control theory is applied and results are obtained for both proportional and proportional plus integral control. A dynamic mathematical model of the system is developed by employing a Monod kinetic model, which is modified to account for endogenous metabolism, and a complete mixing flow model in the growth chamber. The feedback control is implemented via the flow rate so as to maintain desired effluent concentrations. External disturbances which cause changes in substrate concentration and/or cell concentration are considered and optimal control effort is applied. Results are also presented for impulse and step changes in the influent substrate concentration. It is found that by changing the values of the weighting factors in the objective function, it is possible to obtain good control of either the effluent substrate concentration or cell concentration. 相似文献
ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study is to analyse the phenomenon of pool boiling in water over a horizontally placed copper tube heater of 28?mm diameter. The experiment has been carried out to observe the bubble growth and departure characteristics for the heat flux range up to 40,000?W/m2. The entire process is being recorded by a digital camera at different time intervals. The measured parameters have been used to determine the initial layer thickness, macro layer thickness and critical heat flux and validated with models proposed in the literature. 相似文献
Brominated flame retardants (BFRs) were investigated in juvenile common sole from nursery zones situated along the French coast in 2007, 2008 and 2009. Extensive identification was performed with regard to PBDEs, novel BFRs 1,2-bis(2,4,6-tribromophenoxy)ethane (BTBPE) and decabromodiphenylethane (DBDPE), and other non-PBDE BFRs, namely, hexabromobenzene (HBB) and 2,2′,4,4′,5,5′-hexabromobiphenyl (BB-153). Polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) concentrations (Σ 14 congeners) ranged from 0.01 ng/g to 0.16 ng/g wet weight (ww) in muscle, and 0.07 ng/g to 2.8 ng/g ww in liver. Concentrations were in the lower range of those reported in the literature in other European locations. Lower PBDE concentrations, condition indices and lipid contents were observed in the Seine estuary in 2009, possibly in relation to a lower water flow. The PBDE patterns and ratios we observed suggested that juvenile sole have a relative high metabolic degradation capacity. Non-PBDE BFRs were detected at lower levels than PBDEs, i.e., within the < method detection limit - 0.005 ng/g ww range in muscle, and < method detection limit - 0.2 ng/g ww range in liver. The data obtained is of particular interest for the future monitoring of these compounds in the environment. 相似文献
This paper presents a comprehensive review of the mechanisms responsible for the transfer of atmospheric particulate deposition and soil particulate re-suspension onto vegetation. The nature of atmospheric aerosols and dry/wet particulate deposition are reviewed, together with information from the literature on radionuclides as tracers of the air particle/soil particle to vegetation transfer processes. Information from these fields is used to make inferences about the potential significance of these pathways in supplying particle-bound semi-volatile organic chemicals (e.g. polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans, polychlorinated biphenyls) to vegetation. Retention of compounds on particles brought to the above-ground plant surfaces is discussed. In the absence of definitive field/experimental studies, calculations are made drawing on the literature data to estimate the contributions of atmospheric and soil particle-bound organic contaminants to the plant concentration. These show that depending on the site-specific, species-specific and compound-specific scenarios considered, particulate-bound inputs may be negligible or may dominate the supply of organic contaminants to the above-ground portion of plants. However, field/experimental studies and direct measurements are needed to provide reliable quantitative data on this topic. 相似文献
The size and structure of flocs during floc formation were monitored for various coagulation mechanisms. Two distinctive mechanisms, namely, enmeshment and electrostatic patch, govern the dynamics of kaolin particles coagulation by polyaluminum chloride (PACl). They were investigated by small angle static light scattering (SASLS) and solid-state 27Al NMR. In addition, a novel wet SEM (WSEM) was used in-situ to image the morphology of the aggregate in aqueous solution. Synthetic suspended particles were coagulated by two PACl products, a commercial product (PACl) and one laboratory product (PACl-E). The PACl-E contained more than 60% Al13 while the PACl contained only 7% Al13, with large percentage of colloidal Al. For coagulation by PACl at neutral pH and high dosage where the strong repulsion between particles occurs, the enmeshment ruled by reaction-limited aggregation (RLA) results in larger sweep flocs as well as higher fractal dimensional structure. For coagulation by PACl-E at alkaline pH and low dosage, the flocs were coagulated predominately by electrostatic patch with Al13 aggregates. At such condition, it is likely that diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA) predominately rule PACl-E coagulation. The fractal dimension (Ds) values of PACl and PACl-E flocs formed at enmeshment and electrostatic patch increased with dosage, respectively. When breakage of flocs occurs, the breakage rate of PACl-E flocs is slower than that of sweep flocs. By WSEM imaging, the adsorption of spherical Al precipitates onto the particles was observed to form sweep flocs with a rough and ragged contour, while the PACl-E flocs were formed with a smooth and glossy structure. 相似文献
Well over a million fire detectors are currently in use in the Federal Republic of Germany. Provided they are correctly installed and efficiently maintained, they detect fires reliably at a very early stage. At the present time, the false alarm rate equals about 1% of the number of installed detectors per annum. This false alarm rate must be at least proportionately reduced as further detectors are installed.
