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Highly mesoporous Zn O and g-Al2O3nanowires(NWs) are both synthesized by a hydrothermal method using commercially available porous anodic aluminium oxide(AAO) as template. AAO membrane acts as template for Zn O NWs and both as template and precursor for g-Al2O3 NWs. The formation of intermediate phases of porous Zn6Al2(OH)16CO3and boehmite(g-Al OOH) were observed, both occurring during the hydrothermal synthesis of porous Zn O and g-Al2O3 NWs, respectively, and disappearing after annealing at 600 C. This novel template-assisted hydrothermal process leads to the formation of porous Zn O and g-Al2O3NWs(specific surface area of 192 m2 g 1and 263 m2 g 1, respectively), showing pore sizes around 4 nm in diameter. The influence of the reaction parameters on the nanostructure morphology was also investigated. A Zn O seed layer, deposited on the AAO channels prior to the hydrothermal synthesis, leads to more compact Zn O nanowires(99 m2 g-1) protecting the AAO host from the chemical attack of the precursor solution.  相似文献   
腰部位于你身体的最中间,它支撑和协调着你身体的所有动作。腰部的疾患常会使你坐立不安,甚至连躺下都很困难。因此,平时的锻炼和呵护必不可少。  相似文献   
A new analytical method is described to deal with the Leakage Environmental Effect – the influence of the adjacent fuel element on the cross-section preparation. The method is discussed and classified in comparison with other methods given in the literature. The new method is based on the analytical solution of the two group diffusion equation for two adjacent fuel elements. The specifics needed to create a highly efficient analytical solution are discussed. The very promising quality of the results for this highly efficient method is demonstrated on a homogeneous test case and on several heterogeneous combinations of two fuel elements described in the PWR MOX/UO2 CORE TRANSIENT BENCHMARK. One important advantage is the unproblematic extension of the solution to two-dimensional problems, since the analytical solution for each fuel element will be of the identical structure. Only the filled in data for the four fuel element quarters will vary. The coupling of the fuel elements does not affect the exponential solutions, only the constants attached to the single exponentials. Thus, the coupling will be solved in a system of linear equations.  相似文献   
X-ray magnetic circular dichroism, atomic multiplet simulations, and density functional theory calculations are employed to identify criteria for the optimum combination of supporting alkaline earth oxide and adsorption site maximizing the spin lifetimes of lanthanide single-atom magnets. Dy and Ho atoms adsorbed on BaO(100) thin films on Pt(100) are characterized and compared with previous results for the same two elements on MgO/Ag(100). Dy shows hysteresis in magnetic fields up to ≈3.5 T and long spin lifetime, exceeding 300 s at 2.5 K and 0.5 T. Dy displays superior magnetic stability on the bridge site than on the top-O site. Surprisingly, Ho shows paramagnetism, as opposed to its long spin lifetime on MgO. These differences originate from the local surface distortions induced by the adatoms. On MgO, minimal distortions involve only the closest O atoms, while, on BaO, they affect both the closest anions and cations. This trend reflects the decrease of the lattice energy along the series of the alkaline earth oxides, going from MgO to BaO. This study represents a step ahead in the understanding of the factors determining the spin dynamics of surface-adsorbed single-atom magnets in order to achieve their operation as qubits and memories.  相似文献   
Isochoric (constant volume) freezing is a novel food preservation technology that has demonstrated the ability to preserve food products at subfreezing temperatures in an unfrozen state, thereby avoiding the detrimental effects of ice formation. It minimizes the quality loss of fresh fruits and juices, increases their nutrient content, and reduces microbial counts. Orange juice (OJ) samples were subjected to conventional freezing (CF) and isochoric freezing (IF) for 7 days and then stored at 4°C for an additional 7 days. We evaluated the microbiological and physicochemical quality of CF and IF OJ before and after storage. The IF was performed at three different conditions: −5°C/73 MPa, −10°C/93 MPa, and −15°C/143 MPa. The results indicate that the total aerobic count of OJ remained below the detection limit after heat treatment, 7 days of CF and 7 days of IF. Yeast and mold counts increased in fresh and CF OJ after 7 days of storage at 4°C, whereas IF OJ remained below the detection limit. Less color difference was observed in IF (−15°C/143 MPa) OJ compared to heat-treated and CF OJ. Heat treatment inactivated 42% of pectin methylesterase (PME), whereas 7-day long IF increased PME activity up to 150%. Additionally, IF (−15°C/143 MPa) OJ showed reduced pulp sedimentation, which can be advantageous, as sedimentation in juices has been a recognized technological issue in the juice industry. Ascorbic acid level was significantly higher in IF (−15°C/143 MPa) OJ compared to fresh and CF OJ after storage.  相似文献   
