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Kinetics and mechanism of low-temperature ozone ((5–50) × 10−3 mol/m3 in the gas–air mixture) decomposition by Co-catalysts supported on silica have been studied. Co-ions adsorbed on silica react with surface oxygen species, thus resulting in an active catalyst. Low concentrations of Co-ions form a monolayer on the surface. Their specific catalytic activity remained constant, but sharply decreased at higher concentrations due to a formation of polynuclear Co-complexes. Ozone decomposition may occur either as a stoichiometric or catalytic process, depending on the ozone and catalyst concentrations. The turnover number increases with ozone concentration reaching a saturation point. It also increases with Co-concentration in the beginning, but drops at a concentration >1 × 10−4 mol/g. The mechanism of the reaction is discussed.  相似文献   
Indium doped niobium phosphates were prepared from precursors of trivalent indium oxide, pentavalent niobium oxide and phosphoric acid. The obtained materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction, impedance spectroscopy, FT-IR spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. It was found that the indium doping promoted formation of the cubic Nb2P4O15 phase instead of the monoclinic Nb5P7O30 phase in the pristine niobium phosphates and enhanced the preservation of OH functional groups in the phosphates. The preserved OH functionalities in the phosphates after the heat treatment at 650 °C contributed to the anhydrous proton conductivity. The Nb0.9In0.1 phosphate exhibited a proton conductivity of five times higher than that of the un-doped analog at 250 °C. The conductivity was stabilized at a level of above 0.02 S cm−1 under dry atmosphere at 250 °C during the stability evaluation for 3 days.  相似文献   
Falling films exhibit very complex wavy patterns, which depend on the properties of the liquid, the Reynolds number, the wall inclination angle, and the distance from the film inlet. The film hydrodynamics governs the heat and mass transfer in the liquid films. Our vision is to control and enhance heat and mass transport by using walls with specific microscale topographies that influence the falling film flow, stability, and wavy pattern. In this work, long-wave theory and integral boundary layer approximation are used for modeling the falling film flow on walls with three-dimensional periodic microstructures. The wall topography is periodic both in the main flow direction and in the transverse direction. Examples of such microstructures are longitudinal grooves with sinusoidal path (or meandering grooves) and herringbone structures. The effects of the Reynolds number, the wall inclination angle, and the longitudinal and transverse periods of the structure on the shape of liquid–gas interface are investigated. It is shown that, as opposed to straight grooves in longitudinal direction, grooves with meandering paths may lead to significant interface deformations.  相似文献   
Electrochemical studies were carried out to estimate the risks of perchlorate formation in drinking water disinfected by direct electrolysis. Boron Doped Diamond (BDD) anodes were used in laboratory and commercially available cells at 20 °C. The current density was changed between 50 and 500 A m−2. For comparison, other anode materials such as platinum and mixed oxide were also tested. It was found that BDD anodes have a thousandfold higher perchlorate formation potential compared with the other electrode materials that were tested. In long-term discontinuous experiments all the chloride finally reacted to form perchlorate. The same result was obtained when probable oxychlorine intermediates (OCl, ClO2, ClO3) were electrolysed in synthetic waters in the ppm range of concentrations. The tendency to form perchlorate was confirmed when the flow rate of drinking water was varied between 100 and 300 L h−1 and the temperature increased to 30 °C. In a continuous flow mode of operation a higher chloride concentration in the water resulted in a lower perchlorate formation. This can be explained by reaction competition of species near and on the anode surface for experiments both with synthetic and local drinking waters. It is concluded that the use of electrodes producing highly reactive species must be more carefully controlled in hygienically and environmentally oriented applications.  相似文献   
Eight homing pigeons were trained preoperatively on a mixed delayed matching-to-sample (DMTS) task in which 6 different conditions were presented randomly: simultaneous matching and 0-, 1-, 2-, 4-, and 8-sec delays. Ss that sustained extensive or complete damage to the visual Wulst, a multilaminate region in the pigeon telencephalon which occupies the dorsal aspect of the cerebral hemisphere, and moderate damage to the hyperstriatum ventrale showed a decrease in accuracy of performance to chance levels in all of the delay conditions as well as in simultaneous matching. After extensive retraining on the 0-sec-delay matching alone, performance on 0-sec-delay and simultaneous matching, presented in mixed DMTS, improved to between 70 and 90% correct. However, performance on delay conditions remained at chance level. All but 1 S failed to show signs of postoperative improvement on delay problems in the course of the final testing. Data suggest that the conditional property of the task was a critical factor in the initial drop in accuracy on all of the presented problems. The relatively permanent loss of accuracy on all delay conditions is attributed mainly to the temporal separation of sample and comparison stimuli. (27 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
Supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) has emerged as a nonthermal technology to guarantee food safety. This review addresses the potential of SC-CO2 technology in food preservation, discussing the microbial inactivation mechanisms and the impact on food products’ quality parameters and bioactive compounds. Furthermore, the main advantages and gaps are denoted. SC-CO2 technology application causes adequate microbial reductions (>5 log cfu/mL) of spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms, enzyme inactivation, and improvements in the storage stability in fruit and vegetable products (mainly fruit juices), meat products, and dairy derivatives. SC-CO2-treated products maintain the physicochemical, technological, and sensory properties, bioactive compound concentrations, and biological activity (antioxidant and angiotensin-converting enzyme–inhibitory activities) similar to the untreated products. The optimization of processing parameters (temperature, pressure, CO2 volume, and processing times) is mandatory for achieving the desired results. Further studies should consider the expansion to different food matrices, shelf-life evaluation, bioaccessibility of bioactive compounds, and in vitro and in vivo studies to prove the benefits of using SC-CO2 technology. Moreover, the impact on sensory characteristics and, mainly, the consumer perception of SC-CO2-treated foods need to be elucidated. We highlight the opportunity for studies in postbiotic production. In conclusion, SC-CO2 technology may be used for microbial inactivation to ensure food safety without losing the quality parameters.  相似文献   
Lead-free Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 -BaTiO3 ceramics have been prepared in the whole range of concentrations and studied at room-temperature by means of X-ray, Raman scattering and infrared techniques. X-ray measurements revealed rhombohedral, rhombohedral-tetragonal boundaries and tetragonal modifacations depending on the contents of BaTiO3. The distinct changes of the Raman and infrared spectra with increasing of BaTiO3 content, which were correlated with X-ray results, were observed. The broad phonon spectra indicated the disorder in the A site of Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 -BaTiO3 system.  相似文献   
Protein–protein interactions (PPIs) play an important role in many biological processes in a living cell. Among them chaperone–client interactions are the most important. In this work PPIs of αB-crystallin and glycogen phosphorylase b (Phb) in the presence of betaine (Bet) and arginine (Arg) at 48 °C and ionic strength of 0.15 M were studied using methods of dynamic light scattering, differential scanning calorimetry, and analytical ultracentrifugation. It was shown that Bet enhanced, while Arg reduced both the stability of αB-crystallin and its adsorption capacity (AC0) to the target protein at the stage of aggregate growth. Thus, the anti-aggregation activity of αB-crystallin increased in the presence of Bet and decreased under the influence of Arg, which resulted in inhibition or acceleration of Phb aggregation, respectively. Our data show that chemical chaperones can influence the tertiary and quaternary structure of both the target protein and the protein chaperone. The presence of the substrate protein also affects the quaternary structure of αB-crystallin, causing its disassembly. This is inextricably linked to the anti-aggregation activity of αB-crystallin, which in turn affects its PPI with the target protein. Thus, our studies contribute to understanding the mechanism of interaction between chaperones and proteins.  相似文献   
B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) results from intrinsic genetic defects and complex microenvironment stimuli that fuel CLL cell growth through an array of survival signaling pathways. Novel small-molecule agents targeting the B-cell receptor pathway and anti-apoptotic proteins alone or in combination have revolutionized the management of CLL, yet combination therapy carries significant toxicity and CLL remains incurable due to residual disease and relapse. Single-molecule inhibitors that can target multiple disease-driving factors are thus an attractive approach to combat both drug resistance and combination-therapy-related toxicities. We demonstrate that SRX3305, a novel small-molecule BTK/PI3K/BRD4 inhibitor that targets three distinctive facets of CLL biology, attenuates CLL cell proliferation and promotes apoptosis in a dose-dependent fashion. SRX3305 also inhibits the activation-induced proliferation of primary CLL cells in vitro and effectively blocks microenvironment-mediated survival signals, including stromal cell contact. Furthermore, SRX3305 blocks CLL cell migration toward CXCL-12 and CXCL-13, which are major chemokines involved in CLL cell homing and retention in microenvironment niches. Importantly, SRX3305 maintains its anti-tumor effects in ibrutinib-resistant CLL cells. Collectively, this study establishes the preclinical efficacy of SRX3305 in CLL, providing significant rationale for its development as a therapeutic agent for CLL and related disorders.  相似文献   
A 72-year-old female patient with mixed rheumatic mitral valve disease and persistent atrial fibrillation underwent mitral valve replacement and suffered from a combined thrombosis of the bioprosthetic valve and the left atrium as soon as 2 days post operation. The patient immediately underwent repeated valve replacement and left atrial thrombectomy. Yet, four days later the patient died due to the recurrent prosthetic valve and left atrial thrombosis which both resulted in an extremely low cardiac output. In this patient’s case, the thrombosis was notable for the resistance to anticoagulant therapy as well as for aggressive neutrophil infiltration and release of neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) within the clot, as demonstrated by immunostaining. The reasons behind these phenomena remained unclear, as no signs of sepsis or contamination of the BHV were documented, although the patient was diagnosed with inherited thrombophilia that could impede the fibrinolysis. The described case highlights the hazard of immunothrombosis upon valve replacement and elucidates its mechanisms in this surgical setting.  相似文献   
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