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Gas diffusion layers (GDLs) were fabricated using non-woven carbon paper as a macro-porous layer substrate developed by Hollingsworth & Vose Company. A commercially viable coating process was developed using wire rod for coating micro-porous layer by a single pass. The thickness as well as carbon loading in the micro-porous layer was controlled by selecting appropriate wire thickness of the wire rod. Slurry compositions with solid loading as high as 10 wt.% using nano-chain and nano-fiber type carbons were developed using dispersion agents to provide cohesive and homogenous micro-porous layer without any mud-cracking. The surface morphology, wetting characteristics and pore size distribution of the wire rod coated GDLs were examined using FESEM, Goniometer and Hg porosimetry, respectively. The GDLs were evaluated in single cell PEMFC under various operating conditions (temperature and RH) using hydrogen and air as reactants. It was observed that the wire rod coated micro-porous layer with 10 wt.% nano-fibrous carbon based GDLs showed the highest fuel cell performance at 85 °C using H2 and air at 50% RH, compared to all other compositions.  相似文献   
The pea-milling and subsequent air classification of whole peas was investigated on laboratory scale equipment. Two approximately linear but divergent calibration graphs were constructed for the air classifier based on two different definitions of particle size cut-point. At high classifying speed (11 000 rev min?1) a fine fraction or protein concentrate was produced containing 55.1% protein (cf. 22% in original flour) although this represented only 29% of the total protein. The yield of protein in the fine fraction could be increased by using a three-stage milling and classifying procedure, although the actual protein content of the concentrate remained more or less the same. This procedure also had the effect of reducing protein contamination of the starch (coarse) fraction. Other effects of air classifying observed included the concentration of the lipid component into the fine fraction and the rough fractionation of the fibre constituent between the coarse (testa) and fine (cell wall material) fractions. Various aspects and problems associated with the use of air classification for the preparation of pea protein concentrates are discussed.  相似文献   
There has been a regulatory movement toward the required use of tamper-evident containers for fresh blue crab meat. North Carolina passed tamper-evident regulations in 1993. Blue crab processors had little information on possible changes in head-space gases, microbial growth, chemical decomposition, sensory quality, or shelf life caused by the new containers. Chemical, microbiological, physical, and sensory changes in fresh crab meat were monitored during 18 days of storage in ice and 13 days of storage refrigerated at 4 degrees C. "Special" blue crab meat, chosen for the study, is the least expensive commercial form of white crab meat. The crab meat was packaged in four retail containers: copolymer polyethylene cups with polyethylene snap-on lids, copolymer polyethylene cups with snap-on polyethylene lids fastened to the cup with heat-shrink low-density polypropylene seals, copolymer polyethylene cans with aluminum easy-open ends, and copolymer polypropylene cups with a tamper-evident pull-tab on the lid. Control samples packaged in industry standard copolymer polyethylene cups maintained higher oxygen levels than meat stored in tamper-evident containers. No consistent differences in quality or shelf life were detected among the containers. Market shelf life was limited to 6 days for meat held at 4 degrees C and 15 days for meat held at 0 degrees C. Sensory quality deteriorated 6 days earlier for crab meat held at 4 degrees C than meat held at 0 degrees C. Collateral work showed that toxin production by Clostridium botulinum neither occurred following 18 days of storage at 4 degrees C nor after 15 days of storage at 10 degrees C. Definite spoilage occurred before any toxin production. The study suggests that blue crab processors can safely use the new tamper-evident packaging, which has little or no effect on product quality or shelf life. Processors may choose appropriate packaging options using price, packaging quality, market appearance, and ease of production as the deciding criteria.  相似文献   
Geological Process Models (GPMs) have been used in the past to simulate the distinctive stratigraphies formed in carbonate sediments, and to explore the interaction of controls that produce heterogeneity. Previous GPMs have only indirectly included the supersaturation of calcium carbonate in seawater, a key physicochemical control on carbonate production in reef and lagoon environments, by modifying production rates based on the distance from open marine sources. We here use the residence time of water in the lagoon and reef areas as a proxy for the supersaturation state of carbonate in a new process model, Carbonate GPM. Residence times in the model are calculated using a particle-tracking algorithm. Carbonate production is also controlled by water depth and wave power dissipation. Once deposited, sediment can be eroded, transported and re-deposited via both advective and diffusive processes. We show that using residence time as a control on production might explain the formation of non-ordered, three-dimensional carbonate stratigraphies by lateral shifts in the locus of carbonate deposition on timescales comparable to so-called 5th-order sea-level oscillations. We also show that representing supersaturation as a function of distance from open marine sources, as in previous models, cannot correctly predict the supersaturation distribution over a lagoon due to the intricacies of the flow regime.  相似文献   
