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The synthesis of powders with controlled shape and narrow particle size distributions is still a major challenge for many industries. A continuous Segmented Flow Tubular Reactor (SFTR) has been developed to overcome homogeneity and scale‐up problems encountered when using batch reactors. Supersaturation is created by mixing the co‐reactants in a micromixer inducing precipitation; the suspension is then segmented into identical micro‐volumes by a non‐miscible fluid and sent through a tube. These micro‐volumes are more homogeneous when compared to large batch reactors leading to narrower size distributions, better particle morphology, polymorph selectivity and stoichiometry. All these features have been demonstrated on single tube SFTR for different chemical systems. To increase productivity for commercial application the SFTR is being “scaled‐out” by multiplying the number of tubes running in parallel instead of scaling‐up by increasing their size. The versatility of the multi‐tube unit will allow changes in type of precipitate with a minimum of new investment as new chemistry can be researched, developed and optimised in a single tube SFTR and then transferred to the multi‐tube unit for powder production.  相似文献   
The authors have investigated the reliability performance of G-band (183 GHz) monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) amplifiers fabricated using 0.07-/spl mu/m T-gate InGaAs-InAlAs-InP HEMTs with pseudomorphic In/sub 0.75/Ga/sub 0.25/As channel on 3-in wafers. Life test was performed at two temperatures (T/sub 1/ = 200 /spl deg/C and T/sub 2/ = 215 /spl deg/C), and the amplifiers were stressed at V/sub ds/ of 1 V and I/sub ds/ of 250 mA/mm in a N/sub 2/ ambient. The activation energy is as high as 1.7 eV, achieving a projected median-time-to-failure (MTTF) /spl ap/ 2 /spl times/ 10/sup 6/ h at a junction temperature of 125 /spl deg/C. MTTF was determined by 2-temperature constant current stress using /spl Delta/G/sub mp/ = -20% as the failure criteria. The difference of reliability performance between 0.07-/spl mu/m InGaAs-InAlAs-InP HEMT MMICs with pseudomorphic In/sub 0.75/Ga/sub 0.25/As channel and 0.1-/spl mu/m InGaAs-InAlAs-InP HEMT MMICs with In/sub 0.6/Ga/sub 0.4/As channel is also discussed. The achieved high-reliability result demonstrates a robust 0.07-/spl mu/m pseudomorphic InGaAs-InAlAs-InP HEMT MMICs production technology for G-band applications.  相似文献   
We have analyzed degradation of N-channel thin-film-transistor (TFT) under dynamic stress using a pico-second time-resolved emission microscope. We have successfully detected emission at pulse fall edge for the first time. Emission intensity increased with the decrease of pulse fall time. As the degradation depended on the pulse fall time, this dependence clearly illustrates that hot electrons are the dominant cause of the degradation under dynamic stress. Based on these dependences, we proposed a model considering electron traps in the poly-Si.  相似文献   
While Fickian diffusion models are commonly used in other applications, there are few reports of them being applied to the batch drying of a mineral concentrate. Diffusion coefficients estimated from small-scale oven-drying tests were used to predict the drying behavior of a concentrate sample 1 m × 1 m in area and 50 cm deep, with a heated bottom pad. These pilot-scale tests included both daily turning of the sample and turning every three days. The excellent quantitative agreement between the predicted and observed pilot-scale behavior gives a high level of confidence in the model predictions and suggests that a Fickian diffusion model is adequate to predict the behavior of mineral concentrates at the low moisture contents used here.  相似文献   
Proton-exchanged planar waveguides have been fabricated on Z-cut and X-cut lithium niobate crystals by using a new proton source formed by a mixture of benzoic and adipic acids. Waveguide index profiles and optical characteristics have been obtained at different values of the adipic-benzoic acid concentration ratio. The samples have been structurally characterized by Raman and infrared (IR) absorption spectroscopy and double-crystal X-ray diffraction. Good quality samples have been fabricated by using 30 mol% ratio dilution, showing very low scattering levels (<0.1 dB/cm), relatively high electrooptic coefficient (r33=0.88 pm/V), and low relative percentage of interstitial protons (26%). The main factor limiting the waveguide optical properties is the substitutional-interstitial proton ratio, which can be easily controlled to produce good quality waveguides. A demonstration of the repeatability of the exchange process in the acid mixture is also provided  相似文献   
This paper proposes a method to reduce the vibration of the three-phase HB-type stepping motor with cogging torque by the feedforward compensation control. The compensation signal to suppress the vibration of the motor frame is obtained by the repetitive controller installing an online Fourier transformer and utilizing an acceleration sensor attached to the motor frame or an acoustic sensor such as a microphone placed close to the frame. The sensor is used only for the acquisition of the feedforward compensation data. The feedforward compensation signal at an arbitrary operating point is derived from the amplitude and phase data of the frequency components and the operating point data. Compensation data obtained by the repetitive controller is applied to the operating point changed by reference frequency and load condition in steady state. The compensation signal for the new operating point will be generated from compensation data utilizing polynomial equation approximation and linear interpolation method. The effectiveness of this proposed method is confirmed by the experimental results.  相似文献   
A method is described for experimentally determining the dose rate created in building bricks by incorporated natural radionuclides. It was established using the thermoluminescence dosimetry method that the measured dose rate depends on the detector thickness, the mass of the ceramic product investigated, and the irradiation geometry. The contributions to the measured dose of weakly penetrating α and β radiation and hard ψ radiation are separated, the ratio between them depending on the experimental conditions. Translated from Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika, No. 7, pp. 62–66, July, 1996.  相似文献   
A beam propagation method (BPM) based on the finite element method (FEM) is described for longitudinally varying three-dimensional (3-D) optical waveguides. In order to avoid nonphysical reflections from the computational window edges, the transparent boundary condition is introduced. The present algorithm using the Pade approximation is, to our knowledge, the first wide-angle finite element beam propagation method for 3-D waveguide structures. To show the validity and usefulness of this approach, numerical results are shown for Gaussian-beam excitation of a straight rib waveguide and guided-mode propagation in a Y-branching rib waveguide  相似文献   
A comprehensive survey of photosensitivity in silica glasses and optical fiber is reviewed. Recent work on understanding the mechanisms contributing to germanium or aluminum doped fiber photosensitivity is discussed within the framework of photoelastic densification models  相似文献   
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