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The pine needle composites using isocyanate prepolymer were evaluated for their dimensional stability, flammability characteristics, biological resistance, and thermoacoustic properties. The thickness swelling and linear expansion of the composite panels affected significantly under wet conditions. The optimum flammability characteristics of the pine needle fibers were obtained at the retention of 7.48 kg/m3 urea phosphate on their surfaces. During natural decay, the treated pine needle composites exhibited 4–8% weight loss compared to 9–13% for the untreated ones. The loss of internal bond strength in both the treated and untreated samples exposed to fungus culture ranged between 35 and 60% only. Termites caused ∼6% less weight loss than the untreated samples showing their moderate resistance behavior. The thermal conductivity and sound transmission loss of samples were 0.136 W/m K and 26.51 dB, respectively, showing their adequate insulation properties. It is concluded that isocyanate bonded pine needle composites can be suitably used as panel products in buildings. POLYM. COMPOS., 2012. © 2012 Society of Plastics Engineers  相似文献   
To describe falling water tables between two drains lying on a horizontal∕sloping impermeable barrier, analytical solutions of the Boussinesq equation linearized by Baumann's and Werner's methods and numerical solutions of the nonlinear form of the Boussinesq equation using finite-difference and finite-element methods were obtained. A hybrid finite analytic method, in which the nonlinear Boussinesq equation was locally linearized and solved analytically after approximating the unsteady term by a simple finite-difference formula to approximately preserve the overall nonlinear effect by the assembly of locally analytic solutions, was also used to obtain a solution of the Boussinesq equation. Midpoints of falling water tables between two drains in a horizontal∕sloping aquifer as obtained from various solutions were compared with already existing experimental values. Euclidean L2 and Tchebycheff L∞ norms were used to rank the performance of various solutions with respect to experimental data. It was observed that the performance of the hybrid finite analytic solution is the best, followed by finite element, finite difference, analytical with Werner's linearization method, and analytical with Baumann's linearization method, respectively.  相似文献   
A comparative study based on the thermal performance of elliptical and offset-halves journal bearings has been carried out by solving energy equation while assuming Parabolic Temperature Profile Approximation across the fluid film for faster computation of temperatures. Investigation for the rise in oil film temperatures, thermal pressures, load capacity, and power loss for three commercially available grade oils have been carried out for bearing configurations under study. It has been found that the offset-halves journal bearing runs cooler when compared with elliptical journal bearing profile with minimum power loss and good load capacity using Oil 2 as lubricant for which minimum thermal degradation has been observed.  相似文献   
An alkaline thermotolerant bacterial lipase of Bacillus coagulans MTCC‐6375 was purified and immobilized on a methacrylic acid and dodecyl methacrylate (MAc‐DMA) hydrogel. The lipase was optimally bound to the matrix after 20 min of incubation at 55°C and pH 9 under shaking conditions. The matrix‐bound lipase retained approximately 50% of its initial activity at 70–80°C after 3 h of incubation. The immobilized lipase was highly active on medium chain length p‐nitrophenyl acyl ester (C: 8, p‐nitrophenyl caprylate) than other p‐nitrophenyl acyl esters. The presence of Fe3+, NH4+, K+, and Zn2+ ions at 1 mM concentration in the reaction mixture resulted in a profound increase in the activity of immobilized lipase. Most of the detergents partially reduced the activity of the immobilized lipase. The immobilized lipase performed ~62% conversion in 12 h at temperature 55°C. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 100: 1420–1426, 2006  相似文献   
In continuation to our earlier work to use bioresource for developing alternate materials for use at the interface of biotechnology and polymer science, we have utilized pine needles as a renewable stock of cellulose to synthesize graft copolymers of vinyl imidazole. Kinetics of N‐VIm by simultaneous γ‐irradiation method has been investigated as a function of total dose, monomer concentration, and amount of water. Effect of water–methanol solvent composition on graft yields and polymerization kinetics has also been studied at the optimum grafting conditions of the total dose and monomer concentration. Effect of some additives such as ZnCl2, Mohr salt, tetramethylethylene diamine, potassium persulfate, ammonium persulfate as grafting accelerators and promoters has also been studied. Graft copolymers have been characterized by elemental analysis, FTIR, and swelling studies. The graft copolymers have been used as supports for metal ions sorption, enzyme immobilization, and as potential biomimicking catalysts. Sorption behavior of Fe2+ ions and Cu2+ ions and the immobilization of bovine serum albumin and protease as a function of graft yield has been reported. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 100: 1522–1530, 2006  相似文献   
