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Rational design of highly efficient bifunctional electrocatalysts based on 3D transition‐metal‐based materials for oxygen evolution reaction (OER) and hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) is of great importance for sustainable energy conversion processes. Herein, a novel strategy involving outer and inner structural engineering is developed for superior water splitting via in situ vertical growth of 2D amorphous FePO4 nanosheets on Ni foam (Am FePO4/NF). Careful experiments and density functional theory calculations show that the inner and outer structural engineering contributing to the synergistic effects of 2D morphology, amorphous structure, conductive substrate, and Ni?Fe mixed phosphate lead to superior electrocatalytic activity toward OER and HER. Furthermore, a two‐electrode electrolyzer assembled using Am FePO4/NF as an electrocatalyst at both electrodes gives current densities of 10 and 100 mA cm?2 at potentials of 1.54 and 1.72 V, respectively, which is comparable to the best bifunctional electrocatalyst reported in the literature. The strategies, introduced in the present work, may open new opportunities for the rational design of other 3D transition‐metal‐based electrocatalyst through an outer and inner structural control to strengthen the electrocatalytic performance.  相似文献   
With temperature increasing, the photovoltaic efficiency of solar cells is reduced significantly. Such an efficiency loss may offset the efficiency improvement because of the development of the photovoltaic technology. This paper provides a novel approach for efficiency loss recovery of solar cells. Specifically, a nano‐coated heat pipe plate was integrated with the solar panel to remove heat from the hotspots on solar cells. This study concerns the indoor experiments of a commercial solar cell thermally managed with a heat pipe plate. The temperature rise and non‐uniformity on the solar panel were quantified in different light irradiances. With thermal management by the heat pipe plate, the solar panel shows a temperature‐rise reduction of 47–50%. This implies that half of the efficiency loss of the solar cell can be recovered. In addition, the temperature variation within the solar panel is reduced to 1.0–2.5 °C, which is beneficial in prolonging the longevity of the solar cell. In the experiments, the heat pipe plate can provide a cooling flux of 380 W/m2 with light irradiance below 1000 W/m2. By incorporating the heat pipe plate with a water jacket, the heat removal flux could be improved to 600 W/m2, leading to a solar cell temperature of a few degrees higher than the ambient. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Growing evidence shows that consumer choices in real life are mostly driven by unconscious mechanisms rather than conscious. The unconscious process could be measured by behavioral measurements. This study aims to apply automatic facial expression analysis technique for consumers’ emotion representation, and explore the relationships between sensory perception and facial responses. Basic taste solutions (sourness, sweetness, bitterness, umami, and saltiness) with 6 levels plus water were used, which could cover most of the tastes found in food and drink. The other contribution of this study is to analyze the characteristics of facial expressions and correlation between facial expressions and perceptive hedonic liking for Asian consumers. Up until now, the facial expression application researches only reported for western consumers, while few related researches investigated the facial responses during food consuming for Asian consumers. Experimental results indicated that facial expressions could identify different stimuli with various concentrations and different hedonic levels. The perceived liking increased at lower concentrations and decreased at higher concentrations, while samples with medium concentrations were perceived as the most pleasant except sweetness and bitterness. High correlations were founded between perceived intensities of bitterness, umami, saltiness, and facial reactions of disgust and fear. Facial expression disgust and anger could characterize emotion “dislike,” and happiness could characterize emotion “like,” while neutral could represent “neither like nor dislike.” The identified facial expressions agree with the perceived sensory emotions elicited by basic taste solutions. The correlation analysis between hedonic levels and facial expression intensities obtained in this study are in accordance with that discussed for western consumers.  相似文献   
