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With the development of large‐scale wind power generation and offshore wind energy, reducing the nacelle weight and the gear failure rate is increasingly important. Hydraulic transmission is characterized by its flexible layout and transmits large energy with small volume and weight, which suits the demands of wind power generation. In this paper, a thorough review of hydraulic technology application in wind energy is carried out, in the aspect of pitch, brake, yaw, transmission, new applications, and the potential problems. 相似文献
Qiang Ma Zheng Xu Wenting Wang Lin Lin Tiancheng Ren Shuxian Yang Jian Li 《全球能源互联网(英文)》2021,4(2):184-192
本文提出了一种有效可行的电力系统动态负荷变化攻击检测方法。首先,建立了基于D-LAAs的智能电网离散系统模型。其次,设计了一种自适应衰落卡尔曼滤波器(AFKF)来估计智能电网的状态,AFKF能完全滤除电力系统的高斯噪声,得到更准确的状态变化曲线(包括攻击),又提出了一种基于AFKF的欧氏距离比检测算法。通过新的欧氏距离... 相似文献
在前期分离纯化出的10株红曲霉基础上,以18种液体培养基对10株红曲霉进行发酵培养,通过分光光度计和质谱分析仪测 定各发酵液中红曲色素和桔霉素含量,分析不同地区红曲霉的红曲色素和桔霉素的代谢特性,筛选出高产红曲色素低产桔霉素的 红曲霉菌株。 结果表明,产红曲色素最适的液体培养基配方为葡萄糖3%、蛋白胨1%,其中新疆地区红曲霉所产红曲色素量最高,为 6.81×10-2 mg/mL;新疆地区红曲霉仅在18种培养基中的面筋碱性蛋白酶水解液+葡萄糖发酵液中产生了桔霉素,而红曲霉ZBX天津 在所有培养基发酵液中均未产生桔霉素。 相似文献
地铁开挖过程中引起的地表沉降对周边建筑及道路有很大的影响,浅埋暗挖风道与主体交叉段的施工是工程中的重难点工序,为控制施工过程中地表沉降量,并对施工进行指导,做出以下研究:以长春地铁解放大路换乘工程为依托,采用FLAC-3D程序数值模拟的方法对CRD风道转入PBA工法车站主体进洞施工进行优化分析;通过对比双拱挑高进洞方案、加强环梁进洞方案与直接进洞方案在风道和主体开挖阶段地表沉降量,发现在风道开挖阶段,双拱挑高进洞方案沉降量较小,而主体开挖阶段,加强环梁进洞方案沉降量较小,得到如下结论:(1)双拱挑高进洞方案在风道开挖阶段对地表沉降控制较好;(2)加强环梁进洞方案在主体开挖阶段对地表沉降控制较好。 相似文献
本文研究纳米TiO2粒径、超声时间与功率、吐温80添加量4个因素对壳聚糖/纳米TiO2复合涂膜抗菌性能的影响;并对不同纳米TiO2添加量制备的复合膜进行扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观察和热重分析(TG)。单因素抗菌结果表明:当纳米TiO2粒径为30 nm、超声时间为50 min、超声功率为80 W、吐温80添加量为0.5%时,复合膜对金黄色葡萄球菌的抑菌效果最佳。SEM分析表明纳米TiO2均能包埋于壳聚糖载体中,但有少许团聚。TG分析表明复合膜有较好的热稳定性。 相似文献
为提升包装印刷供应商预测其来样稿件色彩再现能力的方便性与精准性,在CIE TC 8-05推荐指南及对应的色域对比指数(GCI)基础上,提出了色域差异指数(GDI)与色域相似指数(GSI)2种新的色域匹配程度表征度量。选用ICC推荐的Fogra数据集与CRPC数据集,根据目标色域所用的标准印刷参考条件与色域匹配条件,设计4组色域表征的对比实验,运用MATLAB中Convhulln函数和Venn.m函数求出两色域匹配时重叠部分体积所占各自色域总体积的比值及三维可视化所用的比例参数,对比分析所提出的2种新度量(GDI, GSI)与GCI对两色域匹配程度表征的适应性与可视化。结果表明,在两色域及多色域匹配评价中,单独从GCI值、GDI值或GSI值均很无法得到较全面的评价,只有将任意2个表征度量结合才能增强预测与评价的适应性与准确性。同时,将Venn函数应用于色域匹配程度表征的可视化图解,方便普通用户对其产品色彩再现能力的预测与理解。 相似文献
Entropy, a basic concept of measuring the amount of information and the degree of confusion, has been applied in many weighted averaging operators in the linguistic group decision making. In the paper, we construct an intuitionistic fuzzy linguistic entropy based on the intuitionistic fuzzy entropy and the intuitionistic fuzzy linguistic variable. Then, inspired by operations of concentration and dilation (De SK, Biswas R, and Roy AR, Fuzzy Sets Syst. 2000;114(3):477?484), we extend the intuitionistic fuzzy linguistic entropy to the intuitionistic fuzzy interval‐valued linguistic entropy. After that, the intuitionistic fuzzy interval‐valued linguistic entropic combined weighted averaging (IFIVLECWA) operator is proposed for multiple attribute linguistic group decision making. Finally, a numerical example about the selection of optimal alternative(s) is presented to illustrate the applicability and effectiveness of the proposed method. 相似文献
Chuanyong Jian Qian Cai Wenting Hong Jing Li Wei Liu 《Small (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany)》2018,14(13)
Molybdenum diselenide (MoSe2) is widely considered as one of the most promising catalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). However, the absence of active sites and poor conductivity of MoSe2 severely restrict its HER performance. By introducing a layer of MoO2 on Mo foil, MoSe2/MoO2 hybrid nanosheets with an abundant edge and high electrical conductivity can be synthesized on the surface of Mo foil. Metallic MoO2 can improve the charge transport efficiency of MoSe2/MoO2, thereby enhancing the overall HER performance. MoSe2/MoO2 exhibits fast hydrogen evolution kinetics with a small overpotential of 142 mV versus RHE at a current density of 10 mA cm?2 and Tafel slope of 48.9 mV dec?1. 相似文献