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Toxaphene is a complex organochlorine pesticide mixture, residues of which are widespread in the environment. Previous studies with the isolated bacterium Sulfurospirillum (formerly Dehalospirillum) multivorans resulted in an effective anaerobic biotransformation of toxaphene. Since the bacterium contains a corrinoid derivative in the active center of the tetrachloroethene dehalogenase, we attempted to use superreduced corrinoids for abiotic transformation of toxaphene. The two corrinoids studied were dicyanocobinamide and cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12). Superreduced dicyanocobinamide mediated a rapid transformation of toxaphene. More than 90% of the initial pool was transformed within 6 h. The transformation was nonselective, and even the most persistent metabolite in environmental samples, the so-called dead-end metabolite 2-exo,3-endo,6-exo,8,9,10-hexachlorobornane (B6-923 or Hx-Sed) was transformed within hours. Superreduced cyanocobalamin was also able to transform toxaphene albeit at significantly lower velocity. The lack of transformation products detectable in gas chromatograms of hexanes-extracted fractions of the assays suggests rapid, sequential dehalogenation and/or destruction of the C10-hydrocarbon backbone of the compounds of technical toxaphene.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to determine the role of cold condensation and fractionation on the occurrence of organochlorine contaminants (OCs) in avian marine top predators along a latitudinal gradient. We measured 24 polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners and six pesticide OCs in blood of great black-backed gulls (Larus marinus) from the Norwegian Coast (58 degrees N-70 degrees N) and glaucous gulls (Larus hyperboreus) from Bjornoya in the Norwegian Arctic (74 degrees N). Glaucous gulls had up to 3 times higher sigmaOC concentrations compared to the great black-backed gulls, and a OC pattern dominated largely by persistent and low volatile compounds such as highly chlorinated PCBs and metabolites such as oxychlordane. This was not consistent with cold condensation and fractionation theory, but probably related to diet and elevated biomagnification. Among great black-backed gulls, however, there were indications of both cold condensation and fractionation. Higher and lower chlorinated PCBs had highest absolute concentrations in the south and in the north, respectively, except for one location at an intermediate latitude, where concentrations of most OCs exceeded all other locations. In terms of proportional contribution to sigmaOC (pattern), relatively volatile OCs such as HCB, oxychlordane and tri- to penta- PCB congeners were more important at northern latitudes, while hexa- to nona-PCBs made up a larger proportion of sigmaOC in the south. The results thus showed that differences in global distribution of compounds with different physicochemical properties could be detected in avian top predators such as large gulls, even if biomagnification and biotransformation influence both the absolute concentrations and the patterns of OCs.  相似文献   
We present extended experimental material about optical and mechanical properties as well as the water content of aluminium oxide films, deposited by plasma ion assisted electron beam evaporation. A clear correlation between these experimental data is established and understood as being affected by the different degree of the porosity of the films. When adding fluorine as a reactive gas during deposition, aluminium oxifluoride layers can be obtained that appear nearly free of water, and combine UV-transparency with higher UV refractive indices than porous aluminium oxide layers.  相似文献   
The size of the inner water cavity of reversed micelles formedin a triple system ‘water-surfactant-organic solvent’can be widely varied by changing the degree of surfactant hydration.This gives grounds to use reversed micelles as matrix microreactorsfor the design of supramolecular complexes of proteins. Usingultracentrifugation analysis, it has been demonstrated thatthe oligomeric composition of various enzymes (ketoglutaratedehydrogenase, alkaline phosphatase, lactic dehydrogenase, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphatedehydrogenase) solubilized in reversed micelles of Aerosol OT[sodium bis(2-ethylehexyl)sulfosuccinate] in octane changesupon variation of the degree of hydration. An oligomeric complexforms under conditions when the radius of the micelle innercavity is big enough to incorporate this complex as a whole.At lower degrees of hydration the micelles ‘uncouple’such complexes to their components. The catalytic