Excessive moisture in building materials supports microbial growth. It has been referred that relative humidity more than 55% promotes the microbial growth. To test the effect of different relative humidity tropical chamber test was set up at 52%, 76%, 85% and 96% RH and maximum diversity of fungi was found at 85% and 96% RH. Two fungi Aspergillus sydowi and Aspergillus flavipes were present throughout the course of study from moderate to highly abundant form. It was observed that Fusarium moniliforme, Cephalosporium acremonium, Papulospora sp. proliferated at higher relative humidity (i.e. at 85% and 96.6% RH) and Fusarium roseum, Fusarium oxysporum only at 96% RH level. The relative humidity level lower than 62%, i.e. at 52% level exhibited no fungal growth on sandstone surface during two-year observations. During the study pattern it was noticed that diversity decreased gradually and dominance of particular species increased with the time factor. Analysis of sandstone after fungal colonization by X-ray diffraction and SEM showed the formation of newly formed biomineral.  相似文献   
This paper deals with Matlab/Simulink and experimental investigations of various maximum power point tracking (MPPT) techniques namely incremental conductance (Inc), perturb and observation (P&O), constant voltage control (CVC) method, and introduction of a novel reference power (Pref) method for extracting the maximum power from the solar photovoltaic (PV) system. The complete system model along with these MPPT methods are developed in Matlab/Simulink and simulation results are obtained during sudden increase in irradiation of 1000 W/m2, and verified experimentally. These MPPT methods are also implemented on Inverse-Sepic converter, which claims to extract maximum power from the PV system. Various experimental observations are taken to access the performance of these MPPT techniques such as settling time of the full load current under sudden exposure of irradiation level of 1000 W/m2, performance during step increase in irradiation level (from 500 W/m2 to 1000 W/m2) and vice versa. Extensive results are taken to compare these methods. The proposed Pref method is found to have lowest settling time to stabilize the load current as 520 ms, whereas, Inc method takes 1.24 s. Further, the efficiency of Inverse-Sepic converter with Pref method achieves the highest efficiency of 95.26%, whereas, it extracts lowest efficiency on same input as 90.77% with P&O method. The overall performance of the proposed Pref method is found to be superior as compared to other discussed MPPT methods as verified by experimental results.  相似文献   
The thermal analysis of the chemical vapor transport (CVT)-grown \(\hbox {CuInSe}_{2}\) single crystals was carried out by recording the thermogravimetric, differential thermogravimetric and differential thermal analysis curves. All the three thermo-curves were recorded simultaneously by thermal analyzer in the temperature range of ambient to 1080 K in inert nitrogen atmosphere. The thermo-curves were recorded for four heating rates of 5 K \(\cdot \,\hbox {min}^{-1}\), 10 K \(\cdot \,\hbox {min}^{-1}\), 15 K \(\cdot \,\hbox {min}^{-1}\) and 20 K \(\cdot \,\hbox {min}^{-1}\). The TG curve analysis showed negligible mass loss in the temperature range of ambient to 600 K, stating the sample material to be thermally stable in this temperature range. Above 601 K to the temperature of 1080 K, the sample showed continuous mass loss. The DTG curves showed two peaks in the temperature range of 601 K to 1080 K. The corresponding DTA showed initial minor exothermic nature followed by endothermic nature up to nearly 750 K and above it showed exothermic nature. The initial exothermic nature is due to absorbed water converting to water vapor, whereas the endothermic nature states the absorption of heat by the sample up to nearly 950 K. Above nearly 950 K the exothermic nature is due to the decomposition of sample material. The absorption of heat in the endothermic region is substantiated by corresponding weight loss in TG. The thermal kinetic parameters of the CVT-grown \(\hbox {CuInSe}_{2}\) single crystals were determined employing the non-mechanistic Kissinger relation. The determined kinetic parameters support the observations of the thermo-curves.  相似文献   
This paper presents the modification in electrical conductivity of Zn nanowires under swift heavy ions irradiation at different fluences. The polycrystalline Zn nanowires were synthesized within polymeric templates, using electrochemical deposition technique and were irradiated with 80 MeV Si7+ and 110 MeV Ni8+ ion beams with fluence varying from 1 × 1012 to 3 × 1013 ions/cm2. I–V characteristics of exposed nanowires revealed a decrease in electrical conductivity with increase in ion fluence which was found to be independent of applied potential difference. But in the case of high fluence of Ni ion beam (3 × 1013 ions/cm2), electrical conductivity was found to increase with potential difference. The analysis found a significant contribution from grain boundaries scattering of conduction electrons and defects produced by ion beam during irradiation on flow of charge carriers in nanowires.  相似文献   
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