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The purpose of this work is to introduce the reader to an Add-in implementation, Decom. This implementation provides the whole processing requirements for analysis of dimeric spectra. General linear and nonlinear decomposition algorithms were integrated as an Excel Add-in for easy installation and usage. In this work, the results of several samples investigations were compared to those obtained by Datan.  相似文献   
Peer-to-Peer (P2P) traffic has increased rapidly over the past few years, with file sharing providing the main drive behind such traffic. In this work we perform a measurement study of the content shared over the popular BitTorrent P2P file sharing network. We mathematically model the file size distributions of shared files after categorizing them into Audio, Video, Archive and CD image classes. For each of these categories we look into the most popular shared file formats and investigate their file size statistics. This provides an important milestone to building a realistic simulation framework for P2P systems, and for future analytical modeling of P2P networks.  相似文献   
This qualitative study explored pre-service teachers' behavioral, normative, and control beliefs regarding their intentions to use Web 2.0 technologies in their future classrooms. The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) was used as the theoretical framework (Ajzen, 1991) to understand these beliefs and pre-service teachers' intentions for why they want to use Web 2.0 technologies. According to Ajzen's TPB, the behavioral beliefs are based on attitude toward outcomes or consequences of using Web 2.0, the normative beliefs depend on social support and social pressure to use Web 2.0, and the control beliefs lay the foundation of perceived behavioral control over using Web 2.0 in a classroom. Data were collected from open-ended survey questions (n = 190), semi-structured interviews (n = 12) and end of semester reflections (n = 12). Findings suggest that pre-service teachers' intentions to use Web 2.0 technologies are related to their beliefs about the value of these technologies for improving student learning and engagement, its ease of use (behavioral beliefs), its ability to meet the needs/expectations of digital age students (normative beliefs), the participants' high self-efficacy in use, and its potential for affording students anytime/anywhere access to learning and interaction (control beliefs). From these results, we recommend that teacher educators should target these beliefs within teacher development programs to prepare pre-service teachers for successful use of Web 2.0 technologies in their future K-12 classrooms.  相似文献   
Cell formation problem is the main issue in designing cellular manufacturing systems. The most important objective in the cell formation problem is to minimize the number of exceptional elements which helps to reduce the number of intercellular movements. Another important but rarely used objective function is to minimize the number of voids inside of the machine cells. This objective function is considered in order to increase the utilization of the machines. We present a bi-objective mathematical model to simultaneously minimize the number of exceptional elements and the number of voids in the part machine incidence matrix. An ε-constraint method is then applied to solve the model and to generate the efficient solutions. Because of the NP-hardness of the model, the optimal algorithms can not be used in large-scale problems and therefore, we have also developed a bi-objective genetic algorithm. Some numerical examples are considered to illustrate the performance of the model and the effectiveness of the solution algorithms. The results demonstrate that in comparison with the ε-constraint method, the proposed genetic algorithm can obtain efficient solution in a reasonable run time.  相似文献   
This paper presents LQ decentralized pole location for singularly perturbed systems. The poles are located in a sector included in the left-half complex plane. The singular perturbation method is used to define reduced and well-behaved problems. It is shown that the LQ control problem with pole location in a sector can be solved using the LMI tool. The associated parametrical optimization problem involves a linear cost objective under LMI constraints. The decentralized control problem is then solved in the reduced slow system by just introducing structure constraints on the matrix variables, constraints that do not destroy the linearity and then the convexity of the problem.  相似文献   