Mint (Mentha spicata L.) is a herbaceous plant from the Lamiaceae family, with numerous varieties. Fresh leaves have high moisture, which enables microbial growth and renders them perishable. Thus, drying aromatic plants, such as mint, is an alternative to increase their shelf life. Therefore, the objective of this work was to study the drying of mint, with and without blaching, by spray drying and to evaluate the moisture, color, hygroscopicity, bulk density, chlorophyll, carotenoids, phenolics, particle size distribution and morphology of the obtained powder. Thus, in addition to the effect of using blanching or not, the influence of temperature, drying airflow, and solution feed flow was investigated. Blanching contributed to a greater retention of carotenoid pigments and higher levels of chlorophyll and total phenolics. The highest observed yield value was 50.24% for the powder obtained with blanching produced at lower temperatures, which was associated with a high flow rate of the solution. In conclusion, this research sheds light on the potential of using blanching in conjunction with spray drying to conserve mint's bioactive components, offering practical applications in food and pharmaceutical industries, and potentially contributing to enhanced shelf life and product quality.  相似文献   
Prinz‐Eugen‐Park in Munich – diverse fire safety for Germany's greatest wooden construction settlement The City of Munich awarded several building plots in the southern part of the Prinz‐Eugen‐Park as a coherent ecological model settlement. Around 570 apartments/units are being built here in timber construction with the aim of establishing timber construction within the city and promoting modern and sustainable urban development. In preparation for this construction project, the City of Munich commissioned a research project sponsored by the German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU), which provided the planning basis and objectives for the realization of the timber housing estate. As part of this research work, the Ruhr‐University of Bochum in cooperation with the Technical University of Munich (TUM) worked and pointed out possible solutions for the expected deviations from the building regulations resulting from the timber construction. These results were discussed with the Fire Protection Service of the City of Munich. The engineering office Fire & Timber .Ing GmbH provided the complete fire protection engineering services (fire protection design, approval and implementation planning as well as fire protection site supervision) for three construction sites. In addition, an expert assessment was carried out for the construction of a flammable facade from a fire protection point of view for another construction site. The following article deals with the various construction methods used with particular regard to the associated fire protection requirements and measures concerning the use of wood and wood‐based materials.  相似文献   
The paper investigates the behaviors of recycled aggregate concrete-filled steel tubular (RACFST) columns under eccentric loadings with the incorporation of expansive agents. A total of 16 RACFST columns were tested in this study. The main parameters varied in this study are recycled coarse aggregate replacement percentages (0%, 30%, 50%, 70%, and 100%), expansive agent dosages (0%, 8%, and 15%) and an eccentric distance of compressive load from the center of the column (0 and 40 mm). Experimental results showed that the ultimate stresses of RACFST columns decreased with increasing recycled coarse aggregate replacement percentages but appropriate expansive agent dosages can reduce the decrement; the incorporation of expansive agent decreased the ultimate stresses of RACFST columns but an appropriate dosage can increase the deformation ability. The recycled coarse aggregate replacement percentages have limited influence on the ultimate stresses of the RACFST columns and has more effect than that of the normal aggregate concrete-filled steel tubular columns.  相似文献   
The wrinkle dynamics (such as reversibility and stability) of human skin are affected by the external stimuli, as well as the skin's structure and mechanical properties. Inspired by these tunable responses, three types of moisture‐responsive wrinkle dynamics are achieved, for the first time, through a single film–substrate system. These dynamics include: (1) completely reversible wrinkles formation; (2) irreversible wrinkles formation I: the initially formed wrinkles can be permanently erased and never reappear; and (3) irreversible wrinkles formation II: once the wrinkles form, they can no longer be erased. The key to success is to control the stiffness and thickness ratios of the film and the substrate, and tailor the crosslink degree/gradient of the film to allow for moisture‐dependent changes of modulus and swelling degree. These unique responsive dynamics motivate the invention of a series of optical devices triggered by moisture, including anticounterfeit tabs, encryption devices, water indicators, light diffusors, and antiglare films. This study also paves the road for further understanding of the skin wrinkling dynamics and manipulation.  相似文献   
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