propertiesof various oligomeric complexes have been studied. Possibilitiesof using reversed micelles for the separation of subunits ofoligomeric enzymes under non-denaturating conditions have beendemonstrated. In particular, the isolated subunits of alkalinephosphatase, lactic dehydrogenase and glyceralde-hyde-3-phosphatedehydrogenase have been found to be active in Aerosol OT reversedmicelles. The dependences of the catalytic activity of oligomericenzymes represent saw-like curves. The maxima of the catalyticactivity observed at these curves relate to the functioningof various oligomeric forms of an enzyme. The radii of the micelleinner cavity under conditions when these maxima are observedcorrelate with the linear dimensions of the enzyme oligomericforms. Correlation of the position of a maximum with the shapeof an oligomeric complex is discussed.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: : The oscillating piezoelectric field of a surface acoustic wave (SAW) is employed to transport photoexcited electrons and holes in GaAs nanowires deposited on a SAW delay line on a LiNbO3 crystal. The carriers generated in the nanowire by a focused light spot are acoustically transferred to a second location where they recombine. We show that the recombination of the transported carriers occurs in a zinc blende section on top of the predominant wurtzite nanowire. This allows contactless control of the linear polarized emission by SAWs which is governed by the crystal structure. Additional polarization-resolved photoluminescence measurements were performed to investigate spin conservation during transport.  相似文献   
A convenient and simple strategy for preparing water soluble, photoluminescent functionalized silica nanoparticles (M-dots) in the absence of fluorophores or metal doping is demonstrated. These M-dots can be used for bioimaging using one and two-photon microscopy. Because of their high photostability, low toxicity and high biocompatibility compared with Lumidot? CdSe/ZnS quantum dots, functionalized silica particles are superior alternatives for current bioimaging platforms. Moreover, the presence of a free amine group at the surface of the M-dots allows biomolecule conjugation (e.g. with antibodies, proteins) in a single step for converting these photoluminescent SiO(2) nanoparticles into multifunctional efficient vehicles for theragnostics.  相似文献   
Pazé  C.  Gubitosa  G.  Giacone  S. Orso  Spoto  G.  Llabrés i Xamena  F.X.  Zecchina  A. 《Topics in Catalysis》2004,27(1-4):169-180
This work reviews the use of terpenes available from renewable resources in the fine chemicals industry. Different products and processes are discussed. Transformations of terpenes involving isomerization, hydration, condensation, hydroformylation, hydrogenation, cyclization, oxidation, rearrangement, and ring contraction/enlargement are routes to produce a variety of compounds of interest to the pharmaceutical, agrochemical, and flavors and fragrances industries.  相似文献   
Due to the similar chemical properties between the neighboring trivalent actinide elements americium and curium, their extraction behavior is often perceived as indistinguishable. In this work, the characterization of seven extraction chromatography resins (TEVA, TRU, DGA(N), Actinide, Ln, Ln2, and Ln3) for these trivalent actinides from acidic matrices (HNO3, HCl, and HBr) has provided some evidence to the contrary. In most cases, Am(III) and Cm(III) exhibit identical extraction properties. However, separation is possible with TRU and DGA(N) resins as demonstrated in this study. The extraction shows a strong dependency on the specific anion in solution that follows the order NO3?>Br?>Cl?.  相似文献   
Three commercial carbon black samples as well as self‐made C3H6 soot were investigated for their reactivity in the oxidation on an α‐Fe2O3 catalyst. These studies were performed by temperature programmed oxidation (TPO) using a packed bed. For reference purposes, TPO studies in the absence of the catalyst were made as well. The carbon black samples were characterized towards the content of C, H, N and O as well as higher heating value, specific surface area, moisture and volatile matter and were deemed to be suitable model substances for diesel soot of different maturity. The correlation of these physico‐chemical properties with the kinetics in catalytic TPO indicated that the soot oxidation on Fe2O3 is significantly affected by the initial number of surface oxygen compounds of the soot. The decomposition of these surface species causes the formation of active carbon sites, which are supposed to accelerate the soot oxidation.  相似文献   
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