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Low exhaust temperature in homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) significantly limits efficiency of an exhaust aftertreatment system to mitigate high HC and CO emissions in HCCI engines. This article aims to understand the effect of varying input parameters on HCCI exhaust gas temperature (Texh) for an ethanol fuelled engine. A single cylinder engine is used to collect experimental data at 100 different HCCI conditions. The results indicate that variation in combustion parameters such as start of combustion (SOC), burn duration (BD) and maximum in-cylinder pressure (Pmax) are not effectively correlated with variations of Texh, but the indicated mean effective pressure (IMEP) and constant-volume adiabatic flame temperature (Tad) are strongly related to Texh. These experimental findings were then used to design an artificial neural network (ANN) model to predict Texh. The model was validated with the experimental data, indicating an average error less than 4.5°C between predicted and measured Texh.  相似文献   
This study presents the estimation of the optimal effect of the radial rake angle of the tool, combined with cutting speed and feed in influencing the surface roughness result. Studies on optimization of cutting conditions for surface roughness in end milling involving radial rake angle are still lacking. Therefore, considering the radial rake angle, this study applied simulated annealing in determining the solution of the cutting conditions to obtain the minimum surface roughness when end milling Ti-6Al-4V. Considering a set of experimental machining data, the regression model is developed. The best regression model was considered to formulate the fitness function of the simulated annealing. It was recommended that the cutting conditions should be set at highest cutting speed, lowest feed and highest radial rake angle in order to achieve the minimum surface roughness of 0.1385 µm. Subsequently, it was found that by using simulated annealing, the minimum surface roughness was much lower than the experimental sample data, regression modelling and response surface methodology technique by about 27%, 26% and 50%, respectively.  相似文献   
Over the past decade, member states of the Regional Co-operation Agreement (RCA), an intergovernmental agreement for the East Asia and Pacific region under the auspices of the IAEA with the assistance of international organizations and financial institutions such as the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank, have started to set in place policies and legislation for air pollution abatement. To support planning and evaluate the effectiveness of control programs, data are needed that characterizes urban air quality. The focus of this measurement program describe in this report is on size segregated particulate air pollution. Such airborne particulate matter can have a significant impact on human health and urban visibility. These data provide the input to receptor models that may permit the mitigation of these impacts by identification and quantitative apportionment of the particle sources. The aim of this report is to provide an overview of the measurements of concentrations and composition of particulate air pollution in two size fractions across the participating countries. For many of the large cities in this region, the measured particulate matter concentrations are greater than air quality standards or guidelines that have been adopted in developed countries.  相似文献   
SiC fiber-reinforced SiC matrix composites (SiCf/SiC) are considered as one of the candidates for blanket materials in future fusion reactors and as an advanced fuel cladding material for next-generation fission reactors. Generally, the densification of SiC needs sintering additives and oxides such as Al2O3, Y2O3, and yttrium-aluminum garnet (YAG, Y3Al5O12), which are frequently added to SiC. However, the effects of neutron irradiation on sintering additives are still unclear. In this study, we performed the neutron irradiation of Al2O3, Y2O3, and YAG at fluences up to 2.0–2.5 × 1024 n/m2 (E > 0.1 MeV) at 60–90 °C. The isochronal recovery of the macroscopic volume of Al2O3 against annealing temperature showed smooth and continuous shrinkage at a temperature of up to 1200 °C, and the volume slightly increased above that temperature. In contrast, the volume of Y2O3 showed quick shrinkage at the low temperature range, and slower and smooth recovery was observed up to ~1100 °C. In the case of YAG, the recovery of volume occurred in a step-wise manner at 600–750 °C, and continuous shrinkage occurred at temperatures lower and higher than that temperature range. The activation energies for the macroscopic volume recoveries of three oxides were obtained from the Arrhenius plots of the rate coefficients. Two-stage recovery was observed for Al2O3, whereas more complicated recovery processes were suggested for Y2O3 and YAG.  相似文献   
This paper presents an effective hybrid evolutionary approach for multi-objective optimisation of reinforced concrete (RC) retaining walls. The proposed algorithm combines an adaptive gravitational search algorithm (AGSA) with pattern search (PS) called AGSA–PS. In the resulting hybrid approach, the PS algorithm is employed as a local search algorithm around the global solution found by AGSA. The proposed algorithm was tested on a set of five well-known benchmark functions and simulation results demonstrate the superiority of the new method compared with the standard algorithm. Thereafter, the proposed AGSA–PS is applied for multi-objective optimisation of RC retaining walls. Two objective functions include total cost and embedded CO2 emissions of retaining wall are considered. The reliability and efficiency of the AGSA–PS for multi-objective optimisation of retaining structures are investigated by considering two design examples of retaining walls. Experimental results demonstrate that the resulting algorithm has high viability, accuracy and significantly outperforms the original algorithm and some other methods in the literature.  相似文献   
