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Polarographic residue methods have been developed for determining robenidine (Robenz), 1,3-bis[p-chlorobenzylidene)amino]-guanidine monohydrochloride, in chicken tissues, eggs, litter, soil, and plants. The compound is extracted from chicken fat, skin, muscle, liver, and eggs with ethyl acetate; from blood with acetone; from plant tissue, litter, and kidney with acidic acetone; and from soil with basic methanol. After extraction by high-speed blending or overnight shaking, the extract is cleaned up by evaporation, solvent partition and/or elution from CG-50 ion exchange resin. Robenidine is quantitated by differential cathode ray polarography, using acidic aqueous methanol or acetic acid (1+1) supporting electrolyte. Recoveries ranged from 64 to 125% with an average overall recovery of 90%. The validated sensitivity is 0.1 ppm for chicken tissues, soil, and plants, 0.01 ppm for eggs, and 1 ppm for litter.  相似文献   
Two hundred sixty-four patients exhibiting renal artery occlusive disease underwent operation for renovascular hypertension between 1961 and 1977. Included were 27 pediatric patients. Fibrodysplastic disease affected 132 adults. Atherosclerotic lesions affected 51 patients with and 54 patients without clinically overt extrarenal arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Ischemic kidney renin hypersecretion (renal: systemic index greater than 0.48), associated with suppressed contralateral kidney renin secretion (renal: systemic index approaching 0.0) predicted curability most reliably. Three hundred forty-eight operations were performed, of which 297 were primary and 51 were secondary procedures. Nephrectomy was initial therapy in 15 cases. Three operative deaths occurred among 51 patients manifesting overt extrarenal arteriosclerotic disease. No operative mortality was encountered among the other 213 patients. Surgical benefits were afforded 96% of pediatric patients and adults with fibrodysplastic disease, 91% of patients with focal renal arteriosclerosis, and 73% of those exhibiting overt extrarenal arteriosclerosis.  相似文献   
The neurological manifestations of achondroplasia include megalencephaly, hydrocephalus, and progressive myelopathy or radiculopathy secondary to spinal stenosis. Subarachnoid and intracerebral hemorrhage have not been previously reported in association with achondroplastic dwarfism. This report describes two patients with achondroplasia who have died secondary to intracranial hemorrhage. At autopsy, the source of hemorrhage was found to be an arteriovenous malformation of the choroid plexus in one case and a ruptured aneurysm of the left middle cerebral artery in the other.  相似文献   
The dependence on skin temperature of tactile sensitivity to punctiform (hair) stimulation of the finger tip came under study in five subjects. Their data show that punctate sensitivity is relatively stable over a wide range of thermal environments. On the average, some elevation of touch threshold occurred at a skin temperature of 20 degrees C (i.e., about 10 degree below normal), but severe loss of sensitivity first occurred at 10 degrees C. A small but possibly insignificant loss appeared at skin temperatures of 40 and 43 degrees C. The relatively stable behavior of the punctate threshold between about 20 and 40 degrees C contrasts with that of the vibrotactile threshold, which, at least for high frequencies, depends strongly on the skin temperature.  相似文献   
Two cases are described in which, during investigation of rhythm disturbances, it was shown that, by delivering atrial stimuli of increasing prematurity, a point was reached where the artificial stimulus failed to induce an atrial response. However, with even more premature stimulations, atrial responses were again observed. These observations are best explained by a gap phenomenon in which very early stimuli delivered during the effective refractory period of the atria were delayed long enough in the exit area around the pacing electrode to allow atrial recovery.  相似文献   
We describe the histopathological, immunohistochemical, and molecular characterization of a lymphoma arising in a 7-year-old cat following experimental infection with feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV). The tumor was high grade and of B-cell lineage. The transformed cell had an immature phenotype (CD79a+, CD79b-, CD21-, immunoglobulin heavy and light chain negative), confirmed by antigen receptor gene analysis, which showed germ line configuration. Single-copy, clonally integrated FIV provirus was detected in tumor genomic DNA. FIV p24 antigen was not detected in tumor cells by immunostaining. This study provides the first evidence that the feline lentivirus may play a direct role in cell transformation under certain circumstances.  相似文献   
Kallmann's syndrome (KS) is defined by the association of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and anosmia or hyposmia. Segregation analysis in familial cases has demonstrated diverse inheritance patterns, suggesting the existence of several genes regulating GnRH secretion. Genetic defects have been demonstrated in the KAL gene, located on the Xp22.3 region, explaining the X-linked form of the disease. We report molecular findings regarding the KAL gene in 12 unrelated males with X-linked KS. PCR of the 14 exons of the KAL gene was performed on genomic DNA. PCR products of all exons were purified and sequenced. Genetic defects in the KAL gene were found in 7 patients. One exhibits a deletion from exon 3 to exon 5. Six individuals present a previously unidentified missense mutation in exon 11, consisting of a G to A substitution at codon 514 (GAA to AAA). In the remaining 5 individuals, no mutations were observed. We also found three different polymorphic changes. The first one, in exon 2, had not been reported previously. The other two were located at exons 11 and 12. The deletion described, comprises only part (exon 5) of the coding region of the first fibronectin type III-like repeat of the KAL protein. The rest of the deletion comprises part of the conserved cysteine-rich N-terminal region that corresponds to the whey acidic protein motif. The same missense mutation was found in 6 of the 12 patients, indicating the possibility that it derived from a common ancestor or suggesting the presence of a hot spot in this region of the gene.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to assess the safety and efficacy of percutaneous transluminal cerebral balloon angioplasty (PTCBA) of extra- and intra-cranial arteries by investigating procedural outcome. Eighty haemodynamically significant extra- and intra-cranial lesions (% diameter stenosis > 70) in 74 clinically symptomatic patients were treated by elective and initial PTCBA between March 1991 and February 1996 and thereafter followed. Death, stroke, surgery, or repeated angioplasty of restenosis or new lesions were regarded as cerebral events after the initial PTCBA. The procedural and clinical success rates were 81 % (65 of 80) and 81 % (60 of 74), respectively. Progressively ischaemic symptoms disappeared completely after clinically successful dilatation. Angiographic restenosis rate at 3 months was 22 %(14 of 65). By life-table method, the death/stroke risk was 16 %, and any cerebral event risk was 49 % at 2 years following PTCBA, respectively. The most common of first cerebral events presented was repeated angioplasty of restenosis. In conclusion, PTCBA has great efficacy in decreasing recurrent neurological symptoms and produces a favourable short-term outcome, whereas restenosis limits long-term benefit.  相似文献   
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