In an effort to speed the development of new products and processes, many companies are turning to computer simulations to avoid the time and expense of building prototypes. These computer simulations are often complex, taking hours to complete one run. If there are many variables affecting the results of the simulation, then it makes sense to design an experiment to gain the most information possible from a limited number of computer simulation runs. The researcher can use the results of these runs to build a surrogate model of the computer simulation model. The absence of noise is the key difference between computer simulation experiments and experiments in the real world. Since there is no variability in the results of computer experiments, optimal designs, which are based on reducing the variance of some statistic, have questionable utility. Replication, usually a ‘good thing’, is clearly undesirable in computer experiments. Thus, a new approach to experimentation is necessary. Published in 2009 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A light-activated NO donor, [Mn(PaPy3)(NO)]ClO4 (1a), has been incorporated into HEMA-based polymer hydrogel and the nitrosyl-polymer conjugate materials 1ax · HG and 1ax · HGMB have been characterized. The NO releasing properties and antibacterial capabilities of these materials in conjunction with growth attenuators such as hydrogen peroxide and methylene blue (MB) are reported. Since the nitrosyl releases NO only upon exposure to light, materials like 1ax · HGMB could be used as wound dressings that deliver NO under controlled conditions.  相似文献   
A uniaxial compression apparatus designed to investigate the dynamics of proppant particle packing is described. This dynamic compression device (DCD) uses a small charge of particles, approximately 3.5–7 cm3 depending upon the configuration of an experiment. The DCD allows simultaneous measurement of boundary stresses on the packing and permeability of the packing to fluid flow. Visualization of the packing at compressive stress levels up to σA = 7100 psi (49 MPa) is also demonstrated. The stresses measured are the normal stress at both walls on the axis of compression, with their difference providing a measure of the shear (or friction) force from the walls, and the transverse normal stress on one orthogonal axis, σT. Permeability may be determined by either a fixed pressure drop or fixed flow rate experiment, with results presented from the fixed pressure drop approach by imposing a small gravity head of the flowing liquid; liquid flow is gravimetrically measured.The behaviors of packings of hard particles, both uncoated and when coated with a very viscous and tacky polyamide resin, are reported. The packing materials include a ceramic material used as a proppant in hydraulic fracturing of petroleum wells, and glass beads. The proppant and glass beads have mean diameters of approximately 700 μm and 500 μm, respectively, with the proppant less spherical and more polydisperse than the glass beads. The proppant particles undergo only limited breakage up to the maximum stress imposed here. The glass beads undergo significant breakage. Protocols for the compression can be varied. The reported results use a single loading and unloading at the same speed in each segment (increasing and decreasing stress), as well as a cyclic loading of differing numbers of cycles. The rate of loading is specified and can be varied from 0.56 μm/s–1.7 mm/s, with results here focusing on the range of 1–30 μm/s. Measured stress and permeability are shown as a function of axial load and loading rate, as well as the behavior in cyclic loading. The results are shown to be highly reproducible, establishing the ability to determine the properties of a proppant pack in a small charge device with imposed deformation. The influence of the resin coating on the properties is reported.Direct visualization is one of the key features of the DCD. Local motions and overall rearrangements of particles can be monitored by digital camera. These have been presented using particle image velocimetry (PIV).  相似文献   
Understanding diffusion in alumina is a long-standing challenge in ceramic science. The present article applies a novel combination of metadynamics and kinetic Monte Carlo simulation approaches to the investigation of oxygen vacancy diffusion in alumina. Three classes of diffusive jumps with different activation energies were identified, the resulting diffusion coefficient being best fitted by an Arrhenius equation having a pre-exponential factor of 7.88 × 10−2 m2 s−1 and an activation energy of 510.83 kJ mol−1. This activation energy is very close to values for the most pure aluminas studied experimentally (activation energy 531 kJ mol−1). The good agreement indicates that the dominating atomic-scale diffusion mechanism in alumina is vacancy diffusion.  相似文献   
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