Dissolution testing was conducted for six non-combination, single entity, modified-release oral solid dosage forms. Dissolution medium was water and 0.1 N hydrochloric acid. USP Apparatus 1 and Apparatus 2 were used arid were rotated at either 50 or 100 rpm. A complete dissolution profile was obtained for all six dosage forms based on their stated dosing interval, D. The three strengths of Theo-dur tablets, Norpace CR 150 mg capsules, and the two strengths of Chlor-trimeton tablets passed the Compendial Case One requirements (USP XXI, 2S, 1906). Thorazine spansules and Quinidex tablets were unable to meet the specifications with water as the dissolution medium; the latter showed improved dissolution character in 0.1 N hydrochloric acid. Tenuate Dospan 75 mg tablets showed good release characteristics in water when the authentic (dosing interval (D = 24 hours) was changed to a modified dosing interval of D* = 12 hours. All dissolution aliquots were assayed by UV absorbance measurements at the absorbance maximum for each drug and were also checked for excipient interference. Newer drugs appearing on the market will be more likely candidates for meeting compendial specifications; modified-release pharmaceuticals that appeared before the new specifications may have to be allocated specifically expanded window percentages. 相似文献
The structure of the recently introduced Brazilian government programme for monitoring pesticide residues in six major agricultural products is described. Residues found from the analysis of samples of tomatoes and strawberries are discussed in detail. The much greater frequency of detection of pesticide residues, many of which are not approved for use in Brazil, in produce being sold on the domestic market, as opposed to that produced for export, is of major concern. It is perceived that this new monitoring programme will become permanent and be used to underpin enforcement actions that will need to be taken to reduce the numbers of incidents of illegal residues occurring, particularly in fresh fruits and vegetables. 相似文献
The results of a computer simulation of the initial stages of the nucleation and growth of gold on NaCl(100) are presented. A potential energy scaling Monte Carlo model employing a 50 × 50 array, mobile monomers, dimers and trimers, and gold atom vertical “roll up” was used. The parameters in the model were obtained from the work of Robinson and Robins, other published sources and/or found by calculation. Simulations of the migration of single gold adatoms over the surface permitted the determination of the diffusion coefficient as a function of the reciprocal temperature which returned the same activation energy given by the potential field, thus indicating the consistency of the model. Initial cluster densities were determined using deposition rates of Rd = 1015cm-2s-1 and Rd = 1014cm-2s-1 over the temperature range T=200–425 K. Initial cluster growth was found to occur primarily by surface phase transport and resulted in clusters that were shaped like very thin disks. Using the equations from the work of Velfe and coworkers, calculations were made to extrapolate the computer simulation data in order to permit an indirect comparison with the data of Robinson and Robins. Good agreement was achieved. Initial condensation coefficients determined over a 250 ms interval showed that α ≈ 0 at T > 425 K and α ≈ 1 at T < 325 K for a deposition rate of Rd=1015 cm-2 s-1. 相似文献
The optical character of waste stabilization ponds (WSPs) is of concern for several reasons. Algal photosynthesis, which produces oxygen for waste oxidation in WSPs, is influenced by attenuation of sunlight in ponds. Disinfection in WSPs is influenced by optical characteristics because solar UV exposure usually dominates inactivation. The optical nature of WSPs effluent also affects assimilation by receiving waters. Despite the importance of light behaviour in WSPs, few studies have been made of their optical characteristics. We discuss simple optical measures suitable for routine monitoring of WSPs (including at sites remote from laboratories): optical density of filtrates - an index of dissolved coloured organic (humic) matter, visual clarity - to provide an estimate of the beam attenuation coefficient (a fundamental quantity needed for optical modelling) colour (hue) - as an indicator of general WSP 'condition' and irradiance attenuation quantifying depth of light penetration. The value of optical characterisation of WSPs is illustrated with reference to optical data for WSPs in NZ (including high-rate algal ponds) treating dairy cattle wastewater versus domestic sewage. We encourage increased research on optical characteristics of WSPs and the incorporation of optical measures in monitoring and modelling of WSP performance. 相似文献
The TELEMAC project brings new methodologies from the Information and Science Technologies field to the world of water treatment. TELEMAC offers an advanced remote management system which adapts to most of the anaerobic wastewater treatment plants that do not benefit from a local expert in wastewater treatment. The TELEMAC system takes advantage of new sensors to better monitor the process dynamics and to run automatic controllers that stabilise the treatment plant, meet the depollution requirements and provide a biogas quality suitable for cogeneration. If the automatic system detects a failure which cannot be solved automatically or locally by a technician, then an expert from the TELEMAC Control Centre is contacted via the internet and manages the problem. 相似文献
The increasing complecity of many expert system application areas calls for the integration of the knowledge of multiple experts. The use of multiple experts introduces some interesting new problems during the process of knowledge acquisition. The problems are further complicated when the experts are geographically dispersed or unavailable for face-to-face interactions.