Porous aluminium composites are structural and functional materials that have vast potential, due to their lightweight and high energy absorption capacity, especially in automotive and aerospace applications. In this study, the effect of varying content of uncoated and titanium coated diamond particles on the compressive properties of porous aluminium composite was investigated. The composites were developed using powder metallurgy technique and porosity was attained by using polymethylmethacrylate (30 wt.%) as space holder material. The morphology of the pores was found to replicate the shape and size of polymethylmethacrylate particles, that were uniformly distributed in the composites. X-ray diffraction analysis confirmed formation of aluminium carbide in uncoated diamond-based aluminium composites while negligible amount was present in titanium coated porous composites during sintering. The porosities of composites decreased with an increase in diamond content due to the incomplete decomposition of polymethylmethacrylate particles. Moreover, the maximum plateau stress and energy absorption capacity of 9.96 MPa and 1.7 Mj/m3 were obtained for the composites with 8 wt.% of titanium coated diamond particles. Thus, coating inhibits the formation of undesirable compounds and contributes to better interfacial bonding between matrix and reinforcement.  相似文献   
In this article, we study a new generator of distributions called the odd JCA-G family. We determine the main mathematical properties of the new family. Some special submodels of the odd JCA-G family are presented. The special models of the JCA-G family have tractable densities shapes which possess various kinds of asymmetric, reversed-J, left-skewed, right-skewed, symmetrical shapes. Furthermore, special submodels exhibit flexible hazard rate shapes. Additionally, the parameters of the odd JCA Burr-XII model are estimated using some classical estimation approaches. The performance and efficiency of these approaches are explored via numerical simulations. The applicability of the odd JCA-G family is illustrated by fitting two real-life datasets. The data analysis shows that the odd JCA Burr-XII model outperforms some well-known distributions for the selected data.  相似文献   
The purpose of this research is the segmentation of lungs computed tomography (CT) scan for the diagnosis of COVID-19 by using machine learning methods. Our dataset contains data from patients who are prone to the epidemic. It contains three types of lungs CT images (Normal, Pneumonia, and COVID-19) collected from two different sources; the first one is the Radiology Department of Nishtar Hospital Multan and Civil Hospital Bahawalpur, Pakistan, and the second one is a publicly free available medical imaging database known as Radiopaedia. For the preprocessing, a novel fuzzy c-mean automated region-growing segmentation approach is deployed to take an automated region of interest (ROIs) and acquire 52 hybrid statistical features for each ROIs. Also, 12 optimized statistical features are selected via the chi-square feature reduction technique. For the classification, five machine learning classifiers named as deep learning J4, multilayer perceptron, support vector machine, random forest, and naive Bayes are deployed to optimize the hybrid statistical features dataset. It is observed that the deep learning J4 has promising results (sensitivity and specificity: 0.987; accuracy: 98.67%) among all the deployed classifiers. As a complementary study, a statistical work is devoted to the use of a new statistical model to fit the main datasets of COVID-19 collected in Pakistan.  相似文献   
Transformation from conventional business management systems to smart digital systems is a recurrent trend in the current era. This has led to digital revolution, and in this context, the hardwired technologies in the software industry play a significant role However, from the beginning, software security remains a serious issue for all levels of stakeholders. Software vulnerabilities lead to intrusions that cause data breaches and result in disclosure of sensitive data, compromising the organizations’ reputation that translates into, financial losses as well. Most of the data breaches are financially motivated, especially in the healthcare sector. The cyber invaders continuously penetrate the E-Health data because of the high cost of the data on the dark web. Therefore, security assessment of healthcare web-based applications demands immediate intervention mechanisms to weed out the threats of cyber-attacks. The aim of this work is to provide efficient and effective healthcare web application security assessment. The study has worked with the hybrid computational model of Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) based on Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal-Solutions (TOPSIS) under the Hesitant Fuzzy (HF) environment. Hesitant fuzzy sets provide effective solutions to address decision making problems where experts counter hesitation to make a decision. The proposed research endeavor will support designers and developers in identifying, selecting and prioritizing the best security attributes for web applications’ development. The empirical analysis concludes that Robustness got highest priority amongst the assessed security attributes set followed by Encryption, Authentication, Limit Access, Revoke Access, Data Validation, and Maintain Audit Trail. The results of this research endeavor depict that this proposed computational procedure would be the most conversant mechanism for determining the web application security. The study also establishes guidelines which the developers can refer for the identification and prioritization of security attributes to build more secure and trustworthy web-based applications.  相似文献   
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