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This paper presents a new scheme for the estimation of the mean values of parameters in multi-degree-of-freedom structural systems. It is based on a combination of a differential operator transform of the measured data with the extended Kalman filter method. The proposed method can deal with a wide variety of estimation problems including those which are of the non-linear-in-the parameter type. On combining this method with a technique for estimating the variance of the parameters, discussed detailly in part two of this paper, a complete stochastic structural system identification technique can be formulated. Results from simulation studies indicate that the new method can yield reliable estimates of the system parameters even when the noise level in the measurement records is significant.  相似文献   
Inexpensive desktop scanners are frequently used for the scanning of small format aerial photographic images. However, these scanners do not always conform to the spectral and spatial quality required for subsequent image analysis. This Letter outlines simple tests that can be conducted to characterize the properties of desktop scanners and illustrates the performance of a specific instrument. Spectral and spatial artifacts introduced by this scanner are outlined. It is important for image analysts to be aware of these scanner properties, and decide in each case whether the use of these instruments is warranted for quantitative applications.  相似文献   
We report on an in‐depth corpus linguistic study on ‘multiple views’ terminology and word collocation. We take a broad interpretation of these terms, and explore the meaning and diversity of their use in visualisation literature. First we explore senses of the term ‘multiple views’ (e.g., ‘multiple views’ can mean juxtaposition, many viewport projections or several alternative opinions). Second, we investigate term popularity and frequency of occurrences, investigating usage of ‘multiple’ and ‘view’ (e.g., multiple views, multiple visualisations, multiple sets). Third, we investigate word collocations and terms that have a similar sense (e.g., multiple views, side‐by‐side, small multiples). We built and used several corpora, including a 6‐million‐word corpus of all IEEE Visualisation conference articles published in IEEE Transactions on Visualisation and Computer Graphics 2012 to 2017. We draw on our substantial experience from early work in coordinated and multiple views, and with collocation analysis develop several lists of terms. This research provides insight into term use, a reference for novice and expert authors in visualisation, and contributes a taxonomy of ‘multiple view’ terms.  相似文献   
This paper explores how research teams in Intel’s Digital Health Group are using ethnography to identify ‘designable moments’—spaces, times, objects, issues and practices which suggest opportunities for appropriate interventions. It argues that technology innovation should aim to incorporate the views, experiences and practices of users from the start of the design process to support independent living and develop culturally sensitive enhancements that contribute towards wellbeing and a life of quality for local older populations.  相似文献   
To find a document in the sea of information, you must embark on a search process, usually computer-aided. In the traditional information retrieval model, the final goal is to identify and collect a small number of documents to read in detail. In this case, a single query yielding a scalar indication of relevance usually suffices. In contrast, document corpus management seeks to understand what is happening in the collection of documents as a whole (i.e. to find relationships among documents). You may indeed read or skim individual documents, but only to better understand the rest of the document set. Document corpus management seeks to identify trends, discover common links and find clusters of similar documents. The results of many single queries must be combined in various ways so that you can discover trends. We describe a new system called the Stereoscopic Field Analyzer (SFA) that aids in document corpus management by employing 3D volumetric visualization techniques in a minimally immersive real-time interaction style. This interactive information visualization system combines two-handed interaction and stereoscopic viewing with glyph-based rendering of the corpora contents. SFA has a dynamic hypertext environment for text corpora, called Telltale, that provides text indexing, management and retrieval based on n-grams (n character sequences of text). Telltale is a document management and information retrieval engine which provides document similarity measures (n-gram-based m-dimensional vector inner products) visualized by SFA for analyzing patterns and trends within the corpus  相似文献   
