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Nuclear spin-lattice relaxation properties of hcp solid 3He with 4He impurities have been studied. At temperatures below the exchange plateau region, three kinds of relaxation time were observed. To analyze the data, a phenomenological four-bath model was developed, the four baths being the Zeeman bath, the phonon bath, an X-bath, and a Y-bath. The X-bath consists of the exchange bath and a part of the 4He-4He elastic interaction bath. The Y-bath is the main part of the elastic interaction bath. We measured the concentration dependence of the energy constants of all the baths, as well as the temperature and concentration dependences of the three kinds of relaxation time. The relaxation behavior corresponding to the process between the X-bath and the Y-bath could not be expressed by a single exponential function of time and the relaxation rate was strongly dependent on the concentration. This process may be related to the internal thermal equilibrium process within the elastic interaction bath. The impurity-dependent relaxation time between the X-bath and the phonon bath had a temperature dependence of T –n with n = 7.4±0.3.  相似文献   
The method of Thermoreactive Electrospark Surface Strengthening (TRESS) is presented in this work. Thus the process of coating formation becomes a less energy consuming one as compared to the basic technology of the electrospark alloying. The additional heat of the chemical reaction of the synthesis final products formation on the substrate contribute to the increase of thickness and continuity of the coating, to the diminution of the inner tension due to the smoother concentration gradients through the coating thickness. The opportunities of TRESS method are exposed with the example of the FGM wear- and heat-resistant coating formation on the base of NiAl, TiAl. FGM diamond containing coatings production by the said method is presented. Optimal conditions and technological parameters for diamond containing coatings deposition is found. The masstransfer kinetics, the coating structure and properties were studied.  相似文献   
The 13C and 1H NMR shielding constants for -methylmannose and -methylmannobiose have been calculated using the ab initio gauge-including atomic orbital (GIAO) method to study the conformational dependencies of the NMR chemical shifts of the sugars. The molecular structures were fully optimized using B3LYP/6-31G* and the NMR shielding constants were calculated at both Hartree–Fock (HF) and density functional (DF) levels of theory with various kinds of basis sets. The values determined using the B3LYP hybrid functional were a little closer to those obtained experimentally than those determined at the HF level. Both, HF and B3LYP with the 6-311+G(2d,p) basis were found to give a very good correlation between the experimental and calculated shielding constants, especially for 13C.  相似文献   
Two series of solid solutions, Na x Ca(1−x)/2Zr2(PO4)3 (NCZP(x), 0⩽x⩽1) and Na x Nb1-x Zr1+x (PO4)3(NNZP(x), 0⩽x⩽1), were synthesized. They were examined by powder X-ray diffraction, infra-red (i.r.) absorption and Raman scattering. Ionic conductivities of graphite coated samples were measured. A complete series of solid solutions was formed for NCZP(x), while a second phase was found forx<0.1 for NNZP(x). The i.r. and Raman spectra of their solid solutions consistently showed the formation of PO4 tetrahedra with different geometries. The composition dependence of conductivity is interpreted on the basis of a structural change around Na+.  相似文献   
The stress field around a propagating crack tip in a quenched thin glass plate is discussed through experimental and theoretical analyses. Instantaneous phase-stepping photoelasticity using a CCD camera equipped with a pixelated micro-retarder array is used for measuring the crack tip stress field. From the successive phase maps of principal direction, the position and the velocity of the crack tip are evaluated. On the other hand, the fracture parameters, that is, the stress intensity factors and the T-stress are determined from the phase maps of the retardation. Experimental results obtained for a straight crack show good agreement with those obtained by theory of elasticity. The results also indicate that the direction of the crack propagation arising in the quenching process is not determined by the direction of the maximum principal stress. Furthermore, the results show that the T-stress criterion is inappropriate to evaluate the crack path instability in a quenched thin glass plate.  相似文献   
Sn-Zn alloy thin films were deposited on a polyester (PET) film substrate by co-evaporation and evaluated their surface, tensile and adhesion properties with a vacuum forming test and pull test.Relationship between the surface roughness and elemental composition of these thin films was evaluated. The surface roughness decreased with increase of the Sn content.The tensile property was estimated by observations of micro-cracks of the thin films due to a vacuum forming test. Sn-Zn alloy thin film, whose elemental composition is 85:15 (wt%), had high vacuum forming durability.The adhesion strength between the Sn-Zn alloy thin films and PET substrate was measured with a pull test apparatus. The pull strength decreased with increase of the Sn content.  相似文献   
A dynamic electronic speckle pattern interferometry method is applied to investigate thermal expansion of a joint material (ceramic-stainless steel) as a practical industrial object. The speckle interference signal is considered in the temporal domain and the phase is analyzed by the Hilbert transform method. Errors caused by the bias and modulation variations over the phase values are first examined by numerical simulation. Two experiments are performed with in-plane and out-of-plane sensitive systems to study the 3D deformation field thoroughly. The deformation field showed clearly the difference between the thermal expansions of the stainless steel and ceramic. It was also revealed that the boundary of materials and its vicinity suffer very large thermal strain due to the significantly large difference in the linear coefficient of thermal expansions.  相似文献   
We developed a noble technique for the fine-particle handling in plasmas. In this method a pair of point electrodes are introduced in the plasma, to which positive pulses are applied alternatively. When the pulse repetition period is shorter than the particle response time, the particles feel only time-averaged force because of their large mass. Spatial profile of the equivalent potential of the time-averaged force varies from a circle to an ellipse with an increase in the local discharge at the electrodes. The particles are eventually transported toward a middle point between two point-electrodes, being almost independent of their initial positions. This method is quite effective for converging fine particles in the plasma.  相似文献   
Starting from an effective action for the order parameter field, we derive a coupled set of generalized hydrodynamic equations for a Bose condensate in an optical lattice at finite temperatures. Using the linearized hydrodynamic equations, we study the microscopic mechanism of the Landau instability due to the collisional damping process between the condensate and noncondensate atoms. It is shown that the Landau criterion for the stability of a superfluid in a uniform system is modified due to the presence of the periodic optical lattice potential.  相似文献   
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