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A short- and long-term toxicity study with α-hexachlorocyclohexane (α-HCH) was carried out with freshwater organisms of different trophic levels (algae, crustaceae and fishes). In this study mortality, immobilization, growth, reproduction, histopathologic changes and enzyme activities were chosen as criteria.Furthermore accumulation and elimination processes were investigated in separate organisms as well as the uptake of α-HCH by one organism and through a food-chain.Finally a tentative method for deriving an “ecological limit” for χ-HCH in surface water is described.  相似文献   
A matrix method for the analysis of structural systems composed of thin-walled members is presented. The matrix displacement analysis includes the effects of thin-walled non-uniform torsion theory, cross-section asymmetry, eccentric restraint as well as joint types peculiar to thin-walled members. The method is used for a prediction of the elastic behaviour of a set of representative test frames. The test frames were pitched-roof portals constructed from channel sections bent about their major-axis and supported by eccentric restraints simulating purlins and girts.  相似文献   
通过简单的实例,介绍了Excel在建筑工程造价中的多种应用,简化了大量繁琐的重复的计算。  相似文献   
Migration data collected for periods of differing lengths will yield inconsistent population forecasts, inconsistent multiregional life tables, and alternative interpretations of mobility levels and migration patterns. In this paper, examples are first given to illustrate the effects of migration interval choice on demographic variables. The moverstayer model and its generalizations are discussed in their role as models useful in achieving consistency. It is argued that in addition to theievel of mobility, the geographic pattern of migration flows is also affected by the choice of interval width.  相似文献   
This paper examines adjustments of the urban planning process to the post-communist context in the case of Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. The main research question is whether master-planning processes have substantially changed from top-down and technocratic (as they certainly were in fascist and then communist Bulgaria) to open and participatory today. The paper tells the story of four master plans—one pre-communist, two communist, and one post-communist. It concludes that despite the increased capacity of the citizenry to both influence and challenge government planning and decision-making, there is little evidence of sharp discontinuity between past and present planning processes.  相似文献   
Acid sulfate soils having a pH of less than 3.5 are widespread in Malaysia. Some of these soils are planted to cocoa, but the yield is reported to be low due to soil infertility related to Al toxicity. Cocoa growth is sensitive to the presence of Al in the soil. To a certain extent, Al toxicity in soils can be reduced by organic matter application and to a greater extent in iron-poor acid sulfate soil. A study was conducted to determine the efficacy of various types of organic materials easily available in the country to ameliorate acid sulfate soil infertility for growing cocoa seedlings. The treatments were control (nil), lime (3 t/ha), peat (10% w/w), peat plus green manure (10% w/w), peat plus rice straw (10% w/w), peat plus chicken dung (10% w/w) and peat plus POMS (Palm oil mill sludge) (10% w/w). The growth of cocoa seedlings was affected significantly by the presence of Al in the cocoa tissues. As the amount of Al in the leaves increased, the relative top dry weight of cocoa seedlings decreased. Likewise, the relative plant height was negatively correlated with Al in the leaves. Peat as well as peat in combination with green manure, rice straw, chicken dung or palm oil mill sludge was able to reduce Al toxicity in acid sulfate soil; the highest top dry weight of cocoa seedlings were obtained in the peat plus green manure treatment. The best cocoa seedlings root growth was found for the peat treatment alone. The relative top dry weight of cocoa seedlings was negatively correlated with Al(3+) as well as Al(3+)+Al(OH)(2+)+Al(OH)(2)(+) activity in the soil solution. The critical values for Al(3+) and the combination of Al(3+)+Al(OH)(2+)+Al(OH)(2)(+) activity in the soil solution were 10 microM and 15 microM, respectively.  相似文献   
Conclusions 1. The scheme that we developed is efficient and ensures thawing over a period of 40–45 days. 2. To accelerate thawing by 8–10 days when using two electric heaters in each hole, it is necessary to raise the heaters by 3–4 m after 25 days and continue thawing. 3. An 8–10-day reduction in the thaw time is also possible by using three 1.25-kW electric heaters in each hole in place of two heaters of the same capacity, installing them at depths of 20, 14, and 8 m from the surface. Taking the results of the experimental work account, the State Institute for Special Design developed a plan for the production preconstruction thawing of soils over a area of 12,380 m2. The volume of soil thawed was 324,400 m3. Translated from Osnovaniya, Fundamenty i Mekhanika Gruntov, No. 3, pp. 7–8. May–June, 1982.  相似文献   
温育琳 《山西建筑》2002,28(10):19-20
论述了一个具体的地基处理及基础加固实例。指出在处理此问题时,首先要搞清引起结构破坏的主要原因,然后据此采取设计及施工措施,才能使加固成功。  相似文献   
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