The issue of generating a repeatable control strategy which possesses the desirable physical properties of a particular generalized inverse is addressed. The technique described is fully general and only requires a knowledge of the associated mill space of the desired inverse. While an analytical representation of the null vector is desirable, ultimately the calculations are done numerically so that a numerical knowledge of the associated full vector is sufficient. This method first characterizes repeatable strategies using a set of orthonormal basis functions to describe the null space of these transformations. The optimal repeatable inverse is then obtained by projecting the null space of the desired generalized inverse onto each of these basis functions. The resulting inverse is guaranteed to be the closest repeatable inverse to the desired inverse, in an integral norm sense, from the set of all inverses spanned by the selected basis functions. This technique is illustrated for a planar, three-degree-of-freedom manipulator and a seven-degree-of-freedom spatial manipulator  相似文献   
Vegetation fires are a key global terrestrial disturbance factor and a major source of atmospheric trace gases and aerosols. Therefore, many earth-system science and operational monitoring applications require access to repetitive, frequent and well-characterized information on fire emissions source strengths. Geostationary imagers offer important temporal advantages when studying rapidly changing phenomena such as vegetation fires. Here we present a new algorithm for detecting and characterising active fires burning within the imager footprints of the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES), including consideration of cloud-cover and calculation of fire radiative power (FRP), a metric shown to be strongly related to fuel consumption and smoke emission rates. The approach is based on a set of algorithms now delivering near real time (NRT) operational FRP products from the Meteosat Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infra-Red Imager (SEVIRI) imager (available from http://landsaf.meteo.pt/), and the GOES processing chain presented here is designed to deliver a compatible fire product to complete geostationary coverage of the Western hemisphere. Results from the two GOES imagers are intercompared, and are independently verified against the well regarded MODIS cloud mask and active fire products. We find that the detection of cloud and active fires from GOES matches that of MODIS very well for fire pixels having FRP > 30 MW, when the GOES omission error falls to less than 10%. The FRP of fire clusters detected near simultaneously by both GOES and MODIS have a bias of only 22 MW, and a similar bias is found when comparing near-simultaneous GOES East and GOES West FRP observations. However, many fire pixels having FRP < 30 MW remain undetected by GOES, probably unavoidably since it has a much coarser spatial resolution than MODIS. Adjustment using data from the less frequent but more accurate views obtained from high spatial resolution polar orbiting imagers could be used to bias correct regional FRP totals. Temporal integration of the GOES FRP record indicates that during the summer months, biomass burning combusts thousands of millions of tonnes of fuel daily across the Americas. Comparison of these results to those of the Global Fire Emissions Database (GFEDv2) indicate strong linear relationships (r² > 0.9), suggesting that the timely FRP data available from a GOES real-time data feed is likely to be a suitable fire emissions source strength term for inclusion in schemes aiming to forecast the concentrations of atmospheric constituents affected by biomass burning.  相似文献   
Epiphylls - lichens, fungi, liverworts, etc. infesting leaf surfaces - are found throughout humid forests of the world. It is well understood that epiphylls inhibit light interception by host plants, but their effect on remote sensing of colonized forests has not been examined. Incorporating leaf-level spectra from Terra Firme (primary forest) and Amazonian Caatinga (woodlands/forest growing on nutrient-deficient sandy soils), we used the GeoSAIL model to propagate leaf-level measurements to the canopy level and determine their effect on commonly used vegetation indices. In Caatinga, moderate infestations (50% leaf area epiphyll cover), lowered simulated Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) values by 6.1% and 20.4%, respectively, largely due to near infrared dampening. Heavy infestation (100% cover) simulations exhibited decreases 1.5-2 times greater than those of moderate infestations. For Terra Firme, which are generally less affected by epiphylls, moderate (20% leaf area) and heavy infestations (40%) lowered EVI by 4.4% (S.D. 0.8%) and 8.1% (S.D. 1.5%), respectively. Near infrared and green reflectance were most affected at the canopy level, showing mean decreases of 10.6% (S.D. 2.25%) and 9.5% (S.D. 3.49%), respectively, in heavy Terra Firme infestations. Time series of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) data corroborated the modeling results, suggesting a degree of coupling between epiphyll cover and the EVI and NDVI. These results suggest that, without explicit consideration of the presence of epiphylls, remote sensing-based methodologies may underestimate leaf area index, biomass and productivity in humid forests.  相似文献   
In order to investigate the amount of charge introduced into Langmuir- Blodgett (LB) films, multilayers of ω-tricosenoic acid have been deposited onto a number of silicon substrates under different dipping conditions. The effects of moisture and storage conditions on film properties have been examined, and a new mathematical model for the charge distribution within an LB film multilayer will be proposed.  相似文献   
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