This article discusses the motivations for acquiring the knowledge of multiple experts, the problems related to knowledge acquisition, new issues that arise whens multiple experts interact, solutions that can be brought to bear in building multiple expert systems (particularly when experts are geographically dispersed), and new tools for knowledge engineers to use when dealing with multiple experts. 相似文献
Corrosion behaviour of aluminium-lithium alloys The AlLiMgCu alloy 8090 was studied in its texturated fine grained version “A” and in its recrystallized coarse grain structured version “C” in different artificially aged conditions in reference to several other AlLi alloys, each in its heat treatment condition of practical interest, and to the convetional alloy 2024 T3. The subject of research was the general corrosion behaviour of semifinished AlLi products, particularly sheet material, under alternate and permanent immersion conditions in neutral 3.5% sodium chloride solution; the stress corrosion behaviour was studied under constant load in the long transverse direction according to ASTM G44 and G49. The underaged conditions, which are the relevant conditions for technical application of the 8090 “A” and “C” sheets, showed an approximately equivalent or even better corrosion behaviour in comparison to the lithium-free alloy 2024 T3 in the corrosion tests with unloaded specimens. The threshold above which the AlLi alloy 8090 in some heat treatment conditions is attacked by stress corrosion cracking within the 30 days lasting constant load test depends on alloy composition, testing direction, grain size, stretch-forming, artificial ageing condition, surface pretreatment and the specimens' dimensions. 相似文献
The effect of ion exchange conditions, such as Si/Al ratio, precursor copper salt, pH and concentration of the solution, on the catalytic activity in SCR of NO by propane and on the electronic state of copper ions in Cu-ZSM-5 has been studied. The NO conversion in NO SCR by C3H8 has been found to reach a maximum value at Cu/Al ratio about 0.37–0.4 and remain constant at higher Cu/Al.
ESR and UV–vis DR spectroscopy have been used to elucidate stabilization conditions of copper ions in Cu-ZSM-5 zeolites as isolated Cu2+ ions, chain copper oxide structures and square-plain oxide clusters. The ability of copper ions for reduction and reoxidation in the chain structures may be responsible for the catalytic activity of Cu-ZSM-5. These transformations of copper ions are accompanied by the observation of intervalence transitions Cu2+–Cu+ and CTLM of the chain structures in the UV–vis spectra. 相似文献
This paper presents the design and practical hardware implementation of optimal neurocontrollers that replace the conventional automatic voltage regulator (AVR) and the turbine governor of turbogenerators on multimachine power systems. The neurocontroller design uses a powerful technique of the adaptive critic design (ACD) family called dual heuristic programming (DHP). The DHP neurocontrollers' training and testing are implemented on the Innovative Integration M67 card consisting of the TMS320C6701 processor. The measured results show that the DHP neurocontrollers are robust and their performance does not degrade unlike the conventional controllers even when a power system stabilizer (PSS) is included, for changes in system operating conditions and configurations. This paper also shows that it is possible to design and implement optimal neurocontrollers for multiple turbogenerators in real time, without having to do continually online training of the neural networks, thus avoiding risks of instability. 相似文献