Since it is scarcely possible to improve tried-and-tested detector designs, the employment of higher-grade detector signal processing methods suggests itself.
However, ‘more intelligent’ detector signal processing using microprocessors calls for an entirely new fire detection system structure: detectors which independently ‘decide’ whether an alarm criterion is met and then initiate an alarm are replaced by sensors which continuously transmit their measured values to the ‘intelligence’ panel for evaluation. Passive panels which simply receive alarm signals from activated detectors and indicate these or transmit them to the fire brigade are replaced by active processors using permanently improved algorithms for the detection of real fires.
A structural change of this type is possible provided the positive — and the customary — characteristics of the conventional technique are not lost, viz. two-wire lines between detector and panel, simple installation and handling, easy detector replaceability, low cost, etc.
The pulse detector technology is described in detail; it combines the simplicity of conventional fire detection systems with new characteristics, e.g. identification of individual detectors, permanent functional check of all connected detectors, automatic notification of maintenance requirement prior to a slowly developing fault (e.g. such as that caused by corrosion or contamination), uniform response sensitivity unaffected by drifting from the operating points of the detectors and, above all, greater protection against false alarms. 相似文献
What are the effects of flame behavior of a number of fires burning in close proximity to one another? The results of measurements of burning rates, heat feedback, flame height, and flame trailing are reported for fires involving liquid pools. 相似文献
Successional pressures resulting from fire suppression and reduced grazing have resulted in vegetation-type conversion in the open spaces surrounding the urbanized areas of the San Francisco bay area. Coverage of various vegetation types were sampled on seven sites using a chronosequence of remote images in order to measure change over time. Results suggest a significant conversion of grassland to shrubland dominated by Baccharis pilularison five of the seven sites sampled. An increase in Pseudotsuga menziesii coverage was also measured on the sites where it was present. Increases fuel and fire hazard were determined through field sampling and use of the FARSITE fire area simulator. A significant increase in biomass resulting from succession of grass-dominated to shrub-dominated communities was evident. In addition, results from the FARSITE simulations indicated significantly higher fire-line intensity, and flame length associated with shrublands over all other vegetation types sampled. These results indicate that the replacement of grass dominated with shrub-dominated landscapes has increased the probability of high intensity fires. 相似文献
The destruction of the carcinogen benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) by light is well known; laboratory workers are routinely advised to cover fluorescent lamps with yellow filters while treating samples containing BaP. However until recently the mechanism of oxidation by sunlight and ozone had not been studied in detail. Concentrations of benzo[a]pyrene in urban air are in the range of 5–10 μg/1000 m3. Oxidant concentrations (predominantly in the form of ozone) are reported to be in the range of 0.01 ppm (22 μg per m3). Thus a sampling system with a filter paper would filter about 22,000 μg of ozone passing through and collect about 5 μg of BaP for analysis. The effect of interactions of such large ozone concentrations with BaP deposited on the filter paper is reported; data for the oxidation rates for benzo[a]pyrene coated on quartz surface and exposed to ozone or sunlight are presented. The oxidation products were analysed by thin-layer chromatography and highpressure liquid chromatography. From about eight products detected in these experiments, three have been identified as quinones based on UV-absorption spectrometry and mass spectrometry. Oxidation rates as high as 100% per hour of exposure are observed when less than 0.1 μg of BaP is coated inside the quartz tubes and exposed to ozone or sunlight. Oxidation rates for benzo[a]pyrene (using tritiated BaP) were determined for two types of experimental conditions. In the first set, tritiated BaP was spotted onto a glass fibre paper and sampling continued for 24 h; the loss of BaP was found to be 88%. In the second set tritiated BaP was spotted at intervals of one hour, for eight hours, while sampling is being carried out and the loss of BaP during the period was estimated to be 50%. 相似文献