Recently, nanoparticles have proven to enhance oil recovery on the core-flood scale in challenging high-pressure high-temperature reservoirs. Nanomaterials generally appear to improve oil production through wettability alteration and reduction in interfacial tension between oil and water phases. Besides, they are environmentally friendly and cost-effective enhanced oil recovery techniques. Studying the rheological properties of nanoparticles is critical for field applications. The instability of nanoparticle dispersion due to aggregation is considered as an unfavorable phenomenon in nanofluid flooding while conducting an EOR process. In this study, wettability behavior and rheological properties of surface-treated silica nanoparticles using internal olefins sulfonates(IOS_(20–24) and IOS_(19–23)), anionic surfactants were investigated. Surface modification effect on the stability of the colloidal solution in porous media and oil recovery was inspected. The rheology of pure and surfacetreated silica nanoparticles was investigated using a HPHT rheometer. Morphology and particle size distributions of pure and coated silica nanoparticles were studied using a field emission scanning electron microscope. A series of core-flood runs was conducted to evaluate the oil recovery factor. The coated silica nanoparticles were found to alter rheological properties and exhibited a shear-thinning behavior as the stability of the coated silica nanoparticles could be improved considerably.At low shear rates, the viscosity slightly increases, and the opposite happens at higher shear rates. Furthermore, the surfacemodified silica nanoparticles were found to alter the wettability of the aqueous phase into strongly water-wet by changing the contact angle from 80° to 3° measured against glass slides representing sandstone rocks. Oil–water IFT results showed that the surface treatment by surfactant lowered the oil–water IFT by 30%. Also, the viscosity of brine increased from 0.001 to 0.008 Pa s by introducing SiO_2 nanoparticles to the aqueous phase for better displacement efficiency during chemicalassisted EOR. The core-flood experiments revealed that the ultimate oil recovery is increased by approximately 13% with a surfactant-coated silica nanofluid flood after the conventional waterflooding that proves the potential of smart nanofluids for enhancing oil recovery. The experimental results imply that the use of surfactant-coated nanoparticles in tertiary oil recovery could facilitate the displacement efficiency, alter the wettability toward more water-wet and avoid viscous fingering for stable flood front and additional oil recovery.  相似文献   
Transformation of a distribution network into an intelligent and efficient system meets with many difficulties. One of most important challenges for engineers is to achieve a more economical distribution network. In addition, fluctuation in the price of oil and gas makes this task more complex. Therefore, the introduction of distributed generation (DG) in the system promises to be a good solution to reduce the dependency on oil and gas sources. However, the location and output power of DG are still an issue that needs to be solved by the utility. In previous studies, determination of DG output power and DG location are executed separately, which means a different technique is applied to each of them. Thus, it will lead the solution getting trapped in a local minimum because the calculation of optimal DG output power does not depend on the optimal DG location. This paper presents a solution to determine the location and output power of DGs simultaneously by using simultaneous artificial bee colony (SABC) to reduce the total power losses. The performance of SABC is compared with that of separate analysis, which is a combination of a single DG placement algorithm and artificial bee colony (ABC). The analysis shows that determining simultaneously the DG's location and the output gives lower total power losses and better voltage profile compared to separately analyzing the two. © 2014 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Large interconnected power systems are usually subjected to natural oscillation (NO) and forced oscillation (FO). NOoccurs due to system transient response and is characterized by several oscillation modes, while FO occurs due toexternal perturbations driving generation sources. Compared to NO, FO is considered a more severe threat to thesafe and reliable operation of power systems. Therefore, it is important to locate the source of FO so correctiveactions can be taken to ensure stable power system operation. In this paper, a novel approach based on two-stepsignal processing is proposed to characterize FO in terms of its frequency components, duration, nature, and thelocation of the source. Data recorded by the Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) in a Wide Area Monitoring System(WAMS) is utilized for analysis. As PMU data usually contains white noise and appears as multi-frequency oscillatorysignal, the first step is to de-noise the raw PMU data by decomposing it into a series of intrinsic mode functions(IMF) using Improved Complete Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition with Adaptive Noise (ICEEMDAN)technique. The most appropriate IMF containing the vital information is selected using the correlation technique.The second step involves various signal processing and statistical analysis tools such as segmented Power SpectrumDensity (PSD), excess kurtosis, cross PSD etc. to achieve the desired objectives. The analysis performed on thesimulated two-area four-machine system, reduced WECC-179 bus 29 machine system, and the real-time powersystem PMU data set from ISO New England, demonstrates the accuracy of the proposed method. The proposedapproach is independent of complex network topologies and their characteristics, and is also robust againstmeasurement noise usually contained in PMU data.  相似文献   
The rhizome oils of Boesenbergia pandurata (Roxb.) Schlecht, water‐distilled from samples obtained from two different sites in Malaysia, Medan in Indonesia and Bangkok in Thailand, were analysed by gas chromatography on two columns of different polarity, retention indices and GC–MS. The oils were found to possess some compositional differences and considerable variation in the levels of some individual constituents, suggesting the existence of chemical varieties, which could be distinguished according to their ocimene contents. (E)‐β‐Ocimene and (Z)‐β‐ocimene, which were present in appreciable amounts in three samples, were conspicuously absent in one sample. The major constituents of the oils were camphor (16.1–32.1%), geraniol (16.2–26.0%), (E)‐β‐ocimene (19.0–23.7%), 1,8‐cineole (7.5–13.9%), camphene (5.4–6.0%) and methyl cinnamate (2.2–5.8%). Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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