Sea cucumber saponins (SCSs) exhibit a wide spectrum of bioactivities, but their metabolic characteristics are not well elucidated. In this study, the metabolism of holothurin A (HA) and echinoside A (EA), 2 major saponins in sea cucumber, by gut microflora were investigated. First, we conducted an in vitro study, where in the SCSs were incubated with intestinal microflora and the metabolites were detected by high pressure liquid chromatography–high resolution mass spectrometry. We also conducted an in vivo study on rats, where in the intestinal contents, serum, urine, and feces were collected and evaluated after oral administration of SCSs. In the in vitro study, we identified 6 deglycosylated metabolites of HA and EA, assigned M1‐M6. In the in vivo study, we found all the deglycosylated metabolites in the intestinal contents after oral administration, and both the metabolites and their prototype components could be absorbed. Four metabolites were identified in the serum, 6 in the urine, and 4 in the feces. The saponins with different structures showed different absorption characteristics in rats. According to our results, deglycosylation is the main intestinal microflora‐mediated metabolic pathway for SCSs, and both the SCSs and deglycosylated metabolites can be absorbed by intestine. This study improves the understanding of the metabolism of HA and EA by gut flora, which will be useful for further analysis of the bioactivity mechanism of SCSs.  相似文献   
弧形切口处横隔板母材开裂是正交异性桥面板钢箱梁常见的疲劳病害。因研究方法的局限性,对其疲劳机理尚缺乏公认的认识。对此,考察并给出了两个背景工程的横隔板疲劳裂纹特征;针对无裂纹横隔板,进行了现场多种纵横向移动布载工况的轮载试验及相应的FEA计算,给出了结果及其规律。研究表明:①横隔板母材开裂常出现在远离U肋的上起弧点附近;开裂后,裂纹两侧的横隔板常有平面外的错动;②远离U肋的上起弧点附近横隔板的轮载应力始终为压应力,且应力绝对值最大;与U肋交界附近横隔板的轮载应力始终为拉应力,应力值次之;③横隔板平面外弯曲变形引起的应力相对膜应力很小,特别是弧形切口周边的潜在起裂处,两表面应力差几乎为0;④横隔板母材起裂处的压应力方向与裂纹方向几乎垂直;⑤顶板厚16mm、U肋厚10mm的背景工程,紧邻横隔板的U肋轮载应力不超过22MPa,应力幅小,几乎无疲劳开裂风险;⑥弧形切口周边轮载应力的最不利纵向加载位置为纵向距该横隔板约1倍的U肋间距;稍远处轮载应力的最不利纵向加载位置为其正上方。  相似文献   
基于三维激光扫描技术的路面断板深度检测   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
曹霆  王卫星  杨楠  高婷  王峰萍 《红外与激光工程》2017,46(2):206006-0206006(6)
针对传统的路面检测方法无法直接获得路面的深度信息,设计了一种基于三维激光扫描技术的路面断板深度检测方法。该方法首先通过三维激光扫描仪得到路面点云数据,其次将路面断板数据沿水平方向分为若干切片,然后对每一断板切片上下平面分别进行拟合,最终根据上下平面之间的距离确定断板的深度。根据实际工程需要,提出了一种基于动态阈值的平面拟合迭代算法,不仅可以有效地识别并去除断板点云数据中的无效点,而且可以在点云数据三个方向都存在误差的情况下实现平面计算。实验结果表明,该方法不仅能得到整个路面断板的深度信息,还能反映出断板深度沿水平方向的变化趋势。  相似文献   
设计了一种基于柔性铰链结构的光纤光栅加速度传感器,进行了结构理论分析,并构建有限元模型仿真分析了传感器的加速度传感特性。基于F-P滤波器构建了具有温度自补偿功能的光纤光栅加速度检测系统,并通过增加反馈控制电路,对F-P滤波器进行反馈控制,实现了系统的零点自温度补偿。对系统的特性进行了实验测试,结果表明:系统对加速度的连续激励信号和冲击激励信号均有良好的动态响应,系统的固有频率为380.0 Hz,动态响应范围可达65.6 dB,频率响应范围为10.0 ~240.0 Hz,灵敏度为236 pm/g,所设计的加速度传感器具有较强的横向抗扰能力,干扰方向灵敏度仅为工作方向灵敏度的3.5%。  相似文献   
LiV3O8 nanorods with controlled size are successfully synthesized using a nonionic triblock surfactant Pluronic‐F127 as the structure directing agent. X‐ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy techniques are used to characterize the samples. It is observed that the nanorods with a length of 4–8 µm and diameter of 0.5–1.0 µm distribute uniformly. The resultant LiV3O8 nanorods show much better performance as cathode materials in lithium‐ion batteries than normal LiV3O8 nanoparticles, which is associated with the their unique micro–nano‐like structure that can not only facilitate fast lithium ion transport, but also withstand erosion from electrolytes. The high discharge capacity (292.0 mAh g?1 at 100 mA g?1), high rate capability (138.4 mAh g?1 at 6.4 A g?1), and long lifespan (capacity retention of 80.5% after 500 cycles) suggest the potential use of LiV3O8 nanorods as alternative cathode materials for high‐power and long‐life lithium ion batteries. In particular, the synthetic strategy may open new routes toward the facile fabrication of nanostructured vanadium‐based compounds for energy storage applications.  相似文献   
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